Topic: OH...MY...GOD  (Read 3051 times)

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Clark Kent

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« on: December 08, 2003, 08:32:22 pm »
I'm watching the Battlestar Galactica mini series right now, and it's not even a half hour into it, and there have been three sex scenes already.  I have never been one to believe in gratuitous nudity and/or sex, however, this series has already changed that.  A bit dissapointing.  It's like watching soft core porn- the plot is getting in the way of all the sex.


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Re: OH...MY...GOD
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2003, 09:55:52 pm »
m not suprise, i read some stuff about it and there imitation of voyager with 6 of 9 in bsg, very bad the got a good serie and turn it bad alll the way


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Re: OH...MY...GOD
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2003, 09:59:32 pm »
should have read david ferrell's post.

the new bsg is baloney.


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Re: OH...MY...GOD
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2003, 10:17:14 pm »
honestly, i think it will be turned down in the future episodes.

Personally, i think that they should not have made Starbuck female. I can see Boomer as female, but not Starbuck.

I love how they handle the psychological effect of the attack, very heart wrenching, and personally i sympathized a great deal

Clark Kent

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Re: OH...MY...GOD
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2003, 05:50:00 am »
I dunno, the first part of any story is about introducing the reader/viewer to either the characters, plot, or both.  All they reall did through most of the first part was show you sex and T&A.  That sets the viewers up for shallow and meaningless story.  Moreover, they even said in the previews on commercials that that wasd one of their priorities- to cover a sexuality of the "I got your back" type of thing.
Making boomer a girl, yeah, well sadly, boomer was just a token character anyway.


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Re: OH...MY...GOD
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2003, 08:07:58 am »
Yeah, I thought they could have toned it down somewhat myself.  I know they wanted to do a more "grown up" version of the show, but sexual situations don't necessrily do the job. However, I do think they are accomplishing their goal of making a "dark" (yeah, overused term) show. The murder of the infant was for me the most powerful scene so far in the series and says so much more than even the destruction of Caprica.

In all, I'm witholding final judgement until the miniseries is shown in its entirety.


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Re: OH...MY...GOD
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2003, 11:14:50 am »
W odpowiedzi na:

should have read david ferrell's post.

the new bsg is baloney.  

Hmmm Me thinks you follow sicilian salomey  
« Last Edit: December 10, 2003, 01:44:48 am by jimkirk »


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Re: OH...MY...GOD
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2003, 02:51:12 pm »
Is it too much to hope that StarBuck gets killed early in the series?She reminds me of the lead singer of the dixie chicks after an all night drug bender.I don't know if it's the script or her lack of acting ability but,her acting is way over the top and the way they try to portray how tough she is is quit laughable.the onlything that made me sorry about Caprica being nuked was that starbuck wasn't there.AHHH i needed to vent that.the special effects were ok though they reminded me a lot of Space above and Beyond and that was almost ten years ago.I'll have to wait before i condem the show it does seem like it could have potential.Just please kill starbuck off or at the very least get her new writers a makeover and some acting lessons.


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Re: OH...MY...GOD
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2003, 03:39:22 pm »
Well I started to watch the show lastnight but after being up for 26 hours I must have dozed off after the first commercial.

From what I have seen in previews and acticles about the show it should be intresting as a Sci-fi type show. It will not be the BattleStar Gallitica that we all know and love. It might be something close to it but that is about all.

As for Space Above and Beyond, I really wish they would bring that show back. Or am I the only person that seems to miss it?  


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Re: OH...MY...GOD
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2003, 05:30:49 pm »

I'm watching the Battlestar Galactica mini series right now, and it's not even a half hour into it, and there have been three sex scenes already.  I have never been one to believe in gratuitous nudity and/or sex, however, this series has already changed that.  A bit dissapointing.  It's like watching soft core porn- the plot is getting in the way of all the sex.
CK sex scene and two precursors....which, BTW, was pretty much the end of that for the rest of the first episode, I think...

Anyway...I think this is an exaggeration, but (of course) everyone is entitled to their opinion.  


Clark Kent

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Re: OH...MY...GOD
« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2003, 09:03:10 pm »

Is it too much to hope that StarBuck gets killed early in the series?

No, it's not.  After all, didn't starbuck get killed off in the original series?

Captain Ron

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Re: OH...MY...GOD
« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2003, 09:43:37 pm »
He got killed or actually left behind on a planet in the 1980 series they did that also lasted one season, mostly because it was written worse than the Buck Rogers Series of about the same year.


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Re: OH...MY...GOD
« Reply #12 on: December 09, 2003, 10:11:02 pm »

was that BOOMER as a Cylong Agent?!?!?!?!

This is down the tubes
I had faith, but it's shot now.


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Re: OH...MY...GOD
« Reply #13 on: December 09, 2003, 11:55:58 pm »
When can we find someone who isn't out to ruin old classic scifi? Why couldn't they re-do Buck Rogers so no one would care?
Humans created Cylons,wtf????????
A female Cylon who looks human............these guys must have been the ones who bought two tickets to "terminator 3" before writing that in  , very original.
Not enough Cylon foot-soldier action,Cylon voices......"by your command" sounds stupid coming from the artificial humans.
The whole gender bender thing...WHY???
My biggest Ann Lockhart.
Best point so sign of that robot-dog-thing  (Muffy?)

I'll watch it all before the final verdict but so far I'm not impressed.  


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Re: OH...MY...GOD
« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2003, 01:41:47 am »
I think tonight the show was a little better,but i must agree that it's not reallty BSG.They would have been better off just haveing the show as a stand alone indepentent show with none of the BSG references.With the above complaints and many more i think there is one thing the show does well and that is show the tragic loss of life it is kinda moving at some points.when was the last time you watched the original and were moved to any sort of emotion other than won that cylon blew up good?If they bring back that #$%^^$^% robot dog not only will i hurl I'll go and find the writers and make them wish they were never born.that moffet crap was played out in the 70's i was insulted to see that crap when i was 8yo.Boomers is kinda cute though at least more attractive than the original one


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Re: OH...MY...GOD
« Reply #15 on: December 10, 2003, 02:24:53 am »
soeaking of which, how much stuff did they blow up?


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Re: OH...MY...GOD
« Reply #16 on: December 10, 2003, 08:11:59 am »
Watched it and liked it. I was able to seperate the original BSG from what this was. Apperently Glen Larson was involved to some degree he was listed as a consulting producer. As far as the Sex stuff goes, If sensorship had not been so wacky back in the seventies we might have gotten a little more of that anyway. One of the main characters was a "socialator".....  Scene with Cassiopia and Starbuck in the launch tube..

I thought the whole "gender Bender" thing was done as well as one could trying to mix up the characters and have reasons for them to act as they did. Most had alot more personality in this show. They all showed that they had human problems and frailalties. Alcoholism. Anti paternal sentiment. War mentality. Arrogance and insanity.

Over all i thought the effects were sone well. For a show like this. There was consistancy with some amount of actual science. Reaction control thusters on fighters, and directional velocity. It showed that they were trying to make some of the stuff believable. I thought it was cool when Apollo turned his ship around and blasted the missle that was chasing him. Seemed to happen more than a few times that a ship flipped over to fire at some one or thing chasing it.



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Re: OH...MY...GOD
« Reply #17 on: December 10, 2003, 08:31:57 am »

Pet-peeves: Humans created Cylons,wtf????????
A female Cylon who looks human............these guys must have been the ones who bought two tickets to "terminator 3" before writing that in  , very original.
Not enough Cylon foot-soldier action,Cylon voices......"by your command" sounds stupid coming from the artificial humans.
The whole gender bender thing...WHY???
My biggest Ann Lockhart.
Best point so sign of that robot-dog-thing  (Muffy?)

All excellent points! Boomer is pretty hot, but Starbuck is just flat out irritating. "Tough women" in movies is getting a little silly. I liked Ellen Ripley (Alien) & Sarah Conner (Terminator) beacause they fought for a purpose, and not to grandstand. They were women, but when it was time to put up or shut up, they put up big time. These women they have now are quite annoying, and I consider them very cheap immitations of the originals. I beleive the robot-dog-thing was called a daggitt.  


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Re: OH...MY...GOD
« Reply #18 on: December 10, 2003, 06:22:01 pm »
I can only say this(after watching it):
BAD Galactica...But AWESOME SciFi  

Clark Kent

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Re: OH...MY...GOD
« Reply #19 on: December 10, 2003, 07:45:15 pm »
I've said it before, and I'll say it again- sex in the beginning points of a story is a bad idea.  Sex is such an underlying theme in this series that it becomes as laughable as the bad plots and dialogue of the old series.  No offense to the old series, it did cowtow to emotions far too much, but the concept was unbelievably amazing.  That's what kept me watching through the pilot and the episodes I've seen.  Great ideas, great stories, poorly put forth, but not so bad as to take away from the series enough that I wouldn't keep going back to it.  Kinda like TOS Star Trek.
If sex was so blazingly opbvious as the theme in the old BSG, I would have hated it too.  Don't get me wrong, I know sex sells, and I enjoy my share of cleavage shots and hot chicks in a show, and the occasional indulgance a little farther, but I watch a show for plot, and a good concept, and sex doesn't meet these in the line of a story.


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Re: OH...MY...GOD
« Reply #20 on: December 10, 2003, 08:34:04 pm »
Why does everyone keep attacking this New BSG show as having too much SEX???  Their was barely one scene in the whole mini series that involved sex and that was in the very beginnining and it seems that the scene actually plays a huge role in the whole story..  Ya, their was some forplay and a little kissing between characters, but this was extremely superficial.  Don't you guys remember that god awful show called LEXX on the Sifi channel?  Now that was a show that was practically trying to become a porno.  When I heard the negative reveiws about the New BSG trying to do the same thing, I thought "oh [bleep], here we go again!' and thought it was going to be another LEXX.  Thank god when I watched the show that it was much higher then my expectations.  As a matter of fact, after reading all the negative articles online I'm wondering if the guys writting the articles where watching the same movie as I.  I was very impressed by the new BSG.  I hadn't been that entertained in a Sifi flick like that since the Babylon 5 series.


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Re: OH...MY...GOD
« Reply #21 on: December 11, 2003, 02:35:24 am »
God daggit i think every boy from my generation has been blocking that name out of our heads for years.Yeah also good points about the 'tough women" thing.I have no problems with a srong women charecter i just think most writers take the easy way out and just write them as poor charectures of men insted of women that are capable or strong.I was asleep today was the show better?did that dog show up? lol


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Re: OH...MY...GOD
« Reply #22 on: December 11, 2003, 09:52:45 am »

Why does everyone keep attacking this New BSG show as having too much SEX???  Their was barely one scene in the whole mini series that involved sex and that was in the very beginnining and it seems that the scene actually plays a huge role in the whole story..  Ya, their was some forplay and a little kissing between characters, but this was extremely superficial.  Don't you guys remember that god awful show called LEXX on the Sifi channel?  Now that was a show that was practically trying to become a porno.  When I heard the negative reveiws about the New BSG trying to do the same thing, I thought "oh [bleep], here we go again!' and thought it was going to be another LEXX.  Thank god when I watched the show that it was much higher then my expectations.  As a matter of fact, after reading all the negative articles online I'm wondering if the guys writting the articles where watching the same movie as I.  I was very impressed by the new BSG.  I hadn't been that entertained in a Sifi flick like that since the Babylon 5 series.  

I wholeheartedly agree with the above. I had hesitated writing anything without first sitting down and seeing all of the installemnets which, due to my hectic class schedule, I have only just done. I have no  issues with all the sex in the first episode because it was vital to show where Baltar was coming from...I also have had zero issues with Starbuck being female...It only adds to the tension between her and Apollo and that tension was clearly seen towrds the moddle of the third episode when it is doscovered that he did indeed survive...But I did have an issue with Boomer and the CPO being romantically involved in that it violates every single non-fraternization rule that I have ever seen in my days in the service. But more importantly we see a more grim and realistic universe, quite nicely depicted when the civilian fleet is spotted and the President decides that all FTL capapable ships should jump, leaving the non-FTL ships behind to be massacred.

Special FX wise this incarnation was simply breathtaking! The laws of physics are finally being obeyed, the Vipers have thrusters on the nose and wingtips (atta boy and girl FX crew-SOMEBODY did their homework) and the guns on the galactica behave well. I also enjoyed the Cylons and their upgraded look...and i will stop there because towrds the end of the third episode there is a surprise. But also at the very end we see the renegade fleet and battlestar in the fashion we have come to know and looks like they resurrected some of the old models from the original series and added them, kind of like a nod to the old series.

Whew, a longer than usual post

Semper Fi, Carry On


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Re: OH...MY...GOD
« Reply #23 on: December 11, 2003, 01:00:28 pm »
Let me start this possible long post by saying this. I liked it enough to keep me watching it for awhile if it becomes a regular series. I just wish they would have played it smart and madde the Mini-series at least a 3 parter. To allow for more character and general history developement. (which I will explain latter on in the posting). The only other issue I have with the show is the hard hitting way they brought things to your attention. There method was like taking a sledge hammer to nail a picture frame to the wall, in some cases its needed in others its not aways called for.

As for Starbuck and or Boomer being female, I do not have any issues with it. I just wish she had more character developement or history info which could have been fixed with another 2 hour installment. Instead  they forced her attitude style by forciing an issue with the XO. I think with more time this character will have some good potential.

Boomer & the Lead Flight Deck Officer, their relationship would have been better handled in a flash back scene. This is another area they forced an issue on you hard and fast to get the point to stick. I do not know about you but having a romp like they did after a flight would not be viewed well with the ships captain. When I saw this on the show at first I thought Adama (sp?) was an old school iron horse ship captain. But to me that little scene did more damage to the way the ships crew hold their respect to their ships captain.

40 years after the first Cylon War really needed more developement. So are we to take the original Tv show as that first Cylon War? Is the Galatica that same original one that has under gone a refit? What do the new Battle Stars look like ? Why is there no record of the first Galatica and the rag-tag fleet heading for Earth 40 years ago? Or is that group the legendary 13 colony?  Anyways you see where I am going.

As for realism, man I do not think you could get an closer to real life. A wide based Cylon first strike with no concern of loss of life. Utter Genocide of the human race combative or otherwise there is no distiction which is about time a show pushes this issue.  The whole #6 scene with Baltar at his house right before the first strike, simply Awesome! and it can be  summed up with this line 'get down". Humanities childern are coming home.

Over all its a good Mini-series, I just wish they would have opted for another 2 hour slot to allow for more developement.  


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Re: OH...MY...GOD
« Reply #24 on: December 11, 2003, 02:14:24 pm »
what 3rd part as the following say, ithought it was a 2 part movie? did i miss one?

 But also at the very end we see the renegade fleet and battlestar in the fashion we have come to know and looks like they resurrected some of the old models from the original series and added them, kind of like a nod to the old series.


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Re: OH...MY...GOD
« Reply #25 on: December 11, 2003, 02:31:23 pm »
This show was terrible.

1.)  Pacing of the whole show was so slow and boring it was hard to get any feeling for the characters.  There was the scene with Baltar getting a "hand" from #6 in his mind and then getting caught by the crewman.  Funniest scene in the whole show.  Couldn't remember it 30 minutes later because of how numb my mind was with the pace of the show.

2.)  A lot of people have commented on how great it was to see emotion and huma disfunctions on the show.  If you call what was seen on this show a good representation of human emotion you've been watching too many episodes of Friends or some other rot.  These people walked around like they were on thorazine and viagra.  They were either stonefaced or kissing / grabbing somebody.  I mean, come on, the scene with the black girl just walking up and kissing that guy in the passage way?  I understand that she might have been happy to be alive but there wasn't a whole lot of interaction between the two before that so the whole thing was really out of place.  Baltar's snivelling manner was about the only thing close to good characterization.  As for queen B Starbuck (you know which B word I mean).  Here we have the typical Hollywood "bigger set than any man" character.  Well, guess what, I have met women who would make little miss bad ass go home crying for her mommy.  These women don't need the B attitude.  They've earned the respect of the men that they deal with.  You want a couple of good examples of strong women in a military setting?  One:  Ripley is a great example of type 1.  Human fears but when it comes time to get the job done, she'll get it done.  Two (using Aliens again):  Remember Torres?  The latino woman in the marine squad.  Do you think any man in that unit would mess with her?  I don't.  She wasn't a queen B, she just knew she was better than them and didn't have to prove it.

3.)  Military life as represented on this show.  Yeah right!  Having served 6 years on an aircraft carrier what I saw represented here was a true joke.  Discipline, not!  Tactics, not!  How long did the cold war last?  We still trained like we were going to fight.  How could any non-cleared person get access to the main defense computers?  I don't care who she was with.  I remember the background check that was done on me for my clearance, which wasn't even Top Secret.  For high clearances, they go back to day 1 folks.  They do 1 on 1 interviews with people to confirm what the "records" say.  #6 wouldn't have passed.

4.)  I will admit that the vehicles themselves were ok.  The realistic flight was a nice thing to see but, how come the colonials didn't have missles too?  Real simple, effective weapon.  Why wasn't the Galactica hitting the BaseStar ships with missles of her own?  Why didn't the two BaseStars coordinate their fire?  Why did the Cylons attack only along one vector?  

5.)  You want to know why there were human looking Cylons?  The director said it himself, to save production problems and lets not forget that it gives the directer a set of boobs to show off.

In closing, let me say, I thank God that B5 is out on video/dvd.  At least I can see good sci fi writing there.

P.S.  Of course this was going to become a series.  They spent too much money making it not to do the series.




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Re: OH...MY...GOD
« Reply #26 on: December 11, 2003, 03:00:57 pm »

In closing, let me say, I thank God that B5 is out on video/dvd.  At least I can see good sci fi writing there.

P.S.  Of course this was going to become a series.  They spent too much money making it not to do the series.


Well the good news Farscape is now shooting a 4 hour Mini-series with out a buyer for the show.  Besides I saved a ton of money by switching to Geico.

I still have Mixed fealings about the show. I would like to compair it to a well known line of movies of the "Highlander" series. Atleast they did not come from the planet Ziest! It was a good attempt but  the overall developement of the story was to bland. For the most part this Battle Star Galatica has similarities to Robotech. One lone Battleship and a large civilain population attached to it (70,000 instead of the 50K in the show). But before I go any futher the original BSG came out a good 3 years (atleast) before Robotech.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by ancientangel »


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Re: OH...MY...GOD
« Reply #27 on: December 11, 2003, 04:13:11 pm »
W odpowiedzi na:

 ... When I heard the negative reveiws about the New BSG trying to do the same thing, I thought "oh [bleep], here we go again!' and thought it was going to be another LEXX.  Thank god when I watched the show that it was much higher then my expectations. (...)  

What's wrong with the LEXX series in your opinion??? I remember I've enjoyed a couple of seasons like Stargate series  


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Re: OH...MY...GOD
« Reply #28 on: December 11, 2003, 09:47:58 pm »
Well, if you liked LEXX, then you have much different tastes in shows then I.  

I do agree with a few of the points that Starwolf had pointed out (ex. more cordinated attack/defense, Colonials using missiles, Starbuck should be acting more like Vasquez on Aliens then a Queen B, etc) but these are minor flaws that can be corrected if someone tells the creators for the series.  I'm just saying the show was A LOT better then what I was expecting and I expect a lot out of shows as I get older.