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Quote:Where's her brother?~Ann
Quote:Your standards must be higher than the average human male, then.
Quote:Nothing wrong with MILF's laddy.
Quote:Quote:Nothing wrong with MILF's laddy. Man where starting to show our age. Can we say MILF? I'm not sure.Stephen
Quote:Okay, I don't want ANYMORE spam.
Quote:Quote:Okay, I don't want ANYMORE spam. How about "Imitation potted meat food product substitute" then?
Quote:Guy's I think Hastapth was on Earlier. Spam spam spam spam...
Quote:Quote:Guy's I think Hastapth was on Earlier. Spam spam spam spam... Gambler: Wow, the things you can buy on eBay these days...Rat_Boy: Whooaaa! What is she doing with that mortgage?! Look at those incredible... vast... tracks of land.Gambler: Better post this at the Taldren Forum!Admin_Ann: Morning!Gambler: Morning!Sethan: Well, what've we got today, Ann?Admin_Ann: Well, there's hot and spicy; cool and refreshing; OT and spam; OT dynaverse and spam; OT dynaverse fan fic and spam; spam dynaverse fan fic and spam; spam OT spam spam dynaverse and spam; spam OT spam spam dynaverse spam models and spam;Vikings: Spam spam spam spam...Admin_Ann: ...spam spam spam OT and spam; spam spam spam spam spam spam black 9 spam spam spam...Vikings: Spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam!Admin_Ann: ...or we've got a nice set of posts regarding J'inn driving into a large rock after excessively billing someone for damages to his casino which involves a rolling pin wielding person named Kim, several Kzinti, a live chicken, a jar of peach preserves and spam.Gambler: Have you got anything without spam?Admin_Ann: Well, there's spam OT dynaverse and spam, that's not got much spam in it.Gambler: I don't want ANY spam!Sethan: Why can't Gambler have OT dynaverse spam and fan fic?Gambler: THAT'S got spam in it!Sethan: Hasn't got as much spam in it as spam OT dynaverse and spam, has it?Vikings: Spam spam spam spam... (Crescendo through next few lines...)Gambler: Could you do the OT dynaverse spam and fan fic without the spam then?Admin_Ann: Urgghh!Gambler: What do you mean 'Urgghh'? I don't like spam!Vikings: Lovely spam! Wonderful spam!Admin_Ann: Shut up!Vikings: Lovely spam! Wonderful spam!Admin_Ann: Shut up! (Vikings stop) Bloody Vikings! You can't have OT dynaverse spam and fan fic without the spam.Gambler: I don't like spam!Sethan: Sshh, come on Gambler, don't cause a fuss. I'll have your spam. I love it. I'm having spam spam spam spam spam spam spam black 9 spam spam spam and spam!Vikings: Spam spam spam spam. Lovely spam! Wonderful spam!Admin_Ann: Shut up!! Spam with black 9 is off.Sethan: Well could I have Gambler's spam instead of the black 9 spam then?Admin_Ann: You mean spam spam spam spam spam spam... (the Vikings drown the rest of her words with singing)Vikings: Spam spam spam spam. Lovely spam! Wonderful spam! Spam spa-a-a-a-a-am spam spa-a-a-a-a-am spam. Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Spam spam spam spam!
Quote:Wow! I am honored! I've made one of Hstaphath's posts!
Quote:Its only a model!