There's a page here: goes through and examines the differeing D7/Ktinga/whatever type of Klingon cruisers seen in Trek (ie canon) and how they have changed in colour/detail. Also points out the contradictions etc in the History of this class of ship
Basically i've taken my insperation from the Star Trek Motion Picture D7 with the wing details from the Ktinga. The Brel/Drel were originally supposed to be Romulan ships, but they thought the Romulans weren't 'dynamic' enough blah blah blah. So, the green off of these are, imho, Romulan in origin. Later on in TNG more of there ships were greener, again a Romulan influence? Also, all the TOS stuff we see they are always a pale grey, and being a TMP based ship I've gone for a shot in the middle.
As far as the coloured details on the wings, I believe the only D7 in TMP era to have these was Kronos 1, kinda like the Klingon Air Force One I presume. You don't see the US president flying with United Airlines or anything, he gets a special paint job so why not the Klingon Chancellor
Also, the above link has an interesting bit:-
From a bit talking about "Trials and Tribble-ations" from DS9, "Note that while the colour scheme is somewhat greener than the TOS model this ship has the same clean hull, with the exception of a feather pattern scored into the dorsal engineering hull. The fact that this pattern is actually built into the hull, rather than being painted on, could be taken to indicate that this ship is of a different class than the TOS model, except for one thing - during TOS we never saw a shot of the top of any Klingon ship!"
Anyway, I like my Klinks in grey (my installed Bop models are toned down from the green to a more grey/green
) and I think it suits the era better, a militaristic cash strapped empire probably doesn't worry how pretty their ships look when they're blowing the enemies ships out of the stars
rant over