Oh I admit that is true. I thoroughly enjoyed what DS9 did and it did help keep interest in the series piqued. I still miss it as much as TNG. Certain slide ins as you call them were necessary. How humanity handled war and the chaos, tradgedy and dubious ethics war brings in the 24th century. Within the Federation itself it is good to see humanity getting along, striving to better itself. During such outside circumstances ie the Dominion War or Voyager lost in the Delta Quadrant, then it is much easier, and more appropriate to bring in such aspect. Still I was focusing more on other aspects, I always had trouble with Generations, it just felt wrong. They would have been better making the series finale for Star Trek: The Next Generations, "All Good Things..." into a movie. While I loved it during my teen years it ended very appropriatly with a real thinking episode that made one have to think outside the box.
Plus there have been a few discontinuities popping up with Enterprise. I do actually like the show but it is still somewhat hard to see with the tech difference btwn it and the original trek, (I can still put that out of my mind but it is when discontinuities pop up that I do not like). Unless somewhat for the upcoming TOS on DVD will massively upgrade the special effects. Just it is hard to back into the past there. TO bad they did not try an Excelsior series or even an Enterprise-B series with Chechov as Captain. Seems that I wonder sometimes about Berman's decisions, I admit at if he did not want the Dominion war, how he ended Kirk's life etc. Though he helped to bring in some good stuff too., he created DS9 and Voyager to begin with. I do wish though he had taken in Shatner's books as canon for example. Plus what was done with the SFC games, surely something could have been done, though I still hope one day for SFC 4. . I guess I am of mixed thoughts here, maybe it is still to early

I still need to see the movie Nemisis, I did not see it in theatre on priniple, along with other movies now I can buy a dvd for the same if not slightly more to enjoy at my lesiure as it costs for my wife and myself to go to the movies. Anyway we will see I hope that he does well and Star Trek continues to "live long and prosper."