Topic: Been thinking about that Fed SCS mini...  (Read 6767 times)

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Been thinking about that Fed SCS mini...
« on: December 05, 2003, 09:23:34 pm »
Lets say you loose the dish, maybe temporarily, and cut the deflector into the secondary hull.  The dish can still be placed within the cutout if that is desired.

Then lose the scrawny neck and take an excelsior style neck and drop it in it's place.  Tweak the dimensions a bit so it fits.

Grab the welders and some plating to fill in the holes left behind when the saucer gets moved up a bit.

This is just a quickie job I whipped up after dinner but you get the idea of where this could go.




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Re: Been thinking about that Fed SCS mini...
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2003, 09:35:07 pm »
I like this experiment!

Please continue.


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Re: Been thinking about that Fed SCS mini...
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2003, 09:57:35 pm »
Amazing what folks can do after dinner...   Very nice!  

Lord Schtupp

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Re: Been thinking about that Fed SCS mini...
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2003, 10:00:00 pm »
Yep: I had done a little pondering myself on that so here we go!

This carrier is DN size, so this calls for 24 ftr capability or 12 ftrs and six double-size assault shuttles (Project Tadpole) with larger bays. So how about 2 rows of shuttle bays; the lower row could be 12 (six per side) ftr bays or 6 (3/side) assault size bays and 12 ftr bays on the top row. Use your excellent Concordence DN ( )  primary hull.  Also make secondary hull a little longer.

My warp field/thrust line calculations indicate that greater warp field efficiency would be attained if the warp pylons were flipped over and warp propusion units raised, taking care to not block shuttle bay access naturally....

Mien zwei pfinnig....

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Lord Schtupp »

Lord Schtupp

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Re: Been thinking about that Fed SCS mini...
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2003, 01:01:50 am »
I stand corrected:

According to Chris Jones TOS/SFB shiplst.txt file which is the closest to SFB SSD specs, the CVA carries 16 ftrs, not 24. So adjust my numbers accordingly...

I think the double row of bays would work well because of the "neck" part would look shorter visually. Raising the outboard warps as above  plus center warp needs to come down a bitsy will make it looks way sleek that will say just two words: FLEET CARRIER. Yea baby yea!    

Whad'ya think? Another country-western song in the making I'll warrant....

« Last Edit: December 06, 2003, 01:05:11 am by Lord Schtupp »

Bernard Guignard

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Re: Been thinking about that Fed SCS mini...
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2003, 05:44:47 am »
   Very nice it Rocks and will be a great addition to the fleet once you complete it. Keep up the fantastic work Thanks so very much sharing this idea with us.


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Re: Been thinking about that Fed SCS mini...
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2003, 06:32:07 am »

This carrier is DN size, so this calls for 24 ftr capability or 12 ftrs and six double-size assault shuttles (Project Tadpole) with larger bays. So how about 2 rows of shuttle bays; the lower row could be 12 (six per side) ftr bays or 6 (3/side) assault size bays and 12 ftr bays on the top row. Use your excellent Concordence DN ( )  primary hull.  Also make secondary hull a little longer.

My warp field/thrust line calculations indicate that greater warp field efficiency would be attained if the warp pylons were flipped over and warp propusion units raised, taking care to not block shuttle bay access naturally...


I stand corrected:

According to Chris Jones TOS/SFB shiplst.txt file which is the closest to SFB SSD specs, the CVA carries 16 ftrs, not 24. So adjust my numbers accordingly...

I think the double row of bays would work well because of the "neck" part would look shorter visually. Raising the outboard warps as above  plus center warp needs to come down a bitsy will make it looks way sleek that will say just two words: FLEET CARRIER.

Ok, just wanted to throw out some reference material so everything is clear;

In SFB, the CVA did carry 24 fighters; 12 F-14's and 12 A-10's. The SCS carried a total of 30 fighters; 12 F-18's, 12 F-14's, and 6 A-20's.

In SFC, the fighters groups for most races were reduced by 1/3 in the conversion from SFB; thus, the CVA has 16 fighters in SFC.  Up until recently, so did the SCS; thanks to Firesoul for finally correcting that with his SFC:OP+ Mod; it now has 20.

Oh, and as to the positioning of the nacelles and balconies;

From SFB Module J, regarding the CVA: "The engines were mounted low and to the rear to leave space clear for the balconies. This also improved the side firing arcs...The CVA has three shuttle bays...there is a long bay on each side holding 12 fighters (normally six F-14 and six A-10).  These two bays have the balcony and track landing system with a six-position balcony on each side." The third shuttle bay was, of course, at the rear and carried the various shuttles (adim, SWAC, etc.).

The SCS is a little different in that, it has 4 shuttlebays; the two sides bays, the rear bay, and a fourth bay that has semi-external links for the six A-20. From the placement of these links on the SSD, it would appear that this fourth bay is either along the spine, or underneath on the belly, of the secondary hull.

Anywhos, my $.02, hope ya don't mind.  


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Re: Been thinking about that Fed SCS mini...
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2003, 06:46:33 am »

I've been waiting for the missus to wake up so I could go rummage through the closet and get my Federation book out so I could disseminate that exact information.  The ssd's used to have symbols on them that showed exactly how many doors/launchers the ship had.  Did they not decrease the number of doors on the side bays of the SCS?  One of the reasons I went with the neck per the mini as opposed to the flat, just add a third warp, version of the MacArthur I've seen out there was to add mech links to the spine of the secondary.  I was thinking maybe recess six pads and put mech links in them down the legnth of the spine.

As to the saucer.  I know back in the day that the write up of the SCS suggested a DN saucer.  I stll have reservations about he DN design itself when it comes to the placement of the third warp engine.  I love the ship but it bugs me that the warp pylon just pops out of the saucer at basically the narrowest part.  At least the CVA saucer offers a structure there meaning there is room for all the equipment and systems to support the conduits and such.

The neck can be shortened a bit as there is still clearance between the dome I thru on the bottom of the saucer and the deflector cut out.  As can the third warp as it's just in an approximate spot.

I better get back on the CVA textures....

Ruminate on this a bit if you would brotha Schtupp as you are far more the engineer than I.

After taking a look at the ssd it looks like I'll have to extend that balcony back to the front of the secondary hull.  I think I'll keep the wall and curve up at the front though for it's appearance.  I was thinking they reduced the complement of fighters but my bad.  What a beast this ship is.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2003, 08:44:48 am by anduril »


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Re: Been thinking about that Fed SCS mini...
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2003, 09:25:41 am »
Increased the balcony legnth, dropped the saucer on the neck a bit so the neck will probably come halfway up the saucer at the back and added a frame around the impulse area.  Also widened the impulse deck at the rear, have to make room for the pylon and it's associated gear.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by anduril »


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Re: Been thinking about that Fed SCS mini...
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2003, 09:34:37 am »
The sacrilege....! They took a perfectly good deisgn and turned it into a hideous monster!

If you're gonna do it though, I'd suggest putting some creative effort into the neck area..........perhaps even make it curvy somewhat like a Galaxy-class that "curves into" the top of the sec hull and "spreads out" at the top where it joins the saucer. Right now that blocky neck just does not give it a very flattering overall impression. Also, maybe even put a "leaning forward" angle on it, like most Fed ships have. That may mean you'll have to push the sacuer back so that you can have more neck, but hey it could work.  


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Re: Been thinking about that Fed SCS mini...
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2003, 09:42:43 am »
It's just a slightly modified Excelsior neck.  Flat in the back and curving its way up to the front.  Nothing special yet.  Basic kitbash from one I had on my drive.



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Re: Been thinking about that Fed SCS mini...
« Reply #11 on: December 06, 2003, 09:47:32 am »
Hmmm maybe extending the back of the impulse deck so you can make the neck larger......because right now it looks a bit odd because the neck is a bit small.  


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Re: Been thinking about that Fed SCS mini...
« Reply #12 on: December 06, 2003, 12:07:26 pm »
Anduril, will there ever be a return of the Galactic Fringe? I've collected about everything you have released to the community but it seems a shame your models aren't readily available.  


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Re: Been thinking about that Fed SCS mini...
« Reply #13 on: December 06, 2003, 05:46:37 pm »
The Galactic Fringe looks to the new year as a time of rebirth.

Not only will a good portion of the ships I've done at the GC in it's previous incarnation be available but so will the ships of the Fringes other patron.  A double top secret partner who's ships, when they also become available will make the masses happy.  VERY happy.

Bear with us a bit longer.  


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Re: Been thinking about that Fed SCS mini...
« Reply #14 on: December 06, 2003, 07:26:59 pm »
Narsil reforged? (I hope I got the reference right) That's fabulous! I suppose we can wonder about the double top secret entity but if you told it wouldn't be secret anymore now would it?

It's been a long time coming. I've made note of how many times your name appears in the credits of so many TOS models. Those of us who are TOS fans and model users should speak well of you when your name is mentioned. I say this not so much for you to read but for those that are unfamiliar with your contributions. Glad you still enjoy making models and post interesting things to look at, guy.  

Lord Schtupp

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Re: Been thinking about that Fed SCS mini...
« Reply #15 on: December 07, 2003, 03:24:31 am »

Narsil reforged?

A Reader! A Reader! He knoweth thy lore..sneaking scrolls from Denethor again I see...

Lord Schtupp

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Re: Been thinking about that Fed SCS mini...
« Reply #16 on: December 07, 2003, 03:40:25 am »
Thick neck is good; a top/bottom row of ftr bays will visually shorten the neck, I'm  tellin ya...

Hey wheres a StressPuppy when you need one? He should see this...

Did you want to stay pretty faithful to the miniature? I would find it pretty hard to resist not moving the engines around to gain "sleekness" while keeping the neck the same height as I had already posted. Not sure how much input you really wanted nor how close you wanted to stick to the mini design.

The recessed dish sure did help it out; that much is certain! Ship looks good from that 1st angle....


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Re: Been thinking about that Fed SCS mini...
« Reply #17 on: December 07, 2003, 09:35:48 am »


Narsil reforged?

A Reader! A Reader! He knoweth thy lore..sneaking scrolls from Denethor again I see...  

Oh, i thought we all read lord of the rings.

Lord Schtupp

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Re: Been thinking about that Fed SCS mini...
« Reply #18 on: December 07, 2003, 10:38:22 am »
Yea not where Im at unfortunatly - I should've not have been so surprised I guess.  


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Re: Been thinking about that Fed SCS mini...
« Reply #19 on: December 07, 2003, 10:54:24 am »


Narsil reforged?

A Reader! A Reader! He knoweth thy lore..sneaking scrolls from Denethor again I see...  

Ya baby! Was there ever really another lore? I don't think so. At least not in my Red Book of Westmarch, that is.

Sorry to say I had to ask big A about the Anduril reference. I had forgoten it had been renamed. Arghhh.    
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Rogue »