Topic: What is the best shipping company in your opinion?  (Read 5907 times)

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Re: What is the best shipping company in your opinion?
« Reply #20 on: December 05, 2003, 11:46:49 am »
Not going to Mexico, it's all going to El Paso to a residence, I pick it up and load it into the car when Vicky and her mom come pick me up...  


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Re: What is the best shipping company in your opinion?
« Reply #21 on: December 05, 2003, 11:53:56 am »
Doh Sorry I misread. anyway, The Fed Ex guy was just here, and the Pretty much ship everywhere in this hemisphere. With a limit of 70 lbs. So It shouldn't be that much of a problem, since it's not going over seas, no one will be stranded on an island somewhere using your Pot's and Pan's to cook Crab Meat, For wilson.  



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Re: What is the best shipping company in your opinion?
« Reply #22 on: December 05, 2003, 06:53:38 pm »
Depends on where it's going. I have personal experiance with both FedEx and some cases if the person lives off the beaten path (IE boonies) than Fedex/UPS won't deliver direct to their door, they'll have to go to the local wharehouse to pick it up.

As far as getting your package delivered ontime and without damage I find that Fedex does a better job all around. Make sure you pack it right or they won't cover your insurance claim in case of breakage (IE at least one inch of packing foam all the way around. The package will definatly be oversize and be VERY expensive to ship.

Check out the rates...I'm guessing around 40-50 bucks.  


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Re: What is the best shipping company in your opinion?
« Reply #23 on: December 05, 2003, 07:12:35 pm »
Thats what I figured Punisher, thanks. You know I bet that is the estimate I did with SWA (SouthWest Airlines) on their website, I'd feel a lot safer dropping it off at their air freight office the day before and have it either on the same flight or on an earlier flight and I can just pick it up at the air freight terminal in E.P. I'm glad I'm leaving most of my things with Leda, I can only imagine what Erik and his family went through on their move to Korea. If I was in his shoes I would have left the house locked up or with a watcher and told the family just take what you need, we will buy the rest in Korea. Korea is a much better environment, IMO, as Mexico does not have any U.S. Army bases there, yet... Hehehehehehehe...

Again thanks for the advice, I'll check out their rates and get an estimate on how long for shipping travel time, as Chihuahua City is 4-4.5 hours away from El Paso, and it's nothing like a drive from Austin to Dallas where you have different scenery, many places to relax or grab a bite. They have nice enough roads (toll of course), but the drive is long and nothing but desert and mountains, so I have to make sure I have everything I need in E.P. the first time as a return trip to pick other stuff up would be a disaster.