Topic: Isnt Hords of the underdark suppose to be out today  (Read 6112 times)

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Isnt Hords of the underdark suppose to be out today
« on: December 02, 2003, 02:13:08 pm »
 Cant afford it myself, But I thought today was suppose to be the day it hit the shelves.


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Re: Isnt Hords of the underdark suppose to be out today
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2003, 02:18:50 pm »
I believe it ships today and should be in stores tomorrow.  Same for a certain futuristic conspiracy game that shall remain nameless.


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Re: Isnt Hords of the underdark suppose to be out today
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2003, 02:20:36 pm »
Ditto. Same here to both of you guys.

I have to wait another month myself because of the Uhm... New situation in the house. BTW Hasta, If you read this, I will get you a copy also, as promised, But It might take me abit longer.



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Re: Isn't Hords of the underdark suppose to be out today
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2003, 03:23:30 pm »
NWN is one game I keep going back too.  The on-line play is just fantastic.  The biggest bang for your buck you are ever going to get with an on-line game.  On-line play is free and the user made content is outstanding and abundant.  There are lots of servers up 24/7 with many different types of play.  You can even put up your own server and be a DM.  I love this game and waiting for the expansion is hard for me too.  But one more day won't kill me.

Everyone always gets in a huff about the game not being in stores on the release day.  In the game industry release day means the day it ships.  So that means the game will be in stores in the next day or two.  Now some stores will pay extra and get the shipment in quicker so they get those gotta have it right now shoppers.  You know who you are.  

A game release is not the same as a DVD movie release.   Stores must put the DVD on the shelf on that day due to contractual agreements.  With games the stores can have the shipment in but not put it on the shelf until they get around to it.  I got ticked at Best Buy once because I had called them and they said yeah we got it in and then when I got there they said oh its on the dock and we won't get to it until later so come back in the morning.  Now that did make me mad because they said over the phone that they had it.  So from now on I go to my local EB.  They generally have it available the earliest anyway.

Another factor that affects the shelf date is the store itself.  Some chains have everything shipped to a central warehouse and from there it is distributed to the stores.  This can cause a delay of a day or two.  Some smaller stores might have it shipped direct.  

Then you have shipments to different countries.  Some get it before others due to the shipped from location, contracts, weather, shipping method you name it.  I think some places in Canada got KOTOR PC a day before US stores did.  Bioware is a Canadian company I believe.  So I would not doubt if a few Canadians have their hands on HoTuD today.

I've seen a lot of people get upset with the publisher or the developer because the game is not in the store on the release day.  I've seen some even say OK now I'm going to go pirate it because the game company let me down.  It's not the company letting you down it's just impatience.  This is misplaced anger.  Once the game is shipped it is out of their hands.  Tell your local retailers you want it now. Maybe they will improve their distribution methods

It's just not worth getting all worked up about and not a reason to go out and pirate the game. Not a reason to boycott.  Not a reason to cause problems in the publishers or developers forums.  

Just be patient and call before you run out to the store.  Well except Best Buy.  

Scott Allen Abfalter

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Re: Isn't Hords of the underdark suppose to be out today
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2003, 03:34:48 pm »

I love NWN but I don't like most of the user generated content I've played because it much of it is  buggy or imbalanced.  I love the official campaigns, and am looking forward to Hordes but right now I'm back on a Dark Age of Camelot kick so I probably won't get the NWN expansion for a little while.



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Re: Isn't Hords of the underdark suppose to be out today
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2003, 05:09:40 pm »

I love NWN but I don't like most of the user generated content I've played because it much of it is  buggy or imbalanced.  I love the official campaigns, and am looking forward to Hordes but right now I'm back on a Dark Age of Camelot kick so I probably won't get the NWN expansion for a little while.


how is Dark age f Camelot, I've seen It on sell recently, and was curious as to game play, mechanics, Is there a Single player game also?

I'd appreciate your opinion above and Beyond, that your playing It. alot of times Online reviews can lead you astray, BUt you Scott, The Cynical Person you are   would give me an honest view of the game.




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Re: Isnt Hords of the underdark suppose to be out today
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2003, 08:38:56 pm »
Apparently the Netherlands was able to buy it today but the rest of the world will have to wait until tomorrow at the earliest

Scott Allen Abfalter

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Re: Isn't Hords of the underdark suppose to be out today
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2003, 08:44:33 am »

I've played Ultima Online, EverQuest, Asheron's Call (1 and 2) and a few different MUD's as well as Dark Age of Camelot.  Dark Age of Camelot is, by far, the most fun.  

Before getting into why I like the game, let me start with this:  No MMORPG yet has lived up to the potential of the genre.  I have high hopes for WOW, but none of them yet have nailed it and that includes DAoC.  All of the games have some basic problems:
   - Most of the time is spent on the "level grind" just trying to get experience bit-by-bit to draw you to the next level.
   - Popular hunting grounds get "camped" (e.g. people camp out there waiting for monsters to appear).  
   - The environment is static.  You can kill monsters, but they always reappear and nothing in the world itself ever changes other than occasional updates to the world by the live development teams.

DAoC has not addressed these things, but neither has anyone else effectively.  There is one problem that DAoC has handled brilliantly that other games have as an issue: Player-vs.-player combat.  

Some players like to fight other players.  Others like to play against the game.  In Ultima Online this was first seen as a problem when high level players would kill any low level player they came across.  So if you are just minding your own business, walking from town to town, some bozo could walk up and kill you and ruin your game experience.  

The problem is a large body of players feel PvP is a _MUST HAVE_ feature.  Another body of players abolutely HATE it.

What DAoC has done is this:
   1.  Created PvP zones.  If you enter the zone, you are fair game and so is anyone else.
   2.  Created a system where players could control a zone for their collective benefit  --thereby giving rise to large groups of players forming impromptu armies to fight each other over control of these zones.   Players also get special PvP points to spend on character improvement.
   3.  Create PvP-only servers as well as "Co-op" servers that have no PvP at all.  
   4.  Most importantly, PvP is not on an individual basis, it's on a "realm" basis.  There are three "Realms".  You cannot fight characters in your own realm, only 'enemy' characters from the other two.  This also leads to the armies of players clashing thing.  

So this is where DAoC really shines.

As for myself, I hate PvP.  I play on the co-op server.  And even though I am ignoring the very best parts of the game, I stilll have a lot of fun.  

One thing I hated about EverQuest was that I lost all my stuff when I died.  On DAoC, you ressurect with all of your stuff and a small XP loss.  Enough that you want to avoid dying, but not enough to ruin your fun.  You can get back into playing quickly.

One thing I hated about UO was that it was hard to get started.  You had to spend a lot of time chopping down trees and killing rabbits before you could really get into any fun.  DAoC is fun two minutes after you have a new character.  

The only real complaints I have about DAoC are this:
   - I really wish they had a minimap, like Asheron's Call 2.
   - I like to play solo, but the game is geared towards encouraging you to play in larger groups.  You can solo, but are rewarded less for it.

I sent you an email on how you can try the game for free, so you can try it and see if you agree with me.

By the way, if there are any DAoC players our there, my current character is a 25th level Valewalker on the Gaheris server named "Growth".



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Re: Isn't Hords of the underdark suppose to be out today
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2003, 10:52:27 am »
Thanks Scott, I got the email also.

It does sound like alot of fun though, and I usually dont play the MMorpgs For the reasons you stated above.

I also Hate PvP in those kinds of games.



  • Guest
Isnt Hords of the underdark suppose to be out today
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2003, 02:13:08 pm »
 Cant afford it myself, But I thought today was suppose to be the day it hit the shelves.


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Re: Isnt Hords of the underdark suppose to be out today
« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2003, 02:18:50 pm »
I believe it ships today and should be in stores tomorrow.  Same for a certain futuristic conspiracy game that shall remain nameless.


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Re: Isnt Hords of the underdark suppose to be out today
« Reply #11 on: December 02, 2003, 02:20:36 pm »
Ditto. Same here to both of you guys.

I have to wait another month myself because of the Uhm... New situation in the house. BTW Hasta, If you read this, I will get you a copy also, as promised, But It might take me abit longer.



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Re: Isn't Hords of the underdark suppose to be out today
« Reply #12 on: December 02, 2003, 03:23:30 pm »
NWN is one game I keep going back too.  The on-line play is just fantastic.  The biggest bang for your buck you are ever going to get with an on-line game.  On-line play is free and the user made content is outstanding and abundant.  There are lots of servers up 24/7 with many different types of play.  You can even put up your own server and be a DM.  I love this game and waiting for the expansion is hard for me too.  But one more day won't kill me.

Everyone always gets in a huff about the game not being in stores on the release day.  In the game industry release day means the day it ships.  So that means the game will be in stores in the next day or two.  Now some stores will pay extra and get the shipment in quicker so they get those gotta have it right now shoppers.  You know who you are.  

A game release is not the same as a DVD movie release.   Stores must put the DVD on the shelf on that day due to contractual agreements.  With games the stores can have the shipment in but not put it on the shelf until they get around to it.  I got ticked at Best Buy once because I had called them and they said yeah we got it in and then when I got there they said oh its on the dock and we won't get to it until later so come back in the morning.  Now that did make me mad because they said over the phone that they had it.  So from now on I go to my local EB.  They generally have it available the earliest anyway.

Another factor that affects the shelf date is the store itself.  Some chains have everything shipped to a central warehouse and from there it is distributed to the stores.  This can cause a delay of a day or two.  Some smaller stores might have it shipped direct.  

Then you have shipments to different countries.  Some get it before others due to the shipped from location, contracts, weather, shipping method you name it.  I think some places in Canada got KOTOR PC a day before US stores did.  Bioware is a Canadian company I believe.  So I would not doubt if a few Canadians have their hands on HoTuD today.

I've seen a lot of people get upset with the publisher or the developer because the game is not in the store on the release day.  I've seen some even say OK now I'm going to go pirate it because the game company let me down.  It's not the company letting you down it's just impatience.  This is misplaced anger.  Once the game is shipped it is out of their hands.  Tell your local retailers you want it now. Maybe they will improve their distribution methods

It's just not worth getting all worked up about and not a reason to go out and pirate the game. Not a reason to boycott.  Not a reason to cause problems in the publishers or developers forums.  

Just be patient and call before you run out to the store.  Well except Best Buy.  

Scott Allen Abfalter

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Re: Isn't Hords of the underdark suppose to be out today
« Reply #13 on: December 02, 2003, 03:34:48 pm »

I love NWN but I don't like most of the user generated content I've played because it much of it is  buggy or imbalanced.  I love the official campaigns, and am looking forward to Hordes but right now I'm back on a Dark Age of Camelot kick so I probably won't get the NWN expansion for a little while.



  • Guest
Re: Isn't Hords of the underdark suppose to be out today
« Reply #14 on: December 02, 2003, 05:09:40 pm »

I love NWN but I don't like most of the user generated content I've played because it much of it is  buggy or imbalanced.  I love the official campaigns, and am looking forward to Hordes but right now I'm back on a Dark Age of Camelot kick so I probably won't get the NWN expansion for a little while.


how is Dark age f Camelot, I've seen It on sell recently, and was curious as to game play, mechanics, Is there a Single player game also?

I'd appreciate your opinion above and Beyond, that your playing It. alot of times Online reviews can lead you astray, BUt you Scott, The Cynical Person you are   would give me an honest view of the game.




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Re: Isnt Hords of the underdark suppose to be out today
« Reply #15 on: December 02, 2003, 08:38:56 pm »
Apparently the Netherlands was able to buy it today but the rest of the world will have to wait until tomorrow at the earliest

Scott Allen Abfalter

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Re: Isn't Hords of the underdark suppose to be out today
« Reply #16 on: December 03, 2003, 08:44:33 am »

I've played Ultima Online, EverQuest, Asheron's Call (1 and 2) and a few different MUD's as well as Dark Age of Camelot.  Dark Age of Camelot is, by far, the most fun.  

Before getting into why I like the game, let me start with this:  No MMORPG yet has lived up to the potential of the genre.  I have high hopes for WOW, but none of them yet have nailed it and that includes DAoC.  All of the games have some basic problems:
   - Most of the time is spent on the "level grind" just trying to get experience bit-by-bit to draw you to the next level.
   - Popular hunting grounds get "camped" (e.g. people camp out there waiting for monsters to appear).  
   - The environment is static.  You can kill monsters, but they always reappear and nothing in the world itself ever changes other than occasional updates to the world by the live development teams.

DAoC has not addressed these things, but neither has anyone else effectively.  There is one problem that DAoC has handled brilliantly that other games have as an issue: Player-vs.-player combat.  

Some players like to fight other players.  Others like to play against the game.  In Ultima Online this was first seen as a problem when high level players would kill any low level player they came across.  So if you are just minding your own business, walking from town to town, some bozo could walk up and kill you and ruin your game experience.  

The problem is a large body of players feel PvP is a _MUST HAVE_ feature.  Another body of players abolutely HATE it.

What DAoC has done is this:
   1.  Created PvP zones.  If you enter the zone, you are fair game and so is anyone else.
   2.  Created a system where players could control a zone for their collective benefit  --thereby giving rise to large groups of players forming impromptu armies to fight each other over control of these zones.   Players also get special PvP points to spend on character improvement.
   3.  Create PvP-only servers as well as "Co-op" servers that have no PvP at all.  
   4.  Most importantly, PvP is not on an individual basis, it's on a "realm" basis.  There are three "Realms".  You cannot fight characters in your own realm, only 'enemy' characters from the other two.  This also leads to the armies of players clashing thing.  

So this is where DAoC really shines.

As for myself, I hate PvP.  I play on the co-op server.  And even though I am ignoring the very best parts of the game, I stilll have a lot of fun.  

One thing I hated about EverQuest was that I lost all my stuff when I died.  On DAoC, you ressurect with all of your stuff and a small XP loss.  Enough that you want to avoid dying, but not enough to ruin your fun.  You can get back into playing quickly.

One thing I hated about UO was that it was hard to get started.  You had to spend a lot of time chopping down trees and killing rabbits before you could really get into any fun.  DAoC is fun two minutes after you have a new character.  

The only real complaints I have about DAoC are this:
   - I really wish they had a minimap, like Asheron's Call 2.
   - I like to play solo, but the game is geared towards encouraging you to play in larger groups.  You can solo, but are rewarded less for it.

I sent you an email on how you can try the game for free, so you can try it and see if you agree with me.

By the way, if there are any DAoC players our there, my current character is a 25th level Valewalker on the Gaheris server named "Growth".



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Re: Isn't Hords of the underdark suppose to be out today
« Reply #17 on: December 03, 2003, 10:52:27 am »
Thanks Scott, I got the email also.

It does sound like alot of fun though, and I usually dont play the MMorpgs For the reasons you stated above.

I also Hate PvP in those kinds of games.



  • Guest
Isnt Hords of the underdark suppose to be out today
« Reply #18 on: December 02, 2003, 02:13:08 pm »
 Cant afford it myself, But I thought today was suppose to be the day it hit the shelves.


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Re: Isnt Hords of the underdark suppose to be out today
« Reply #19 on: December 02, 2003, 02:18:50 pm »
I believe it ships today and should be in stores tomorrow.  Same for a certain futuristic conspiracy game that shall remain nameless.