Topic: Enterprise: Xindi story arc to be reset?  (Read 14169 times)

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Re: Enterprise: Xindi story arc to be reset?
« Reply #40 on: December 01, 2003, 06:03:51 pm »
I'm sure the logic is...

StarTrekIV was the most popular movie
StarTrekIV involved time travel
Trek fans (and the wider viewing public) want to see time travel.

We should all be thanking whatever God's we believe in that B&B didn't take saving the whales as the reason, lol.    We'd be seeing countless episodes of whales everywhere  (Hey, wasn't one of those Xindi a whale like race? Hmmm... ), and a giant whale republic that are brought to near extinction and now the Enterprise must find a way to save the whales and Earth at the same time.  


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Re: Enterprise: Xindi story arc to be reset?
« Reply #41 on: December 01, 2003, 06:28:53 pm »
Maybe they use a partial reset. In that everything outside the expanse is reset. Enterprise comes out a finds Earth in an alliance in with the Andorians etc in a war against te Romulans.
Or maybe TOS etc is the divergant timeline??
There's so many possible ways to go.I'm in the UK so I will not see these until next year, but I found Early TNG to be three long series of duff episodes. You just got to have faith that these things will work out.


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Re: Enterprise: Xindi story arc to be reset?
« Reply #42 on: December 02, 2003, 12:10:59 pm »
I'm actually hoping for a reset. Why not?

Make everything after Broken Bow (including the early Klingon contact) vanish. IMHO, the only continuity loss would be the Andorian episodes.

Wanna bet B&B do an "X-Files"? ie Jerk the story arc around to please the fans, then claim it was the plan all along....  


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Re: Enterprise: Xindi story arc to be reset?
« Reply #43 on: December 02, 2003, 12:17:16 pm »
Of course they've already done that to a degree.  They did this whole Xindi (whole new direction, and more action, etc.) thing claiming it was always planned, and not a reaction to sagging ratings, and loss of core fanbase.  heh.  

Alidar Jarok

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Re: Enterprise: Xindi story arc to be reset?
« Reply #44 on: December 03, 2003, 09:26:14 pm »

What is the date for the Romulan war?  

Speculated for an ending of 2160 (I think Enterprise is in 2164 or so right now).  This is exactly 100 years before the Balance of Terror (The policy is to assume 100 years literally means 100 years).  Of course, the date isn't binding as far as cannon is concerned, but the date of 2161 for the Founding of the Federation is.

It is said  that "Earth" fought the Romulans (This is obviously something they would say as the Federation hadn't been invented by the writers yet, Kirk calls Enterprise the United Earth ship in the Corbomite Manuver).  Anyway, that means that it would have to be before 2161 that Earth  and Her Allies and Romulus and her allies fought together.

Anyway, I think there is a good chance of a reset button.  I think I remeber Bragga saying that there will be a reason no one talks about the Expanse in the future.


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Re: Enterprise: Xindi story arc to be reset?
« Reply #45 on: December 04, 2003, 05:39:01 pm »

Anyway, I think there is a good chance of a reset button.  I think I remeber Bragga saying that there will be a reason no one talks about the Expanse in the future.

I remember that, but I think that it all depends on how Bragga is interpreted here.  Bragga could also have meant that the Expanse could be destroyed along with the Xindi and their weapon.  Remember no one except the Xindi (seemingly) can exit the Expanse.  The Enterprise will have to find some way to return home after their mission is over.  Since the later Trek series does not mention the Expanse, this seems to be the most likely ending to this season.


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Re: Enterprise: Xindi story arc to be reset?
« Reply #46 on: December 04, 2003, 05:46:14 pm »
But Daniels and his crew know what was "supposed" to happen and what wasn't.  He said things like "this wasn't supposed to happen to the Enterprise" so in this time the Enterprise does exist and had a very important mission, despite there being no mention of this Enterprise in previous trek (although all other versions shown and mentioned, unless of course mankind names a new ship Enterprise in our real world, from tall ship through late TNG versions), so not mentioning something has very little basis on what is shown anymore.

The Expanse is being setup to be shutdown anyway, with the spheres causing it.  I would bet that they are going to cop out in that since the expanse was destroyed (via destroying or shutting down the spheres) that they just aren't mentioned in later series.  The Enterprise will just fly out of that area of space, because the expanse won't exist anymore.  


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Re: Enterprise: Xindi story arc to be reset?
« Reply #47 on: December 04, 2003, 07:07:07 pm »
Here?s my theory, Enterprise will encounter the Xindi home world and be promptly surrounded by hundreds of ships. We will see a large greenish ship with a big piece in the front and two large bits sticking out of each side complete with a big pretty picture on the bottom looking a bit like a hawk (a Romulan, sneaky little b******). This ship will quickly bug out at the ?unbelievable? speed of warp 9. The Xindi will swarm Enterprise all ready to destroy it when all of a sudden a dozen ?strange anomalies? appear and spew forth large white ships with those arrowhead symbols and the red trails (you know the ones). These new ships easily lay waste to the Xindi fleet while another sends out a large wave of multi-colored energy that clears everything from the screen. The following scene has the Enterprise orbiting Earth and receiving orders to begin heading out into deep space.

Hence the big reset button that will bring the show back a few years to the proper time so that the Earth-Romulan war can begin at the proper time to allow the Federation to be established in the year set down by Troi?s line in TNG that sets it as 2161.

A bit of info on the war in question, the Star Trek encyclopedia states that the war occurred around 2160, which was the year that the neutral zone was established. It also mentions a war between the Romulans and the Vulcans which lasted a century, the time frame is not set down but it occurred some time before 2072. Perhaps this can be used to show a bit of human ingenuity which has the Vulcans impressed into helping to found the federation.  


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Re: Enterprise: Xindi story arc to be reset?
« Reply #48 on: December 04, 2003, 07:52:49 pm »

But Daniels and his crew know what was "supposed" to happen and what wasn't.  He said things like "this wasn't supposed to happen to the Enterprise" so in this time the Enterprise does exist and had a very important mission, despite there being no mention of this Enterprise in previous trek (although all other versions shown and mentioned, unless of course mankind names a new ship Enterprise in our real world, from tall ship through late TNG versions), so not mentioning something has very little basis on what is shown anymore.

The Expanse is being setup to be shutdown anyway, with the spheres causing it.  I would bet that they are going to cop out in that since the expanse was destroyed (via destroying or shutting down the spheres) that they just aren't mentioned in later series.  The Enterprise will just fly out of that area of space, because the expanse won't exist anymore.  

The whole Daniels character is just another Q that is used to help speed up or in the case of the last episode slow the season down.  I wouldn't put too much stock in what goes on with Daniels.  The whole time travel thing IMHO has gotten out of Bragga's control and the thing about how it took Daniels so long just to talk to Archer is proof of that to me.

The Expanse being setup to be shutdown is obvious, but I don't think the spheres will cause that.  I think it will be some lame overused "feedback beam/signal" from the Enterprise that will destroy the spheres and thus Expanse.  But like I said in my last post, IMHO the season will end with the Xindi, the Xindi weapon and the Expanse being destroyed by the Enterprise.  And since the Expanse will be destroyed, leaving will no longer be a problem.  Hopefully the time travel story ark will be destroyed along with everything else.

Alidar Jarok

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Re: Enterprise: Xindi story arc to be reset?
« Reply #49 on: December 05, 2003, 07:34:02 pm »


Anyway, I think there is a good chance of a reset button.  I think I remeber Bragga saying that there will be a reason no one talks about the Expanse in the future.

I remember that, but I think that it all depends on how Bragga is interpreted here.  Bragga could also have meant that the Expanse could be destroyed along with the Xindi and their weapon.  Remember no one except the Xindi (seemingly) can exit the Expanse.  The Enterprise will have to find some way to return home after their mission is over.  Since the later Trek series does not mention the Expanse, this seems to be the most likely ending to this season.

That's what I figure, but I'm leaving all possibilities open.  What I think is going to happen based on the limited amount I've watched this season is that the Xindi really aren't the bad guys, but were tricked by the Suliban.  At the end of the season, the truth is uncovered, and Archer tries to convince the Xindi that they aren't the enemies.  Although Archer manages to convince most of the Xindi, the Reptillion species doesn't believe him (just a guess based on their attitude from what I've seen).  Since I can't guess what would happen over all, I figure something would happen that results in the Expanse being destroyed by the Suliban.  Archer leaves the Expanse as it crumbles, destroying the Xindi civilization.  As he heads towards the nearest Earth colony, he is attacked by a Romulan ship ( actually, it is my hope that the Romulan War begins in this time, and B&B can devote the rest of the series to fighting the Romulans, reparing the timeline, and founding the Federation).

I've said it before that I don't want a reset button on the series.  I feel that the history of Star Trek should be expanded, and, within limit, this can be at the cost of the original series.  The series has to reach the founding of the Federation, and it has to end all time problems.  I don't think most of the inconsitancies should be erased because they aren't severe.  My only complaint about Enterprise is its obsession for raitings at any cost.  That usually means there are going to be poor quality episodes.  I hope they were right when they said they have a "pretty good idea" who the future guy is, and can progress towards an ending (and manage to fit in the Tholians, Suliban, Klingons, and especially Romulans).


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Enterprise: Xindi story arc to be reset?
« Reply #50 on: December 01, 2003, 01:06:16 pm »
Am I the only one who noticed the throwaway line by time-traveling Daniels in "Carpenter Street"?

"The conflict between humanity and the Xindi was not supposed to happen." ...or words to that effect.

Will the whole series be hit with the "reset button" upon conclusion of the Xindi arc?  


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Re: Enterprise: Xindi story arc to be reset?
« Reply #51 on: December 01, 2003, 01:14:20 pm »
Well, there are rumors about the Patrick Duffy and Victoria Principal cameos later in the season...  


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Re: Enterprise: Xindi story arc to be reset?
« Reply #52 on: December 01, 2003, 01:18:23 pm »

Well, there are rumors about the Patrick Duffy and Victoria Principal cameos later in the season...    

A Xindi shot JR???? That would explain the look on his face  


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Re: Enterprise: Xindi story arc to be reset?
« Reply #53 on: December 01, 2003, 01:25:26 pm »
It's cheap, it's cheesey, it sounds about right.  Like the year of hell or whatever on Voyager.


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Re: Enterprise: Xindi story arc to be reset?
« Reply #54 on: December 01, 2003, 01:33:38 pm »

It's cheap, it's cheesey, it sounds about right.  Like the year of hell or whatever on Voyager.  

Why stop at one season?  Why not do it for the whole show...

"Honey!  I just had this weird dream!  I was a captain on a spaceship and my wife was a space alien!"

"That's it, no more sushi for dinner."
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Rat_Boy »


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Re: Enterprise: Xindi story arc to be reset?
« Reply #55 on: December 01, 2003, 01:39:32 pm »

It's cheap, it's cheesey, it sounds about right.  Like the year of hell or whatever on Voyager.  

Was that the name of the episode or the season?


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Re: Enterprise: Xindi story arc to be reset?
« Reply #56 on: December 01, 2003, 01:43:25 pm »


It's cheap, it's cheesey, it sounds about right.  Like the year of hell or whatever on Voyager.  

Why stop at one season?  Why not do it for the whole show...

"Honey!  I just had this weird dream!  I was a captain on a spaceship and my wife was a space alien!"

"That's it, no more sushi for dinner."

hehe, Classic Bob Newhart ending.  



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Re: Enterprise: Xindi story arc to be reset?
« Reply #57 on: December 01, 2003, 01:46:41 pm »


It's cheap, it's cheesey, it sounds about right.  Like the year of hell or whatever on Voyager.  

Was that the name of the episode or the season?  

It was a two parter that was actually one of the better stories Voyager kicked out. Of course when you have to ram a ship with your ship to win the day you must have a reset button to continue, hence it was another victim of the temporal story affliction.


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Re: Enterprise: Xindi story arc to be reset?
« Reply #58 on: December 01, 2003, 02:26:39 pm »
Didn't Daniels say that it wasn't supposed to happen, when this whole thing got underway too?  Of course this whole thing is going to be a reset switch type situation, it can't be anything else, imo.  If you ask me though, the whole setup for the episode was rediculous.  It takes time for a change in the past to ripple up to the later time and register?  How much time, and why?  What's the deal with that, and since they are time traveling, don't they have all the time in the world to setup a party to go back and nuke the problem?  What's with the "it took so much time to get approval just for me to make contact with you, but there isn't time for...." I even if time was a factor (which it shouldn't be, since they are dealing with going back and fixing a problem that apparently didn't wipe them out entirely) wouldn't it take more time to get approval to use their equipment to send Archer and another person (a person who was relatively uncontaminated by the idea of time travel 'til now, mind you) than it would for Daniels and a couple of other agents to go back and fix the problem themselves?  Just doesn't wash, if you ask me (the episode was pretty good, except for a few of those things, but since the core was bad... )

Their time travel writing is lazy/sloppy to the extreme, and they need to just let it die out after they finish the Xindi thing, and move back to something simpler, like the Vulcan/Andorian thing, but they clearly MUST do these things, especially since they don't have a holodeck to do their little throw away stories with because they don't have what it takes to build a larger scale story that doesn't need over half a season of filler or episodes which only partially pertain to the overall storyline.  Oh, well.  

Daew Anahos

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Re: Enterprise: Xindi story arc to be reset?
« Reply #59 on: December 01, 2003, 04:15:44 pm »
If they aren't going to do a reset, I'd be very interested in how they are going to explain everything.

The main clue is in the pilot and the whole Temporal Cold War deal. They are giving themselves a way out from the get go.

Nuff said.