Topic: Just thinking out loud  (Read 913 times)

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Just thinking out loud
« on: November 30, 2003, 02:05:16 pm »
Hmmmm  the Federation often expresses itself as a race primarily interested in Science and Exploration.  While it's true most of their ships are designed to double as both Exploration and other ships (aka ships adapt to combat) there are very few ships soully dedicated to the afore mentioned fields of service.

Sooooo  if we were to design one ...  kinda like the Oberth class.....  only larger (its really a small ship with limited capabilities)...  More sopeistiaced hull design.,,,  updated Naucells (kinda like the design for the Titan .  And maybe with additional external long range sensosr arrays ( sort of like the Miranda...  only more sleek and up-dated ).....  Just curious...  is this worth persuing...  what would she look like ... (yes neatness counts ) ..  only "cutting edge" technology for pioneering exploration.  This ship would no doubt be sent with multiple escorts if it were needed ...  depending upon final design concept and "light armament " if any at all ..

Thoughts please???



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Re: Just thinking out loud
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2003, 02:13:00 pm »
mmmmmm got me thinking on this one................. i`ll get back to you



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Re: Just thinking out loud
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2003, 03:02:28 pm »
cool  ....   thanks !!