Topic: ATTN. mdutr0 - About your last questions...  (Read 906 times)

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ATTN. mdutr0 - About your last questions...
« on: November 30, 2003, 03:11:23 am »
W odpowiedzi na:

 Here's the trouble: I can go into the time.gif file and change the year that the campaign starts but ships that haven't been invented yet keep appearing in the vessel library. Sure, you can't buy a ship from year 4 (2267) until 2267 comes in the campaign, it's just kind of annoying and takes away from the FEEL of simplicity in those early years that I'm trying to go for.

So, my question is this: how does one alter the dates associated with the various tech "eras" so as to keep this from occuring? Is it even possible?

Man you have trouble I'm just joking, because it is only a matter of two extra sections hidden in shiplist.txt file. These sections are the last two called: SFB First Year Available and   SFB Last Year Available. They work in similar way like First Year Available and Last Year Available which appear in Shipedit software or in shiplist.txt file near the 1st. column.
The only difference is that if you want to now what exact year they represent you must add to them 2100.
Example for those sections: basic year is 163 ( For SFB First Year Available ) when you'll do:   163+2100=2263 - which is the basic year in file right? Just remember that you'll have to make the same starship lifespan in both SFB Sections and normal ones
Now the only thing you need is MS:Excel or MS:Word to edit it. Have fun        

« Last Edit: November 30, 2003, 03:18:02 am by jimkirk »


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Re: ATTN. mdutr0 - About your last questions...
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2003, 11:34:03 am »

 So you mean I would have to edit BOTH year availables, both in game and SFB?   What if I didn't edit both.....?



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Re: ATTN. mdutr0 - About your last questions...
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2003, 01:42:30 pm »
W odpowiedzi na:


 So you mean I would have to edit BOTH year availables, both in game and SFB?   What if I didn't edit both.....?


It will force the ships that has not been invented to appear in earlier era. For instance USS Enterprise 1701D in year 2293.
Believe me! I've been modding for 5 years and I know that manipulating with dates is the worst part of modding SFC2.
I have created me own multiera mod. The problem is I haven't got time to finish my ideal shiplist. txt file.  
BTW The worst and the most strenuous. There is no easier way, because no software was written to help us. Nobody had an idea to create such software (maybe Microsoft did, but it's only a matter of MS Office - Excel)
« Last Edit: November 30, 2003, 01:44:21 pm by jimkirk »