Topic: Here's what I'm trying to do.....  (Read 1195 times)

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Here's what I'm trying to do.....
« on: November 30, 2003, 01:22:22 am »
Basically, I 'm trying to start my game at the year -33 (2230) rather than year 0/1 (2263) (I'm not sure whether 2263 is year 1 or year 0) in OP.

Here's the trouble: I can go into the time.gif file and change the year that the campaign starts but ships that haven't been invented yet keep appearing in the vessel library.  Sure, you can't buy a ship from year 4 (2267) until 2267 comes in the campaign, it's just kind of annoying and takes away from the FEEL of simplicity in those early years that I'm trying to go for.

So, my question is this:  how does one alter the dates associated with the various tech "eras" so as to keep this from occuring?  Is it even possible?

I know I don't really contribute much to this forum since I'm not a modder at all.  I just enjoy the work that you ladies and gentlemen do here and use and appreciate it very much.  BUT I would be more than willing to make the modified GIF file available to anyone who wants to "GO BACK IN TIME" to the days when the F-CA was a brand new ship class......

At any rate, the ability to do so might be cool, especially for users of OP+ since it now comes with all those nifty TOS models.




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Re: Here's what I'm trying to do.....
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2003, 01:26:06 am »
 I take that back!!!!!  You CAN buy ships that haven't been invented yet at a shipyard in the SP campaign!!!!

Someone please help!!!!!




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Re: Here's what I'm trying to do.....
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2003, 02:17:48 am »
Come on, NOBODY knows the answer to my question????


Captain Ron

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Re: Here's what I'm trying to do.....
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2003, 02:31:52 am »
Nope I quite modifing the game 2+ years ago so I don't know anymore.
The only changes I do now are to models and i add them still.

Also it is the middle of the night for allot of us, if Chris Jones shows up in the morning he will know
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Captain Ron »


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Re: Here's what I'm trying to do.....
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2003, 02:41:22 am »
Thanks Captain, I guess I didn't realize what time it was.  Sometimes you get on these things (and become obsessed) and lose track of the hours flitting by.  I'll wait till morning.....




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Re: Here's what I'm trying to do.....
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2003, 08:38:34 am »
I've read this being discussed in the general forum under Nuclearwessels scripts. Apparently there is an error in ship drafting that occurs in mCreate? It drew a heavy sigh from NW. See what you can find there as it could describe your experience. I don't think it is resolved yet.  


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Re: Here's what I'm trying to do.....
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2003, 10:57:41 am »
well here what you can do to, for each ship change the year first available so when you begin a campain only the ship (i think) that are year 0 will be available in the game.


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Re: Here's what I'm trying to do.....
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2003, 11:24:05 am »
Here's what's happening:

  I left the base year at 2263.

Where it said
0                           =0  

I changed it to
0                        =-33

This changed the starting year to 2230 and only ships that had come out then were available.  The trouble was that the year counter in the lower right-hand corner couldn't seem to handle negative numbers and got stuck.  The year would not advance no matter what I did or how long I waited.

I'd rather not change every single year available and last year available entry for every ship, but if so is there an easy way to do this???




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Re: Here's what I'm trying to do.....
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2003, 01:45:06 pm »
Believe me! I've been modding for 5 years and I know that manipulating with dates is the worst part of modding SFC2.
I have created me own multiera mod. The problem is I haven't got time to finish my ideal shiplist. txt file.
BTW The worst and the most strenuous. There is no easier way, because no software was written to help us. Nobody had an idea to create such software (maybe Microsoft did, but it's only a matter of MS Office - Excel)  


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Re: Here's what I'm trying to do.....
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2003, 02:12:18 pm »
So basically the time.gif file has nothing to do with it????

What does all that stuff under [Clock/Startingdate] do????

Surely there is another way.... The OP+ shiplist has over 4,000 entries and trying to reset the clock to 2229 (one year before the CA comes out) would require changing the availabliity dates for ALL of those.....

There's got to be another way
