Taldrenites > General Starfleet Command Forum
OP - Define "cheese" please
Of course not.. they play a few ships well, and that's about it..
.. it's yet another reason why I started enhancing the shiplist with additional SFB material: the rules have changed, the cheese are different.. and quite numerous.. numerous enough to dilute the issue that there might be a balance issue.
oh well, it takes a TRUE player to be able to play all sides well.
-- Luc
Hey Troy. I dont mean to hijack your thread, but I noticed that youre in Benton, TN. I used to live in Tellico Plains. I live in NC now. Small world.
the way I see it:
Cheese (n) any tactic that involves the deficiency of the original programming.
for example: escort ships (and other ships using 3+ droG) are cheese because the programming overcompensated when implementing droG's double-duty.
Or massive droner (classic: 3 Z-DF immortalized by Ktujegh (apoligizes for misspelling)) because the point defence routine is not perfect. If the game is played on speed one and PD is manual, the result might be different than playing at speed 9 with auto-PD.
I can't think of a "real" cheese tactic that's still in the game. Most of them are supressed through patches already.
Robb Stark:
I would also count "cheese" as a tactic which makes deliberate use of some flaw or limitation in the game itself. Specifically, I'm thinking any map border tactics. The map border (also known as the Stupid Big Red Line in Space) is an artificial constraint created for the purposes of the game - it has no conceivable "real life" equivalent.
Therefore, tactics that involve camping out in the corner of the map, herding someone towards the border, or using your tractor to push them out of the map and force them to disengage are cheese tactics. At least, that's how I'd look at them.
Cheese is generally regarded as a ship(s) that doesn't require any real effort to win with, or is so over the top that it's unbeatable in a seasoned player's hands. Examples would be any Klink, Kzinti, or Fed escort; multi-carrier fleets; multi-PF fleets; and a few other ships that are capable of beating 1-2 size classes above it's own, even against a human. IMHO, the biggest cheese in OP are the 2X ships, i.e. "Wisconsin's Finest". 1st generation X-ships are definitely beatable by normal ships, but the 2nd generation should never have been put into the game. SFB dumped them because they were so ridiculously over the top, yet they sneaked into SFC.
I'm sure there are many others who can give you examples of cheese.
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