Topic: Starship Class question  (Read 3335 times)

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Re: Starship Class question
« Reply #20 on: November 26, 2003, 07:43:47 pm »
 I've heard some say that the original was a CC or a CC+. I would have thought it was just a plain old CA...




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Re: Starship Class question
« Reply #21 on: November 27, 2003, 04:59:28 am »
it doesn't really fit into any definition as stated within SFC/SFB. ADB didn't have the rights to use anything from the movies, just TOS. So you can just decide for yourself what class it was.  

Rod O'neal

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Re: Starship Class question
« Reply #22 on: November 27, 2003, 10:36:50 am »
My  first guess would be CAR or possibly CC. No plus refit though. No drones in the movies.  


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Re: Starship Class question
« Reply #23 on: November 28, 2003, 11:32:34 pm »
I remember seeing it specifically stated in the manual for SFC1, though I don't have that document handy right now, but I know it's in there.  


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Re: Starship Class question
« Reply #24 on: November 29, 2003, 09:15:45 am »
    I happen to have the Instruction manual for SFC 1 (though it does not play on my new win xp computer).  I do not recall seeing that specific mention of which class it was.   Unless you were talking the strategy one in which case I was never able to obtain a copy of that one  I am sorry to say.  One of these days I have to get the scripts for scf I & II to play in OP.  Still learning on just doing the model application.


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Re: Starship Class question
« Reply #25 on: November 29, 2003, 09:50:45 pm »
I know it's in there, in a section which details the history of each design.  


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Re: Starship Class question
« Reply #26 on: November 29, 2003, 10:47:00 pm »
Sorry guys, but as stated by Desty_Nova the CA, CA+, CAR, or any other Fed Heavy Crusier never had anything to do with the Star Trek Movies.  At best, they where related (somewhat) to the TOS Enterprise and that is about it.  The History of the SFB/SFC 1, 2, OP universes are quite a bit different then Star Treks.  The CAI was never in SFB originally and was something Taldren made up to help sell the game and make SFC feel more like the Motion picture movies.  That is why I'm making my own custom made SFB ships because if Taldren can do it, I can do it too.

IKV Nemesis D7L

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Re: Starship Class question
« Reply #27 on: November 29, 2003, 11:13:52 pm »
I was always under the impression that the movie Enterprise was the inspiration for the SFB X-Ships.  In which case the TMP Enterprise is a 1st Generation XCA or XCC.  The 1701A would then logically be the 2nd generation XCC. Just my impression.  


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Re: Starship Class question
« Reply #28 on: November 30, 2003, 12:53:15 am »

I was always under the impression that the movie Enterprise was the inspiration for the SFB X-Ships.  In which case the TMP Enterprise is a 1st Generation XCA or XCC.  The 1701A would then logically be the 2nd generation XCC. Just my impression.  

That is exactly right. The Federation X cruiser was created to represent the refit Enterprise from The Motion Picture. Of course a whole genesis of X technology was specified to bring advanced refits to all races.

The story line from SFB, I believe, was given that the Organions forbade dreadnought class starships as their sole reason for being was to wage war. Since they served no other purpose than that of a warship they was outlawed. Sooo...  if they could only build a certain number of cruiser classed starships then they were going to be build them with the most capable technology. As it worked out the X class cruisers were as capable as the dreadnoughts in combat effectiveness. In some respects more so. If I recall, the Organions went absent some time later. Still it was a daunting task to build a battleship and was seldom ever seriously attempted.      


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Re: Starship Class question
« Reply #29 on: November 30, 2003, 11:57:59 pm »
That would explain the overloaded X-phasers.

"Sir, Enterprise redesigned, increases the main phasers by channeling it through the main engines.  When the engines went into Anti-Matter Imbalance, phasers were automatically cut off."

Now, I remember in the novel Kirk actually ordered the phasers back to the way they were, and I think Scotty rigged it so they could function either way. (hence overload/normal)  And I think an unofficial source quoted, or maybe it was Star Trek: The Magazine, that quoted some official off-screen source, that the phasers were increased by 50%.

One thing I'm kind of curious about though, in the OP Shiplist, I've seen X Cruisers, X- Destroyers, and X-Frigates.  Did they try to refit the BattleCruisers and Light Cruisers with X-tech, or did they leave them to languish?    


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Re: Starship Class question
« Reply #30 on: December 01, 2003, 05:55:32 pm »

That would explain the overloaded X-phasers.

"Sir, Enterprise redesigned, increases the main phasers by channeling it through the main engines.  When the engines went into Anti-Matter Imbalance, phasers were automatically cut off."

Now, I remember in the novel Kirk actually ordered the phasers back to the way they were, and I think Scotty rigged it so they could function either way. (hence overload/normal)  And I think an unofficial source quoted, or maybe it was Star Trek: The Magazine, that quoted some official off-screen source, that the phasers were increased by 50%.

One thing I'm kind of curious about though, in the OP Shiplist, I've seen X Cruisers, X- Destroyers, and X-Frigates.  Did they try to refit the BattleCruisers and Light Cruisers with X-tech, or did they leave them to languish?    

Certain hulls would not have handled the conversion to X-tech well. For example, BCH's were already pushing the limits of their original design specifications quite far, and the addition of X-tech on those ships would have caused more maintainence problems than anything. Also, due to the limited number of X-ships that could be produced, certain hulls had priority for refits of the technology. Light cruisers were not refitted for a long time because it was felt that it was a better investment to refit CA's.

Also, it should be noted that overloadable phasers are no longer an official part of SFB, as they were found to be far too powerful and incredibly game unbalancing.  


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Re: Starship Class question
« Reply #31 on: December 02, 2003, 01:08:20 am »
"Also, it should be noted that overloadable phasers are no longer an official part of SFB, as they were found to be far too powerful and incredibly game unbalancing."

WHAT!!!????    Are you serious???  Why is it that ADB always have to get so nitpicky about something being "too powerful"?  I can understand situations where players would try to take advantage of a loop hole in a rule system or find a delebrate flaw in the rules itself, but X-phasers (heck all X tech) shouldn't be outlawed just because they are "too powerful".  Of course they would be powerful, they are X-tech (ie. Advanced Technology) where they are supose to be more powerful then an earlier tech design.  Let me guess, too many players in Standard tech ships kept getting killed against X-tech foes right?  No commander would ever go against an opponent that has more advanced weapons then what you have.  Look at Saddam Hussian <sp> I'm sure he knew perfectly well that his forces could not win against a US/UK military unslaught.  I don't see why their should be any good reason to ban X-tech.  If nothing else, its a good basis to start Balancing X-tech ships between each other.    


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Re: Starship Class question
« Reply #32 on: December 02, 2003, 08:51:08 am »
Believe me I checked the manual that comes with SFC 1, it is not in that book at least.


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Re: Starship Class question
« Reply #33 on: December 02, 2003, 08:57:12 am »
I have heard similar things.    Though I am trying to create an Enterprise-B (the ship not the skin found a couple of good ones for that though I keep my eye out for improvments).  Thought I had made a good one but it was suggested that it may have been responsible for my game crashing.  Yes all the shiplists were the same first thing I always check.   Using the latest patch of course and FS 3.1+ shiplist.  Thank you firesoul for that excellent expansion!  Just trying to replace  most  of the taldren stock models with better/more detailed  ones and trying to match skins to eras.  Though we are still  debating whats closest as a fun debate


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Re: Starship Class question
« Reply #34 on: December 03, 2003, 04:18:42 am »

"Also, it should be noted that overloadable phasers are no longer an official part of SFB, as they were found to be far too powerful and incredibly game unbalancing."

WHAT!!!????    Are you serious???  Why is it that ADB always have to get so nitpicky about something being "too powerful"?  I can understand situations where players would try to take advantage of a loop hole in a rule system or find a delebrate flaw in the rules itself, but X-phasers (heck all X tech) shouldn't be outlawed just because they are "too powerful".  Of course they would be powerful, they are X-tech (ie. Advanced Technology) where they are supose to be more powerful then an earlier tech design.  Let me guess, too many players in Standard tech ships kept getting killed against X-tech foes right?  No commander would ever go against an opponent that has more advanced weapons then what you have.  Look at Saddam Hussian <sp> I'm sure he knew perfectly well that his forces could not win against a US/UK military unslaught.  I don't see why their should be any good reason to ban X-tech.  If nothing else, its a good basis to start Balancing X-tech ships between each other.    

Basically, playtesting by fans determined that overloadable phasers made it so that X-ships were only doing one manuever: Close and Hose. Every battle for an X-ship would revolve around getting inside range 5, then firing an alpha strike of ten or more phaser-1's that do an additional 50% more damage than usual, utterely destroying any opponent rather soundly. This was effective but not very fun for either side or challeging for the X-ship captain.
Anyway, overloadable phasers were replaced by a different system wherein if the X-ship has a certain amount of ECCM over its opponent, it actually gains a positive shift to its phaser fire, increasing its average damage. This, coupled with their superior EW generation capabilities and ability to fast load heavy weapons(with the misfire penatly REMOVED I might add), makes X-ships still a seriously threatening foe to encounter.


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Re: Starship Class question
« Reply #35 on: December 04, 2003, 12:46:33 am »
Ah, I see!  I had no idea that the X-rules had been change.  Actually, I can see your point about the old system, it would make battles somewhat boring.  I could already see in my mind how dynamic those new rules would be compared to the old system.  I think they might even spark some interest in getting X-ship modules (and maybe even beyond) for those that didn't like X-ships.

Did ADB release a new version of an X-ship module?  I was not aware of these type of changes.


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Re: Starship Class question
« Reply #36 on: December 04, 2003, 02:44:45 am »
No, they just released a rules update in a captain's log issue.  


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Re: Starship Class question
« Reply #37 on: December 04, 2003, 07:35:08 am »
You should have seen the 2nd generation X ships from the old Supplement #2.  They were a definate close and hose group of ships.  We used to just say the guy who did the most damage won cause no one ever survived the first shot.