I am thankful for so very many things in my life.
My beautiful wife, who makes me a better man.
My family, that loves and supports me.
My friends, that cheer me when I am down, carry me when I am weak, and bail me out when I am in jail.

My job that pays me good money for doing something that I mostly enjoy.
My co-workers, that have lead me to believe that not all tech jobs are full of "geeks"
I am thankful to live in this country, and to be in a wonderful community.
I am thankful for all those who have worked, fought, and died, to allow me to live in peace and prosperity.
Finally, I thank you Lord, for all the many blessings that I take for granted everyday. I thank you for the gifts you lavished upon me, and I thank you for your ultimate sacrifice that has set all of us free.