Topic: SCF II PYRE ???  (Read 9302 times)

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« Reply #20 on: January 30, 2004, 04:51:13 pm »

So I do not bombard the planet?  Just unless I watch my other ship it will launch a scattter pack to attack the planet.  It never seemed to self detonate after I beamed it in for any mission.  Do I need to bombard 1st then beamthe detonator in?  I thought what i did was enough but I know that sometimes it needs to be specific just looking for any detail that I missed.  have you completed SF2 EAW?  If so info on this and anything else to do with this game would be extremely helpful.  

you need to move away from the planet.. prior to mission, read the briefing very carefully.. follow your orders there to the letter in order and follow the commands given you on the screen in order....

The bomb will self detonate as you move away from the Planet....

hope that this helps.


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« Reply #21 on: January 30, 2004, 05:02:25 pm »

How do you mean from scratch?  FOr the record as I had it patched up to 2.033 I beleive prior to starting this new campaign.  When I took it up to 2.036 I already had the trouble, was hoping the patch would resolve it. Maybe I tried bypassing it to much.  Wish I could see someone else do it.

Why was EAW being routed through OP with what you gave?  Better graphics to put it through there or bettter choices as in ships?  

When upgrading a patch, you must delete any saved games and relaunch the campaign fresh for the changes in the new install to work... upgrading a patch with old saved games usually makes the game constantly crash out...

also for best results, it is most recommended to reinstall SFC prior to installing a patch...

the recommended way to patch is as follows :

uninstall SFC II EAW using Windows Add/Remove programs, then delete the game folder off your system.

If using Norton, disable norton at this time...

Reinstall SFC II EAW

patch using the 2002-2036 full install patch (US version) or the 2202-2036 (UK version) or the 2102-2036 (German Version)

Get the script from my previous post and install it per instructions posted above.

re-enable Norton.

Launch game using the Starfleet2.exe game file from the Game Directory, or make you a new shortcut based off this file and replace the one on your desktop, or edit the properties of your desktop shortcut to point to this file..

If you launch the game and it displays the intro movie, there is an 80% chance the game will crash or bug up during play.. but using the lauch file of Starfleet2.exe bypasses the Intro movie and runs just fine...

anyhow this is the proper way to patch up your game..

if you are using an incrimental patch method, then before patching you need to delete the saved games and disable norton then use the patch and replace the script as stated above, then re-enable norton and use the launch file I stated above.. you can then run a new campaign that contains the latest and last fixes for EAW.

Hope this helps
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »


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« Reply #22 on: February 01, 2004, 02:51:17 pm »
Thanks for the help, did what you suggested, still same problem. yes have verion 2036. any other suggestions?  


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« Reply #23 on: February 15, 2003, 03:52:06 pm »
We keep getting stuck with this mission we defeat the Orion ships and Defense platforms, scan the planet locate where to beam it in.  WE then attack the planet for ages and it seems we  can never finish.  had to save exit reload to get around it but it is becoming a pain as it still needs to be done.  Also how do I directly take away worlds from "allies"?  ie ISC Mirak Orions etc  IIs there any extra fast way to earn prestige to set up Starbases?  IS there a way to finally obtain victory over the game?    

The Postman

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« Reply #24 on: February 15, 2003, 04:07:09 pm »
After you scan the planet and locate the weapons cache, do you then beam the bomb to the specified location? Once in a great while my bomb won't go off but if I replay it, it always goes off the second time around.  


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« Reply #25 on: February 15, 2003, 04:19:20 pm »
How long does one  need to bomb it for?  Does it make a diff if you scan beam in the detonator, the switch to and finish off a defense satelite then return to the planet and bombard it?  I tried redoing it and  it still didnt work.  Maybe I tried bypassing it by reloading a saved game once to often?  Just installed the new patch 2.036 maybe that will help.  Any other information advice about that mission or SCF 2 EAW in general?  

The Postman

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« Reply #26 on: February 15, 2003, 04:36:37 pm »
Once you scan the planet, a message will pop up saying it has located the base or the weapons cache ( I don't remember which). Switch to the transporter panel(range to planet <6), hilight the bomb and beam it to the planet. The bomb will self detonate. The mission should end now.  


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« Reply #27 on: February 15, 2003, 04:41:02 pm »
So I do not bombard the planet?  Just unless I watch my other ship it will launch a scattter pack to attack the planet.  It never seemed to self detonate after I beamed it in for any mission.  Do I need to bombard 1st then beamthe detonator in?  I thought what i did was enough but I know that sometimes it needs to be specific just looking for any detail that I missed.  have you completed SF2 EAW?  If so info on this and anything else to do with this game would be extremely helpful.  

The Postman

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« Reply #28 on: February 15, 2003, 04:54:50 pm »
You do not need to fire any weapons at the planet. The bomb on the transporter pad will do the whole job in one shot. Remember, the orion base is built upon an underground weapons cache. Beam the bomb to the weapons cache and the resulting explosion destroys the orion base. I need to disappear for about an hour but I will be back to answer more questions then.
ps. I played the whole campaign this morning in OP to test a repaired script.  


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« Reply #29 on: February 15, 2003, 05:00:38 pm »
For the 1st part that is what I figured but I still seem to be missing something somehow.  I did everything I was supposed to do scanned the planet everything. you mentioned I did. Though why ships still automatically attempt to attack the planet is hmm just insert description perhaps.   Secondly, how did you play the SFC 2  EAW in SFC OP?
Please tell me everything you can about winning the game.  Right now I am in the Fed role.  Maybe I will try again fast and hope in the meantime.
On a seperate note, From the sound of it you do some programming anyway to get an Enterprise B type Excelsior ship in?  

The Postman

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« Reply #30 on: February 15, 2003, 06:27:18 pm »

   For the 1st part that is what I figured but I still seem to be missing something somehow. I did everything I was supposed to do scanned the planet everything. you mentioned I did. Though why ships still automatically attempt to attack the planet is hmm just insert description perhaps.  

I need to know step by step what your doing.

 Secondly, how did you play the SFC 2 EAW  in SFC OP?

The EAW missions for OP can be found  here.


  Please tell me everything you can about winning the game. Right now I am in the Fed role. Maybe I will  try again fast and hope in the meantime. /quote]

I will help you with whatever mission is giving you trouble.

 On a seperate note, From the sound of it you do some programming anyway to get an Enterprise B type Excelsior ship in?  

You need to visit the  modeling forum  and the  SFC mods forum. Installing a model of the Excelsior class refit should be no problem.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by The Postman »


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« Reply #31 on: February 15, 2003, 07:02:55 pm »
OK I go in warm up the weapons to max (sometimes hailing the planet and/or ships) and take out the first set of Orion ships at least one completely on the first run as they launch so many missles.  I have 2 dreadnaughts the Heavy and the plasma Federation.  I do the same thing with the next set after some evasive action to recharge the shields a bit.  After that I take outall of  the Ortion defense satellites.  I then scan the planet beam in the device and then nothing  seems to happen.  I tried just recently in the last hour and Iafter waiting about 10 seconds or so with nothing I hit the planet with everything.  Tried to beam out the detonator again.  Waited some more then tried beaming it in again then out again nothing for everything argh!  What have I missed here?!!

Right now it is this one the most.  Though how do I remove allies?  I was lucky with the Hydrans seemed if I forfeited ship defense of their ship yards it would hurt their defense until the defense was gone it bcame neutral and I took over but it did not always work.  Has to be an enemy a full one ie in this case Klingons for that to work.  Any other ways.

Is their any particular person resource site that you recommend for finding a good quality one for the Excelsior refit?  

The Postman

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« Reply #32 on: February 15, 2003, 07:12:38 pm »
To what level is your game patched. On the startup screen when you first start the game in the lower right corner should be a 4 digit number  that starts with 20 and reads like 20.xx.  


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« Reply #33 on: February 15, 2003, 07:16:28 pm »
When i started up my most recent missions after I lost my last HD I upgraded it to the max then 2.033 and just recently patched it to 2.036  


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« Reply #34 on: February 15, 2003, 07:18:29 pm »
Actually I just patched it up to 2.036 today hoping it would aleviate the difficulty as  I am stumped.    

The Postman

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« Reply #35 on: February 15, 2003, 07:20:30 pm »
Did you start the campaign from scratch after you patched?  


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« Reply #36 on: February 15, 2003, 07:26:21 pm »
How do you mean from scratch?  FOr the record as I had it patched up to 2.033 I beleive prior to starting this new campaign.  When I took it up to 2.036 I already had the trouble, was hoping the patch would resolve it. Maybe I tried bypassing it to much.  Wish I could see someone else do it.

Why was EAW being routed through OP with what you gave?  Better graphics to put it through there or bettter choices as in ships?  

The Postman

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« Reply #37 on: February 15, 2003, 07:50:15 pm »
You need to start the campaign fresh after you patched to 20.36. All the saved games will probably crash if they were saved in  prior versions. Try starting the campaign fresh and see if it doesn't correct the problem. You will also need to go  here  and down load this corrected script for the EAW campaign and install it to the place it tells you to.
The EAW campaigns were compiled for OP by Firesoul. This puts all the missions and campaigns into one game. This was not done by Taldren. Another advantage is that you do have more ships to play with Taldren's list but also Firesoul  will be releasing a new shiplist with over 1000 ships.
One example of a  of the Excelsior refit can be downloaded from  here.  
You may also want to go  here  for a lot of good information about modifying the game. This site also has instructions for installing models into the game as well as the changes that need to be made to the shiplist to complete the installation.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by The Postman »


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« Reply #38 on: February 15, 2003, 08:35:51 pm »
I admit in theory that sounds logical except I seemed to be having the trouble prior to my patching it from 2.033 to 2.036 it would be a major pain to have to start all over again.  Especially since the hydrans are almost wiped out.  It is the timing issue which bothers me as it started prior to this.  Could it occurr from reloading one to many times to slip around it while I built up prestige?   Can I possibly just restore it to the 2033 ?

I tried downloading the corrected script from the site you gave me but it would not let me download on the free server at least not with netscape 7 and that site is a pain to navigate.  That other site you gave me  
earlier had this   

Is it the same thing as the free one from gamespy which is  Looks simialr but with the slight difference esp in size though minor might be enough.

Actually I did manage to get the one from the link you gave me to download dont know what was wrong.    Should I install both plus that previous site had other downloads such as * -> sources to the SFC:EAW missions and campaigns. (8.4mb)
To bad taldren had not routed it through SCF OP as well but ok so I just straight install with the instructions I hope that it gives and no problem I hope.  Do you have Msn or yahoo?  That way it might be faster for questions.
Is that the best site for alternates for lack of a better expression with the Excelsior refit/Enterprise-B  


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« Reply #39 on: February 15, 2003, 08:42:28 pm »
Oh is there a version of these new ships where I do not require another program to install them/make them active.  When  I unzipped the Excelsior refit  I found I require a program plus from what I read to wipe out 2 ships in the process I just would like to add.  It looks nice but sigh