I admit in theory that sounds logical except I seemed to be having the trouble prior to my patching it from 2.033 to 2.036 it would be a major pain to have to start all over again. Especially since the hydrans are almost wiped out. It is the timing issue which bothers me as it started prior to this. Could it occurr from reloading one to many times to slip around it while I built up prestige? Can I possibly just restore it to the 2033 ?
I tried downloading the corrected script from the site you gave me but it would not let me download on the free server at least not with netscape 7 and that site is a pain to navigate. That other site you gave me
http://klingon.stasis.ca/EAW_missions/ earlier had this Uni_7BattleGrave-20030214.zip
Is it the same thing as the free one from gamespy which is 2002_uni_7battlegrave.zip? Looks simialr but with the slight difference esp in size though minor might be enough.
Actually I did manage to get the one from the link you gave me to download dont know what was wrong. Should I install both plus that previous site had other downloads such as * SFC2_EAW_Scripts.zip -> sources to the SFC:EAW missions and campaigns. (8.4mb)
To bad taldren had not routed it through SCF OP as well but ok so I just straight install with the instructions I hope that it gives and no problem I hope. Do you have Msn or yahoo? That way it might be faster for questions.
Is that the best site for alternates for lack of a better expression with the Excelsior refit/Enterprise-B