Since some have mentioned playing MU*s here -- which ones do you play?
I knocked around PernMUSH for a long time -- I played an avian-specialist beastcrafter apprentice. I also had a wolf character on BaltoMUCK -- sounds stupid, but that was one of my favorite text-based MU*s. I ran (and played on) a small MUX based on a world I created off and on for about a year and a half -- it was mostly used by people from the roleplaying group associated with that world. When BaltoMUCK went kaput I played on TerraFroreMUCK for awhile -- they had a cool guest interface and these little AI rabbits that you could chase around. (I'm easily amused.) And then I played on the biggest mother of them all, Dragonrealms, for several years -- after trying out Gemstone III, dying within an hour of starting, and giving it up.

Haven't really gotten back into the MU* scene since getting sucked into Dragonrealms. I also did short stints on some MUD that had Phoenix in the title, and another one that started with an A (it was near the top of the mud listing on zMUD, go figure) that I can't remember. Tried out Dragon's Gate for a little while, but never got very far in.