I have recently dusted off SFC3 and started playing it again on a new computer. The old one I used to play on didn't have enough horsepower, and in single-player conquest, the delays while it calculated opponent movements made it unplayable after a while for me.
My new system should have more than enough horsepower. I have a dual Athlon MP2000+ with a Radeon 9000 512MB of ram running XP professional. My problem is that in battles, I am getting some significant jerkiness. Often pauses on the order of five seconds.
The things that seem to trigger pauses are:
- Transporters. Especially if I use "transport one marine" several times in a row. If I do it just once, I'll have about a 25% chance of causeing a pause of a few seconds. If I do it three or more times, it will always cause a pause.
- Pulse phasers - especially if 4 or more are fired at once.
- Many weapons from different sources hitting the same target
This is just a partial list - there are many factors that seem to go together to reduce the frame rate. I am not talking reducing it from 30 fps to 15fps - I am talking going from 30fps to one or two seconds per frame or more. In complex battles where there are more than 10 ships, I can be guaranteed that it will be almost unplayable due to the frequent pauses.
I have tried several remedies. One person mentioned that he had this problem and it was fixed by running in Windows 95 compatibility mode. I had to use the MS Application Compatibility Toolkit to do this, because the stock Win95 mode wouldn't work with SFC3 on my machine, but this did not fix teh problem. I have tried running in 16 bit mode, turning down my audio acceleration, turning down my 3D graphics quality... everything I can think of. Since it is a dual system, I also tried pegging the process to a single processor in case it was a multi-thread bug, but this doesn't work.
If there are any other tips you have for me, I would appreciate it. Even with just a Radeon 9000, I am thinking that I should have more than enough horsepower for this game.
Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions.