Topic: LOTR fun , when you see TTT  (Read 10507 times)

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LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« on: November 24, 2003, 08:28:01 pm »
Floating around on Thought it was worth sharing with you guys:

<MercyBeat> For those of you planning on seeing the third LOTR movie at the theater her are some survival tips.
<MercyBeat> 1. Stand up halfway through the movie and yell loudly, "Wait... where the hell is Harry Potter?"
<MercyBeat> 2. Block the entrance to the theater while screaming: "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!" - After the movie, say "Lucas could have done it better."
<MercyBeat> 3. At some point during the movie, stand up and shout: "I must go! Middle Earth needs me!" and run and try to jump into the screen. After bouncing off, return quietly to your seat.
<MercyBeat> 4. Play a drinking game where you have to take a sip every time someone says: "The Ring."
<MercyBeat> 5. Point and laugh whenever someone dies.
<MercyBeat> 6. Ask the nearest ring-nut if he thinks Gandalf went to Hogwarts
<MercyBeat> 7. Finish off every one of Elrond's lines with "Mr. Anderson."
<MercyBeat> 8. When Aragorn is crowned king, stand up and at the top of your lungs sing, "And I did it.... MY way...!"
<MercyBeat> 9. At the end, complain that Gollum was offensive to Ethiopians
<MercyBeat> 10. Talk like Gollum all through the movie. At the end, bite off someone's finger and fall down the stairs.
<MercyBeat> 11. When Shelob appears, pinch the guy in front of you on the back of the neck.
<MercyBeat> 12. Dress up as old ladies and reenact "The Battle of Helms Deep" Monty Python style.
<MercyBeat> 13. When Denethor lights the fire, shout "Barbecue!"
<MercyBeat> 14. Ask people around you who they think is the next "Terminator" sent from the Middle Earth of the future to assassinate Frodo Baggins
<MercyBeat> 15. In TTT when the Ents decide to march to war, stand up and shout "RUN FOREST, RUN!"
<MercyBeat> 16. Every time someone kills an Orc, yell: "That's what I'm Tolkien about!" See how long it takes before you get kicked out of the theatre.
<MercyBeat> 17. During a wide shot of a battle, inquire, "Where's Waldo?"
<MercyBeat> 18. Talk loudly about how you heard that there is a single frame of a nude Elf hidden somewhere in the movie.
<MercyBeat> 19. Start an Orc sing-a-long.
<MercyBeat> 20. Come to the premiere dressed as Frankenfurter and wander around looking terribly confused.



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Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2003, 04:53:34 am »

Start an Orc sing-a-long.

We (dum dum dum) are Orcs
We used to look quite elven
We no longer get the halls of mandos.
But we shall kill our older forms!

Kill Kill Kill the humans!
Kill Kill Kill the elves!
When they are dead
(big climax) THERE WILL BE NO MORE MAGGOTY BREEEEEAAAAD1!!!!11!!!11!!!!1!!

« Last Edit: November 25, 2003, 04:55:36 am by vsfedwards »


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Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2003, 04:53:51 am »
 Edit: Double posted
« Last Edit: November 25, 2003, 04:55:03 am by vsfedwards »


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Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2003, 05:02:37 am »
Or this one, from Bored of the Rings...

From the Halls of Khazad Dum-a
To the shores of Lithui
We will fight King Sorehed's battles
With tooth and nail and knee!

Seriously, I'd advise anyone one adopting these measures to strongly consider a prepaid burial trust.    
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Harlax »


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Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2003, 05:05:15 am »
Ah, but I made mine up   lol...whats bored of the rings anyway? Sounds like blasphemy to me! Ive watched TTT 13 times now and FOTR about 8, not once have I been bored!


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Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2003, 07:55:57 am »

Ah, but I made mine up   lol...whats bored of the rings anyway?  

Bored of the Rings is a book by the Harvard Lampoon (better known now as the National Lampoon) - a must-read parody of The Lord of the Rings, for any LOTR fan.

Where else can you get the story of Goodgulf Greyteeth the wizard, with his worm eaten staff, hi-top pro-Keds, and glow-in- the-dark T-shirt that says "Wilt thou Kiss Me in the Dark, Baby?", and the Fellowship of the Ring:

Arrowroot, son of Arrowshirt
Legolam of the Elves
Gimlet son of Groin
Bromosel, of the men of Gonad
Frito, Spam, and the others

Scott Allen Abfalter

  • Guest
Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2003, 09:16:09 am »

The classic part of "Bored of the Rings" is where Goodgulf, the Wizard, is running from the Balrog (er, "Ball-Hog") and is not moving quick enough across the rope bridge.    So Aragorn ('Arrowroot') and Legolas ('Leg-o-lamb') decide that Goodgulf must sacrefice himself and decide --on their own --to cut the ropes sending Goodgulf and the Ball-Hog to plunge to their deaths.  

Or my favoite line (paraphrased)  "Sam would have killed the wretched creature, but pity stayed his hand.  'Pity I left my sword back in that tower,' he thought to himself."


IKV Nemesis D7L

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Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2003, 09:01:54 pm »



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Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #8 on: November 25, 2003, 09:04:07 pm »
That last one was way too funny Nemesis.  


IKV Nemesis D7L

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Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #9 on: November 25, 2003, 09:15:37 pm »
If you click on either image it leads to the Userfriendly site and the days cartoon.  I expect more in the series over the next few days..  

I have the first movie's extended DVD edition and expect to get the other two but have not seen any yet.  Probably have a marathon weekend when I get the final episode.  


  • Guest
Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #10 on: November 26, 2003, 02:02:54 am »

<MercyBeat> 15. In TTT when the Ents decide to march to war, stand up and shout "RUN FOREST, RUN!"

This one literally made me laugh out loud.    


  • Guest
Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #11 on: November 26, 2003, 08:18:46 pm »

Ah, but I made mine up   lol...whats bored of the rings anyway? Sounds like blasphemy to me! Ive watched TTT 13 times now and FOTR about 8, not once have I been bored!  

Alright, you asked for it....

From the infamous 1 hour (1 hour!) Rankin Bass "adaptation" of LOTR.  Sing it with me!

Where there's a whip, there's a way
Where there's a whip, there's a way
We don't want to go to war today
But the Lord of the Tower says Nay, Nay, Nay
Where there's a whip, there's a way.
("Sung" by a group of orcs marching through Mordor with the disguised Sam and Frodo)

Choice of evils now is yours
Win a battle lose a war
Retreat! Retreat! RETREAT!
("Sung" by orcs advancing on the combined force of Gondor and Rohan before the Black Gates)

My apologies to others who had forgotten this turkey, but when you are looking to scrape the bottom of the Tolkein barrel, this is the destination...


  • Guest
Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #12 on: November 26, 2003, 10:23:42 pm »
Thanks, Stephen. You have now planted evil thoughts into my head. Bwahahaha!


  • Guest
Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #13 on: November 27, 2003, 08:42:01 am »


Ah, but I made mine up   lol...whats bored of the rings anyway? Sounds like blasphemy to me! Ive watched TTT 13 times now and FOTR about 8, not once have I been bored!  

Alright, you asked for it....

From the infamous 1 hour (1 hour!) Rankin Bass "adaptation" of LOTR.  Sing it with me!

Where there's a whip, there's a way
Where there's a whip, there's a way
We don't want to go to war today
But the Lord of the Tower says Nay, Nay, Nay
Where there's a whip, there's a way.
("Sung" by a group of orcs marching through Mordor with the disguised Sam and Frodo)

Choice of evils now is yours
Win a battle lose a war
Retreat! Retreat! RETREAT!
("Sung" by orcs advancing on the combined force of Gondor and Rohan before the Black Gates)

My apologies to others who had forgotten this turkey, but when you are looking to scrape the bottom of the Tolkein barrel, this is the destination...  

hehe, I got all three animated Tolkien movies last year for Christmas, My step Daughter has a wicked since of humor.  



  • Guest
Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #14 on: November 27, 2003, 04:49:55 pm »
Actually, I rather liked the animated trilogy. Several scenes in particular:  Strider telling off the innkeeper, Borimirs redemption, The "temptation" of the elf galadrial, the elve's mourning the passage of gandalf, Gandalf's reaction to the hobbit throwing a stone in the well, Gandalf reading the dwarve's journal, Gandalf and the balrog, Eowyn's revenge on the Nazgul: Away foul dweomir lak! For be you living or dark undead, I stand between you and my kin, and I will smite you if you touch him. ...But no man of woman born am I. Eowyn am I (after which she splits the dragon mount from crown to gut and decapitates the wraith while the hobbit distracts it), Aragorn's challenge to the mouth of Sauron, The seige on the city with the enchanted battering ram, gandalf's standoff with the wring wraith after the gate is breached, The palantir vision of the steward of gondor, when both frodo and sam at various times grab the ring and draw power to fend off the orc in the tower or gollum (it appears to be similar to imbibing a potion of superheroism pluss an aura of fear), I liked the temptation of samwise (his halucinations of power), and getting past the gaurdians to the tower with the gifts of galadriel

I liked the orc marching cadence (possibly because I march to much worse), And I liked the orcs chanting on the wall as Aragorn advanced on the gates.  
Gandalfs soliloquy on the walls of minas tirith. " I, gandalf, was without hope. As I stood on the walls of Minas Tirith contemplating my own almost certain destruction...
« Last Edit: November 27, 2003, 05:06:38 pm by Stormbringer1701 »


  • Guest
LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #15 on: November 24, 2003, 08:28:01 pm »
Floating around on Thought it was worth sharing with you guys:

<MercyBeat> For those of you planning on seeing the third LOTR movie at the theater her are some survival tips.
<MercyBeat> 1. Stand up halfway through the movie and yell loudly, "Wait... where the hell is Harry Potter?"
<MercyBeat> 2. Block the entrance to the theater while screaming: "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!" - After the movie, say "Lucas could have done it better."
<MercyBeat> 3. At some point during the movie, stand up and shout: "I must go! Middle Earth needs me!" and run and try to jump into the screen. After bouncing off, return quietly to your seat.
<MercyBeat> 4. Play a drinking game where you have to take a sip every time someone says: "The Ring."
<MercyBeat> 5. Point and laugh whenever someone dies.
<MercyBeat> 6. Ask the nearest ring-nut if he thinks Gandalf went to Hogwarts
<MercyBeat> 7. Finish off every one of Elrond's lines with "Mr. Anderson."
<MercyBeat> 8. When Aragorn is crowned king, stand up and at the top of your lungs sing, "And I did it.... MY way...!"
<MercyBeat> 9. At the end, complain that Gollum was offensive to Ethiopians
<MercyBeat> 10. Talk like Gollum all through the movie. At the end, bite off someone's finger and fall down the stairs.
<MercyBeat> 11. When Shelob appears, pinch the guy in front of you on the back of the neck.
<MercyBeat> 12. Dress up as old ladies and reenact "The Battle of Helms Deep" Monty Python style.
<MercyBeat> 13. When Denethor lights the fire, shout "Barbecue!"
<MercyBeat> 14. Ask people around you who they think is the next "Terminator" sent from the Middle Earth of the future to assassinate Frodo Baggins
<MercyBeat> 15. In TTT when the Ents decide to march to war, stand up and shout "RUN FOREST, RUN!"
<MercyBeat> 16. Every time someone kills an Orc, yell: "That's what I'm Tolkien about!" See how long it takes before you get kicked out of the theatre.
<MercyBeat> 17. During a wide shot of a battle, inquire, "Where's Waldo?"
<MercyBeat> 18. Talk loudly about how you heard that there is a single frame of a nude Elf hidden somewhere in the movie.
<MercyBeat> 19. Start an Orc sing-a-long.
<MercyBeat> 20. Come to the premiere dressed as Frankenfurter and wander around looking terribly confused.



  • Guest
Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #16 on: November 25, 2003, 04:53:34 am »

Start an Orc sing-a-long.

We (dum dum dum) are Orcs
We used to look quite elven
We no longer get the halls of mandos.
But we shall kill our older forms!

Kill Kill Kill the humans!
Kill Kill Kill the elves!
When they are dead
(big climax) THERE WILL BE NO MORE MAGGOTY BREEEEEAAAAD1!!!!11!!!11!!!!1!!

« Last Edit: November 25, 2003, 04:55:36 am by vsfedwards »


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Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #17 on: November 25, 2003, 04:53:51 am »
 Edit: Double posted
« Last Edit: November 25, 2003, 04:55:03 am by vsfedwards »


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Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #18 on: November 25, 2003, 05:02:37 am »
Or this one, from Bored of the Rings...

From the Halls of Khazad Dum-a
To the shores of Lithui
We will fight King Sorehed's battles
With tooth and nail and knee!

Seriously, I'd advise anyone one adopting these measures to strongly consider a prepaid burial trust.    
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Harlax »


  • Guest
Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #19 on: November 25, 2003, 05:05:15 am »
Ah, but I made mine up   lol...whats bored of the rings anyway? Sounds like blasphemy to me! Ive watched TTT 13 times now and FOTR about 8, not once have I been bored!


  • Guest
Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #20 on: November 25, 2003, 07:55:57 am »

Ah, but I made mine up   lol...whats bored of the rings anyway?  

Bored of the Rings is a book by the Harvard Lampoon (better known now as the National Lampoon) - a must-read parody of The Lord of the Rings, for any LOTR fan.

Where else can you get the story of Goodgulf Greyteeth the wizard, with his worm eaten staff, hi-top pro-Keds, and glow-in- the-dark T-shirt that says "Wilt thou Kiss Me in the Dark, Baby?", and the Fellowship of the Ring:

Arrowroot, son of Arrowshirt
Legolam of the Elves
Gimlet son of Groin
Bromosel, of the men of Gonad
Frito, Spam, and the others

Scott Allen Abfalter

  • Guest
Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #21 on: November 25, 2003, 09:16:09 am »

The classic part of "Bored of the Rings" is where Goodgulf, the Wizard, is running from the Balrog (er, "Ball-Hog") and is not moving quick enough across the rope bridge.    So Aragorn ('Arrowroot') and Legolas ('Leg-o-lamb') decide that Goodgulf must sacrefice himself and decide --on their own --to cut the ropes sending Goodgulf and the Ball-Hog to plunge to their deaths.  

Or my favoite line (paraphrased)  "Sam would have killed the wretched creature, but pity stayed his hand.  'Pity I left my sword back in that tower,' he thought to himself."


IKV Nemesis D7L

  • Guest
Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #22 on: November 25, 2003, 09:01:54 pm »



  • Guest
Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #23 on: November 25, 2003, 09:04:07 pm »
That last one was way too funny Nemesis.  


IKV Nemesis D7L

  • Guest
Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #24 on: November 25, 2003, 09:15:37 pm »
If you click on either image it leads to the Userfriendly site and the days cartoon.  I expect more in the series over the next few days..  

I have the first movie's extended DVD edition and expect to get the other two but have not seen any yet.  Probably have a marathon weekend when I get the final episode.  


  • Guest
Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #25 on: November 26, 2003, 02:02:54 am »

<MercyBeat> 15. In TTT when the Ents decide to march to war, stand up and shout "RUN FOREST, RUN!"

This one literally made me laugh out loud.    


  • Guest
Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #26 on: November 26, 2003, 08:18:46 pm »

Ah, but I made mine up   lol...whats bored of the rings anyway? Sounds like blasphemy to me! Ive watched TTT 13 times now and FOTR about 8, not once have I been bored!  

Alright, you asked for it....

From the infamous 1 hour (1 hour!) Rankin Bass "adaptation" of LOTR.  Sing it with me!

Where there's a whip, there's a way
Where there's a whip, there's a way
We don't want to go to war today
But the Lord of the Tower says Nay, Nay, Nay
Where there's a whip, there's a way.
("Sung" by a group of orcs marching through Mordor with the disguised Sam and Frodo)

Choice of evils now is yours
Win a battle lose a war
Retreat! Retreat! RETREAT!
("Sung" by orcs advancing on the combined force of Gondor and Rohan before the Black Gates)

My apologies to others who had forgotten this turkey, but when you are looking to scrape the bottom of the Tolkein barrel, this is the destination...


  • Guest
Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #27 on: November 26, 2003, 10:23:42 pm »
Thanks, Stephen. You have now planted evil thoughts into my head. Bwahahaha!


  • Guest
Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #28 on: November 27, 2003, 08:42:01 am »


Ah, but I made mine up   lol...whats bored of the rings anyway? Sounds like blasphemy to me! Ive watched TTT 13 times now and FOTR about 8, not once have I been bored!  

Alright, you asked for it....

From the infamous 1 hour (1 hour!) Rankin Bass "adaptation" of LOTR.  Sing it with me!

Where there's a whip, there's a way
Where there's a whip, there's a way
We don't want to go to war today
But the Lord of the Tower says Nay, Nay, Nay
Where there's a whip, there's a way.
("Sung" by a group of orcs marching through Mordor with the disguised Sam and Frodo)

Choice of evils now is yours
Win a battle lose a war
Retreat! Retreat! RETREAT!
("Sung" by orcs advancing on the combined force of Gondor and Rohan before the Black Gates)

My apologies to others who had forgotten this turkey, but when you are looking to scrape the bottom of the Tolkein barrel, this is the destination...  

hehe, I got all three animated Tolkien movies last year for Christmas, My step Daughter has a wicked since of humor.  



  • Guest
Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #29 on: November 27, 2003, 04:49:55 pm »
Actually, I rather liked the animated trilogy. Several scenes in particular:  Strider telling off the innkeeper, Borimirs redemption, The "temptation" of the elf galadrial, the elve's mourning the passage of gandalf, Gandalf's reaction to the hobbit throwing a stone in the well, Gandalf reading the dwarve's journal, Gandalf and the balrog, Eowyn's revenge on the Nazgul: Away foul dweomir lak! For be you living or dark undead, I stand between you and my kin, and I will smite you if you touch him. ...But no man of woman born am I. Eowyn am I (after which she splits the dragon mount from crown to gut and decapitates the wraith while the hobbit distracts it), Aragorn's challenge to the mouth of Sauron, The seige on the city with the enchanted battering ram, gandalf's standoff with the wring wraith after the gate is breached, The palantir vision of the steward of gondor, when both frodo and sam at various times grab the ring and draw power to fend off the orc in the tower or gollum (it appears to be similar to imbibing a potion of superheroism pluss an aura of fear), I liked the temptation of samwise (his halucinations of power), and getting past the gaurdians to the tower with the gifts of galadriel

I liked the orc marching cadence (possibly because I march to much worse), And I liked the orcs chanting on the wall as Aragorn advanced on the gates.  
Gandalfs soliloquy on the walls of minas tirith. " I, gandalf, was without hope. As I stood on the walls of Minas Tirith contemplating my own almost certain destruction...
« Last Edit: November 27, 2003, 05:06:38 pm by Stormbringer1701 »


  • Guest
LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #30 on: November 24, 2003, 08:28:01 pm »
Floating around on Thought it was worth sharing with you guys:

<MercyBeat> For those of you planning on seeing the third LOTR movie at the theater her are some survival tips.
<MercyBeat> 1. Stand up halfway through the movie and yell loudly, "Wait... where the hell is Harry Potter?"
<MercyBeat> 2. Block the entrance to the theater while screaming: "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!" - After the movie, say "Lucas could have done it better."
<MercyBeat> 3. At some point during the movie, stand up and shout: "I must go! Middle Earth needs me!" and run and try to jump into the screen. After bouncing off, return quietly to your seat.
<MercyBeat> 4. Play a drinking game where you have to take a sip every time someone says: "The Ring."
<MercyBeat> 5. Point and laugh whenever someone dies.
<MercyBeat> 6. Ask the nearest ring-nut if he thinks Gandalf went to Hogwarts
<MercyBeat> 7. Finish off every one of Elrond's lines with "Mr. Anderson."
<MercyBeat> 8. When Aragorn is crowned king, stand up and at the top of your lungs sing, "And I did it.... MY way...!"
<MercyBeat> 9. At the end, complain that Gollum was offensive to Ethiopians
<MercyBeat> 10. Talk like Gollum all through the movie. At the end, bite off someone's finger and fall down the stairs.
<MercyBeat> 11. When Shelob appears, pinch the guy in front of you on the back of the neck.
<MercyBeat> 12. Dress up as old ladies and reenact "The Battle of Helms Deep" Monty Python style.
<MercyBeat> 13. When Denethor lights the fire, shout "Barbecue!"
<MercyBeat> 14. Ask people around you who they think is the next "Terminator" sent from the Middle Earth of the future to assassinate Frodo Baggins
<MercyBeat> 15. In TTT when the Ents decide to march to war, stand up and shout "RUN FOREST, RUN!"
<MercyBeat> 16. Every time someone kills an Orc, yell: "That's what I'm Tolkien about!" See how long it takes before you get kicked out of the theatre.
<MercyBeat> 17. During a wide shot of a battle, inquire, "Where's Waldo?"
<MercyBeat> 18. Talk loudly about how you heard that there is a single frame of a nude Elf hidden somewhere in the movie.
<MercyBeat> 19. Start an Orc sing-a-long.
<MercyBeat> 20. Come to the premiere dressed as Frankenfurter and wander around looking terribly confused.



  • Guest
Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #31 on: November 25, 2003, 04:53:34 am »

Start an Orc sing-a-long.

We (dum dum dum) are Orcs
We used to look quite elven
We no longer get the halls of mandos.
But we shall kill our older forms!

Kill Kill Kill the humans!
Kill Kill Kill the elves!
When they are dead
(big climax) THERE WILL BE NO MORE MAGGOTY BREEEEEAAAAD1!!!!11!!!11!!!!1!!

« Last Edit: November 25, 2003, 04:55:36 am by vsfedwards »


  • Guest
Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #32 on: November 25, 2003, 04:53:51 am »
 Edit: Double posted
« Last Edit: November 25, 2003, 04:55:03 am by vsfedwards »


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Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #33 on: November 25, 2003, 05:02:37 am »
Or this one, from Bored of the Rings...

From the Halls of Khazad Dum-a
To the shores of Lithui
We will fight King Sorehed's battles
With tooth and nail and knee!

Seriously, I'd advise anyone one adopting these measures to strongly consider a prepaid burial trust.    
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Harlax »


  • Guest
Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #34 on: November 25, 2003, 05:05:15 am »
Ah, but I made mine up   lol...whats bored of the rings anyway? Sounds like blasphemy to me! Ive watched TTT 13 times now and FOTR about 8, not once have I been bored!


  • Guest
Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #35 on: November 25, 2003, 07:55:57 am »

Ah, but I made mine up   lol...whats bored of the rings anyway?  

Bored of the Rings is a book by the Harvard Lampoon (better known now as the National Lampoon) - a must-read parody of The Lord of the Rings, for any LOTR fan.

Where else can you get the story of Goodgulf Greyteeth the wizard, with his worm eaten staff, hi-top pro-Keds, and glow-in- the-dark T-shirt that says "Wilt thou Kiss Me in the Dark, Baby?", and the Fellowship of the Ring:

Arrowroot, son of Arrowshirt
Legolam of the Elves
Gimlet son of Groin
Bromosel, of the men of Gonad
Frito, Spam, and the others

Scott Allen Abfalter

  • Guest
Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #36 on: November 25, 2003, 09:16:09 am »

The classic part of "Bored of the Rings" is where Goodgulf, the Wizard, is running from the Balrog (er, "Ball-Hog") and is not moving quick enough across the rope bridge.    So Aragorn ('Arrowroot') and Legolas ('Leg-o-lamb') decide that Goodgulf must sacrefice himself and decide --on their own --to cut the ropes sending Goodgulf and the Ball-Hog to plunge to their deaths.  

Or my favoite line (paraphrased)  "Sam would have killed the wretched creature, but pity stayed his hand.  'Pity I left my sword back in that tower,' he thought to himself."


IKV Nemesis D7L

  • Guest
Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #37 on: November 25, 2003, 09:01:54 pm »



  • Guest
Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #38 on: November 25, 2003, 09:04:07 pm »
That last one was way too funny Nemesis.  


IKV Nemesis D7L

  • Guest
Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #39 on: November 25, 2003, 09:15:37 pm »
If you click on either image it leads to the Userfriendly site and the days cartoon.  I expect more in the series over the next few days..  

I have the first movie's extended DVD edition and expect to get the other two but have not seen any yet.  Probably have a marathon weekend when I get the final episode.  


  • Guest
Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #40 on: November 26, 2003, 02:02:54 am »

<MercyBeat> 15. In TTT when the Ents decide to march to war, stand up and shout "RUN FOREST, RUN!"

This one literally made me laugh out loud.    


  • Guest
Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #41 on: November 26, 2003, 08:18:46 pm »

Ah, but I made mine up   lol...whats bored of the rings anyway? Sounds like blasphemy to me! Ive watched TTT 13 times now and FOTR about 8, not once have I been bored!  

Alright, you asked for it....

From the infamous 1 hour (1 hour!) Rankin Bass "adaptation" of LOTR.  Sing it with me!

Where there's a whip, there's a way
Where there's a whip, there's a way
We don't want to go to war today
But the Lord of the Tower says Nay, Nay, Nay
Where there's a whip, there's a way.
("Sung" by a group of orcs marching through Mordor with the disguised Sam and Frodo)

Choice of evils now is yours
Win a battle lose a war
Retreat! Retreat! RETREAT!
("Sung" by orcs advancing on the combined force of Gondor and Rohan before the Black Gates)

My apologies to others who had forgotten this turkey, but when you are looking to scrape the bottom of the Tolkein barrel, this is the destination...


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Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #42 on: November 26, 2003, 10:23:42 pm »
Thanks, Stephen. You have now planted evil thoughts into my head. Bwahahaha!


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Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #43 on: November 27, 2003, 08:42:01 am »


Ah, but I made mine up   lol...whats bored of the rings anyway? Sounds like blasphemy to me! Ive watched TTT 13 times now and FOTR about 8, not once have I been bored!  

Alright, you asked for it....

From the infamous 1 hour (1 hour!) Rankin Bass "adaptation" of LOTR.  Sing it with me!

Where there's a whip, there's a way
Where there's a whip, there's a way
We don't want to go to war today
But the Lord of the Tower says Nay, Nay, Nay
Where there's a whip, there's a way.
("Sung" by a group of orcs marching through Mordor with the disguised Sam and Frodo)

Choice of evils now is yours
Win a battle lose a war
Retreat! Retreat! RETREAT!
("Sung" by orcs advancing on the combined force of Gondor and Rohan before the Black Gates)

My apologies to others who had forgotten this turkey, but when you are looking to scrape the bottom of the Tolkein barrel, this is the destination...  

hehe, I got all three animated Tolkien movies last year for Christmas, My step Daughter has a wicked since of humor.  



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Re: LOTR fun , when you see TTT
« Reply #44 on: November 27, 2003, 04:49:55 pm »
Actually, I rather liked the animated trilogy. Several scenes in particular:  Strider telling off the innkeeper, Borimirs redemption, The "temptation" of the elf galadrial, the elve's mourning the passage of gandalf, Gandalf's reaction to the hobbit throwing a stone in the well, Gandalf reading the dwarve's journal, Gandalf and the balrog, Eowyn's revenge on the Nazgul: Away foul dweomir lak! For be you living or dark undead, I stand between you and my kin, and I will smite you if you touch him. ...But no man of woman born am I. Eowyn am I (after which she splits the dragon mount from crown to gut and decapitates the wraith while the hobbit distracts it), Aragorn's challenge to the mouth of Sauron, The seige on the city with the enchanted battering ram, gandalf's standoff with the wring wraith after the gate is breached, The palantir vision of the steward of gondor, when both frodo and sam at various times grab the ring and draw power to fend off the orc in the tower or gollum (it appears to be similar to imbibing a potion of superheroism pluss an aura of fear), I liked the temptation of samwise (his halucinations of power), and getting past the gaurdians to the tower with the gifts of galadriel

I liked the orc marching cadence (possibly because I march to much worse), And I liked the orcs chanting on the wall as Aragorn advanced on the gates.  
Gandalfs soliloquy on the walls of minas tirith. " I, gandalf, was without hope. As I stood on the walls of Minas Tirith contemplating my own almost certain destruction...
« Last Edit: November 27, 2003, 05:06:38 pm by Stormbringer1701 »