Topic: Seltorian Light Dreadnought!  (Read 824 times)

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Seltorian Light Dreadnought!
« on: November 22, 2003, 05:35:54 am »

Facing increasingly heavy combat in the Milky Way with only the ships they brought with them(or could build), the Seltorians were at an increasing disadvantage due to their lack of heavy command units. Their solution was simply to mount a third standard boom into the central socket of a standard cruiser rear hull. This design was suggested by Klingon engineers, and the Seltorian engineers were reportedly astounded at the concept(or at least pretended to be). Intelligence reports indicate that this had not previously been done due to the problem of balancing the warp fields of three engines in such close proximity, but that Klingon engineers(with more powerful computers) were able to provide the necessary balance studies.
For our purposes, the resulting ship was classed as a Light Dreadnought, although it did not really fit the "mold" of the galactic DNL that fought in the opening stages of the General War. The Seltorians simply listed the ships as "command ships".

Coming soon!


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Re: Seltorian Light Dreadnought!
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2003, 10:05:11 am »
More SFB Stuff...I think I aM going to pass out with all this bowing    


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Re: Seltorian Light Dreadnought!
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2003, 02:31:17 pm »