1. List five things you'd like to accomplish by the end of the year.
Get a job, get the database back end and coding for the front end done for my wife's company's web page, get her business into Peachtree, finish Surviving the Fire, sleep.
2. List five people you've lost contact with that you'd like to hear from again.
Carla Rodman - the person who first taught me there are decent people in the world, which made me reevaluate my world view (for the better). I've always wanted to thank her for that.
Rick Range - the best History teacher I ever had. Unfortunately he died of cancer several years back, so hearing from him would be kind of spooky, but it would be worth it.
Jeff Londynsky (aka Captain Sleazy). Always more of a friend to me than I was to him. I'd like to have the opportunity to make it up to him some day.
Heath - writer of extraordinary Lyran stories on the Fan Fiction boards here.
That would be it. Don't have a fifth.
3. List five things you'd like to learn how to do.
Dance (I've taken classes, I'm really bad at it), Sew (likewise), Code C++ (I've always wanted to try my hand at SFC scenario building), be more romantic (haven't taken classes, but am not very good at this either), pick winning lottery numbers.
4. List five things you'd do if you won the lottery (no limit).
Give $5 million each to my family and close friends (the interest from that should keep them from ever having to work again).
Buy all the damned Trek licenses, and pay Taldren to make Galaxies at War ...and a new, GOOD Trek Series.
Build a medieval-style castle for a home, but with all the modern conveniences that real medieval castles don't have (I've always wanted one).
...and in all seriousness, I was thinking about just this thing the other day... put together an organization to get the homeless off the streets. I'm not sure how to help the ones with mental health problems too severe for them to function in normal society - maybe some of those can be helped with medication. I think first I'd want to focus on the ones who are capable and willing to function, but just caught enough bad breaks to end up on the streets.
I'd do that by hiring sharp people who are good judges of character to find homeless people who met the above criteria, interview the people, and offer them the option of 'enrolling' in my program - which gets them food, clothes, a place to sleep, and job training / placement assistance for a maximum of 1 year. They get to choose when they want to leave the program, but while they are in it there are no drugs or alcohol. Either one will get them booted. I figure any mentally comptent person should be able to get on their feet in a year under those conditions.
5. List five things you do that help you relax.
Play computer games, read a book, eat mint chocolate chip ice cream, drink a good dark beer, pet the cat.