Come ooon, Ive talked about this with you before Steve, I think you know what I mean..we create a world, choose weapons or spells and we right a sort of RPG story. Through it we can have our own lil adventures without the restrictions of game programming

...Ok firstly lets all think of a setting story story. Anyone who gets involved can post their background story then we'll have a vote on which one to use....
The year is 5035 and planet Akudra has been at an all out war between its different factions for 5 years. Some of the factions have grouped together to form different alliances. These are the alliances:
Mantinpal alliance, consisting of; Lastan faction, Wavsol faction and the Prascele faction (prounounced "Pra- seal")- Above all they believe that they were the chosen factions of their god and that all other factions were sent down to Akudra by other gods as part of a war between the gods. Their main aim is to obliterate all other factions.
Yarshot alliance, consisting of; Fean faction and the Elras faction- They believe in the unification of all factions, as all factions are equal and that they all were brought to Akudra by the same god so every faction should merge together under a new name.
Gancourt alliance, constisting of; Pankor faction, lumas faction and the Zar faction.-they believe in the equal rights of all factions, that each faction should be allowed their own land and their own leaders.
Even though time has been recorded for over 5000 years, the Akudrians are not yet a technilogically advanced race, they are the equivilant in technology as us humans 1000 years ago.
Their planet experients very close temperatures across each continent without much of a range. This is due to the 3 suns in their solar system. This is what has lead the Mantinpal to believe that the other factions are sent down by other gods, three gods, one for each alliance, the suns being the place in which the gods reside.
...cant think of much more right now, in fact I think that will do, now you guys give your own setting story ago..