Topic: Lets play a post RPG  (Read 6273 times)

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Lets play a post RPG
« on: November 21, 2003, 03:39:59 pm »
Come ooon, Ive talked about this with you before Steve, I think you know what I mean..we create a world, choose weapons or spells and we right a sort of RPG story. Through it we can have our own lil adventures without the restrictions of game programming ...Ok firstly lets all think of a setting story story. Anyone who gets involved can post their background story then we'll have a vote on which one to use....

The year is 5035 and planet Akudra has been at an all out war between its different factions for 5 years. Some of the factions have grouped together to form different alliances. These are the alliances:
Mantinpal alliance, consisting of; Lastan faction, Wavsol faction and the Prascele faction (prounounced "Pra- seal")- Above all they believe that they were the chosen factions of their god and that all other factions were sent down to Akudra by other gods as part of a war between the gods. Their main aim is to obliterate all other factions.

 Yarshot alliance, consisting of; Fean faction and the Elras faction- They believe in the unification of all factions, as all factions are equal and that they all were brought to Akudra by the same god so every faction should merge together under a new name.

 Gancourt alliance, constisting of; Pankor faction, lumas faction and the Zar faction.-they believe in the equal rights of all factions, that each faction should be allowed their own land and their own leaders.

Even though time has been recorded for over 5000 years, the Akudrians are not yet a technilogically advanced race, they are the equivilant in technology as us humans 1000 years ago.
Their planet experients very close temperatures across each continent without much of a range. This is due to the 3 suns in their solar system. This is what has lead the Mantinpal to believe that the other factions are sent down by other gods, three gods, one for each alliance, the suns being the place in which the gods reside.

...cant think of much more right now, in fact I think that will do, now you guys give your own setting story ago..  


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Re: Lets play a post RPG
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2003, 12:18:16 pm »
Nobody want to take this on?


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Re: Lets play a post RPG
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2003, 07:39:20 pm »

Nobody want to take this on?  

Well, Andy, besides finding myself to be a bit dense about this, I am really not sure what it is you want. Do you want someone to also create another backstory/setting, or to play off the one you've created?



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Re: Lets play a post RPG
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2003, 07:39:56 am »
Just create their own background story yes, need a few so we can vote on which is the best...then we start our own rpg kind of thing..basically creating a unique rpg here...

Raniz Murjuri

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Re: Lets play a post RPG
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2003, 09:49:18 am »

Text based RPG's Died a long time ago. with the invention of Ultima Online!

base your RPg story on a Game  and then vote on it.. you'll get more replies.  


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Re: Lets play a post RPG
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2003, 11:24:53 am »
Hmmm, I do know that there are the games, and they do rock, but I was thinking maybe if this actually got somewhere and we made a pretty decent story and what not we could submit it to Taldren as a game idea...


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Re: Lets play a post RPG
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2003, 12:58:45 pm »


Text based RPG's Died a long time ago.  

Whoa! Respectfully, I beg to differ. The text MMO is alive and well and making quite a bit of money. There are also literally thousands of text-based environments around the Internet that do quite well. Try this site: - to see some of them. The graphical MMO is definitely bigger than text, but make no mistake -- text MMOs still comprise a multimillion dollar industry. =)

I personally am a die-hard text roleplayer... it would take a lot to get me to play a graphic-based online RPG.  


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Re: Lets play a post RPG
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2003, 06:24:30 pm »

Text based RPG's Died a long time ago. with the invention of Ultima Online!

Adding to what Erin said, Pen & Paper RPGs are still a thriving industry.  TriStat dX (available free) and the d20 system (also available free) have both allowed for a revitalized industry and a lot of new material.

I need to finish reading the entire rules set and decide if I want to use that, Anime d20 (the BESM d20 SRD) or possibly Shadowrun as a base for running a Black 9 game here.  Details will be forthcoming as time permits.

For examples of PB3 (Play By Bulletin Board) RPGs, check most P&P RPG boards.  They usually have a section set aside for it.  I know the Dump Shock Forums (Welcome to the Shadows) have such for Shadowrun, at least, and I'm aware of some others as well.


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Re: Lets play a post RPG
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2003, 10:05:26 pm »
First online game I ever played was a text based RPG.  Then I tried a graphic MMORPG....

...I still play the very same text RPG.  The MMORPG went the way of the Passenger Pigeon.  


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Re: Lets play a post RPG
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2003, 05:40:01 am »
And I sat there and spilled out my imagination and all .... *sigh*

Raniz Murjuri

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Re: Lets play a post RPG
« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2003, 01:29:26 pm »
Guess i should have used the word Died more loosely..

I'm not saying they dont exist.. cause they do.. But they aren't played over AOL anymore... they aren't free for the masses anymore.. they are covered up by graphic based RPG's.. looking to make a bit of money.
And if you wanted new players.. ahh nevermind..
The text based game is Only Popular with the Die hard Hardcore fan base that started them.
Sure they are out there.. and once someone discovers them.. they will be played..

And Edwards...i'm not slamming your writings.. you did a good thing.

hooray for people who love to create "LORE"  
« Last Edit: December 02, 2003, 01:33:53 pm by Raniz Murjuri »


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Lets play a post RPG
« Reply #11 on: November 21, 2003, 03:39:59 pm »
Come ooon, Ive talked about this with you before Steve, I think you know what I mean..we create a world, choose weapons or spells and we right a sort of RPG story. Through it we can have our own lil adventures without the restrictions of game programming ...Ok firstly lets all think of a setting story story. Anyone who gets involved can post their background story then we'll have a vote on which one to use....

The year is 5035 and planet Akudra has been at an all out war between its different factions for 5 years. Some of the factions have grouped together to form different alliances. These are the alliances:
Mantinpal alliance, consisting of; Lastan faction, Wavsol faction and the Prascele faction (prounounced "Pra- seal")- Above all they believe that they were the chosen factions of their god and that all other factions were sent down to Akudra by other gods as part of a war between the gods. Their main aim is to obliterate all other factions.

 Yarshot alliance, consisting of; Fean faction and the Elras faction- They believe in the unification of all factions, as all factions are equal and that they all were brought to Akudra by the same god so every faction should merge together under a new name.

 Gancourt alliance, constisting of; Pankor faction, lumas faction and the Zar faction.-they believe in the equal rights of all factions, that each faction should be allowed their own land and their own leaders.

Even though time has been recorded for over 5000 years, the Akudrians are not yet a technilogically advanced race, they are the equivilant in technology as us humans 1000 years ago.
Their planet experients very close temperatures across each continent without much of a range. This is due to the 3 suns in their solar system. This is what has lead the Mantinpal to believe that the other factions are sent down by other gods, three gods, one for each alliance, the suns being the place in which the gods reside.

...cant think of much more right now, in fact I think that will do, now you guys give your own setting story ago..  


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Re: Lets play a post RPG
« Reply #12 on: November 23, 2003, 12:18:16 pm »
Nobody want to take this on?


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Re: Lets play a post RPG
« Reply #13 on: November 23, 2003, 07:39:20 pm »

Nobody want to take this on?  

Well, Andy, besides finding myself to be a bit dense about this, I am really not sure what it is you want. Do you want someone to also create another backstory/setting, or to play off the one you've created?



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Re: Lets play a post RPG
« Reply #14 on: November 24, 2003, 07:39:56 am »
Just create their own background story yes, need a few so we can vote on which is the best...then we start our own rpg kind of thing..basically creating a unique rpg here...

Raniz Murjuri

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Re: Lets play a post RPG
« Reply #15 on: November 24, 2003, 09:49:18 am »

Text based RPG's Died a long time ago. with the invention of Ultima Online!

base your RPg story on a Game  and then vote on it.. you'll get more replies.  


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Re: Lets play a post RPG
« Reply #16 on: November 24, 2003, 11:24:53 am »
Hmmm, I do know that there are the games, and they do rock, but I was thinking maybe if this actually got somewhere and we made a pretty decent story and what not we could submit it to Taldren as a game idea...


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Re: Lets play a post RPG
« Reply #17 on: November 24, 2003, 12:58:45 pm »


Text based RPG's Died a long time ago.  

Whoa! Respectfully, I beg to differ. The text MMO is alive and well and making quite a bit of money. There are also literally thousands of text-based environments around the Internet that do quite well. Try this site: - to see some of them. The graphical MMO is definitely bigger than text, but make no mistake -- text MMOs still comprise a multimillion dollar industry. =)

I personally am a die-hard text roleplayer... it would take a lot to get me to play a graphic-based online RPG.  


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Re: Lets play a post RPG
« Reply #18 on: November 24, 2003, 06:24:30 pm »

Text based RPG's Died a long time ago. with the invention of Ultima Online!

Adding to what Erin said, Pen & Paper RPGs are still a thriving industry.  TriStat dX (available free) and the d20 system (also available free) have both allowed for a revitalized industry and a lot of new material.

I need to finish reading the entire rules set and decide if I want to use that, Anime d20 (the BESM d20 SRD) or possibly Shadowrun as a base for running a Black 9 game here.  Details will be forthcoming as time permits.

For examples of PB3 (Play By Bulletin Board) RPGs, check most P&P RPG boards.  They usually have a section set aside for it.  I know the Dump Shock Forums (Welcome to the Shadows) have such for Shadowrun, at least, and I'm aware of some others as well.


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Re: Lets play a post RPG
« Reply #19 on: November 24, 2003, 10:05:26 pm »
First online game I ever played was a text based RPG.  Then I tried a graphic MMORPG....

...I still play the very same text RPG.  The MMORPG went the way of the Passenger Pigeon.