Topic: Anyone still watching "Enterprise" ?  (Read 14136 times)

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Re: Anyone still watching "Enterprise" ?
« Reply #80 on: February 14, 2003, 12:47:45 pm »
Thanks a lot for the info guys  

Quite interesting that, will have to watch it somehow!


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Re: Anyone still watching "Enterprise" ?
« Reply #81 on: February 15, 2003, 01:07:21 pm »


As often as I can catch it.

Not to mention T'Pol. Never have I seen a finer tush in all the galaxy.    

Ditto....can't wait for the pon far episode.  

I actually prefer 7of9's butt. The T'Pol chick isn't nearly as sexualized as 7 was in Voyager.  They shot 7 purposely in long and full body shots so that you could get a good look at her.  It's really rather shameful and obvious how they bring in the hot chick in the body-hugging oufit and don't think we don't see it for what it is.  Anyway, that's not to say I wouldn't take some pleasure in giving the vulcan a nice bite on the butt.  Those who wish to see more of the full-lipped vixen can look in Maxim I think.  The second set of shots are much better than the first.  And keep your hands on the keyboard, PERVERTS!


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Re: Anyone still watching "Enterprise" ?
« Reply #82 on: February 15, 2003, 03:13:41 pm »
  Do yourselves a big favour, and remember something. TOS has never, ever, EVER agreed with ANYTHING done on a later series. Examining previous episodes, I come to the conclusion that there are two distinct Star Trek timelines.

1.     Gene Roddenburry (until season 4 TNG)
2.     Post Roddenburry

Enterprise falls into the later category. Anything that Roddenburry ever said has been thrown out. Enterprise is the TOS of the second timeline. While this is far from anything official in terms of cannon, if you keep in mind that you must discuss the first half of TNG and all of TOS SEPERATELY from the rest of star trek, it really does work. Sad, but true.



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Re: Anyone still watching "Enterprise" ?
« Reply #83 on: February 15, 2003, 03:29:46 pm »
Allow me to direct your attentions to what Mr. Roddenberry once said before he passed away...

"If it's not on film, i'ts not canon."

I believe someone else at LucasFilm once said the same thing about the Star Wars franchise.

So you see, since Rick Berman was entrusted to be the spearhead of everything that is Star Trek, with Roddenberry and Paramount's blessings, anything Berman does on film, IS canon. Like it or not. Deal with it...  


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Re: Anyone still watching "Enterprise" ?
« Reply #84 on: February 15, 2003, 04:14:52 pm »
We still are, it has been quite good overall.  Certainly quite unique in its own way a departure from the other Star Treks.  Though someone mentioned a continuing storyline would really help.  This person referenced DS9 as an example.  That is true when DS9 did that I felt it became an extremely strong series and never missed an ep.  I am an original and TMP generation fan.  THough I enjoyed THe Next Generation Just as much grew up with that 2 really I was in only in jr high when it started.  Off track there.  TIme will tell I hope something like that the cont story line does evolve.  That and someone hooks up on the show.   Might make things interesting ie if Tpol takes an interest in Archer and if there was a female version of Ponn Farr that would be very facinating or entertaining.  Seriously it seems to be doing a good job for now let the trails lead where they may and we look forward to more enjoyable Enterprise Eps.  

Mentat Jon

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Re: Anyone still watching "Enterprise" ?
« Reply #85 on: February 16, 2003, 10:40:33 am »
And Enterprise is only going to get Better,Remember it took a few years for next Gen to get real good,Enterprise is already good and its only in year two.  


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Re: Anyone still watching "Enterprise" ?
« Reply #86 on: February 16, 2003, 06:16:24 pm »

And Enterprise is only going to get Better,Remember it took a few years for next Gen to get real good,Enterprise is already good and its only in year two.    

True that, DS9 was also slow and boring during some episodes. I vaguely recall a season 1 or 2 episode where Sisko, Dax, and I think Bashir (or was it O'Brian) was solving some strange alien puzzle which involved a strange sequence of counting and hopscotch. LOL.... Berman and Bragga can get really stupid when they're truly bored, or just plain uninspired.  


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Re: Anyone still watching "Enterprise" ?
« Reply #87 on: February 16, 2003, 11:20:06 pm »
well it would kind of have to since it really cant get much worse...

and i thought TNG was bad about lead pipe social commentary plots... geeezzz

no. not again..everytime i try to give it another chance it proves what utter drivel it can be..