Well, on month nine of my projected 14 months in Iraq, the U.S. Army finally lets me have a little time on the computer

. I know better than to ask what's happened in the last year or so, but I'll do it anyway... I expect that it's pretty substantial.
I'm in the process of reading the forums right now

, but I've missed a whole lot while the only things I had to occupy my time were D&D 3rd Ed and aquainting any shadey characters walking the streets of Baghdad with the muzzle of an M249.
Any volunteers on helping me out?
Hope everyone is OK.
Spc/4 J. Carney, 1166 MP Co.
Would anyone here be able to explain the difference in Battletech 4th Ed and Classic Battletech to a newbie? I'm looking into buying- which one should I pick?