Now you see why the rulebook for SFB is so thick. As tough as this seems, you ought to try movement

The way mizia works is there are systems that can only be hit one time per volley by a particular die roll. A single volley can be multiple weapons fired at the same time. For example, you hit some poor sucker with 100pts of plasma all fired at the same time. Let's say he's in a CA. 30pts, or so, are taken by the facing shield, dropping it. If he has armor, let's say 10pts of armor, then another 10pts is absorbed by the armor, destroying it. There are now 60pts left which must be rolled and allocated per the DAC. If you look at the DAC you'll notice some systems which are BOLD and underlined. These systems will only take damage once per volley, on that particular die roll. Even if you have more than one of them. An 11 roled would hit a Torp the first time you rolled it. The next 11 you rolled would then skip the torp, even if you had more torp hits on your ship, and score a phaser hit. The next 11 you rolled would skip the torp and the phaser, since they can only be hit once in a single volley on the 11 roll, and proceed to the next system. In this case, impulse. Continued 11 rolls would continue to hit impulse until it was all destroyed, because, on the 11 row, it isn't BOLD/underlined. With 60 internals you would never hit another phaser or torp before you finished if you rolled all 11s. Now, if on consecutive impulses you scored 1pt of damage at a time and rolled 11s each time, you'd hit a torp on each roll until they were all destroyed and then any facing phasers until they were all destroyed. On a D7, for example, firing through the #2 or #6 shield, you could take out all the disruptors and almost every phaser on the ship with about 12 internals. If you scored 1pt of damage per impulse and rolled 11 everytime. (The Klingon Capt. would probably never play SFB using your dice again though LOL) This is an extreme example, of course, as you'd never roll all those 11s in a row, and the opponent wouldn't let you get that many shots in a row on the same shield, but it's only for example.
The other way to Mizia someone is to combine different types of weapons in a single shot. Seeking weapons count as a seperate volley from direct fire weapons. Even if they hit on the same impulse. Enveloped plasma is also a seperate volley. As are enveloping hellbores, and PPDs. So, even if you can't get the opponent to sit still for multiple shots through the same shield, you can fire different combinations of weapons to impact at the same time and achieve the Mizia effect. I'm not sure if SFCs damage allocation system takes all of this into account or not. I'm pretty sure the PPD was changed to NOT take full advantage of the Mizia concept and I'm not sure if seeking weapons or enveloping weapons get it either. Maybe someone else knows this.
As an FYI, The Mizia was named after the person who invented/discovered the technic. I think his first name was Steve. I'll bet you when he first used it everyone was screaming CHEESE!!!!!!