Topic: Model Wish List For SFC OP TMP era Enterprise 1701, A & B Reliant Excelsior 2000  (Read 1208 times)

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    I thoroughly enjoy SCF 1, 2 & OP.  Especially 2 and OP.  It had been suggested to me that I be more specific for the models. Good point especially considering the shiplist that FIresoul was kind enough to create for us which is thoroughly enjoyable.   For what game definitely OP, for I hope to get the script from EAW transfered into it.  The era being the motion picture era.  I am hoping for in the past I have seen some very beautifully rendered, very detailed models.  I had a few sent my way  but All was lost in my old IBM computer after the big burn(It was not that old but it was not the greatest in my expeience it was riddled with probs the stories I could tell).  The models I seek are the Model for the Enterprise 1701 and 1701-A, the Miranada class aka Reliant and the Excelsior, both 2000 type as well as the model for the Enterprise 1701-B.  If any one has them or knows where to find the best ones hope to hear from you.


  • Guest
I got some good versions of all of the above except the 1701-B up for DL @ my site. The link is in my sig.




  • Guest
    Hey I checked out your site..  You were  right about having good versions of them all from what I can tell.  I will have to install them and give them a whirl.  Actually I thought I remembered a couple of names in there, (I Had been offline & off the board as I lost my password and email, for some time) but I remembered one for sure Khaliban.  His Enterprise  1701-A rendition was superb.  Thank you for leading me your way.  It will take a lot of sorting and attempting to see the best probably but I know I have found thanks to you some excelllent stuff and some of the best today from what I can tell.  I sometimes wish there was a more set body of people for that kind of thing though.  I remember though trying to download Khalibans off either gamespy or some wierd download site that was awkward to say the least. This is a great starting find, I am always looking for the best in my wish list and these are good candiadates.

 Now to find the Enterprise 1701-B


  • Guest
Catch me on msn and I'll shoot a good 1701-B your way.
My contact addy is

That addy is no longer able to recieve e-mails but i use it to log into msngr.  


  • Guest
Hoope we can chat soon then.  My own msn ID is currently

Captain Ron

  • Guest
Mackies place has a few

Also Starfleet universe has a large DataBase of ships.
Also see the sticky at the top of the page some of those links have the ships you are looking for.

Also look up the staryards.

Captain Ron

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  • Guest that was the site I had trouble with working.  So did a lot of others as I recall.  Were the ones on the site you referenced made for OP?  Plus I just keep getting pics.  Some look pretty good but no downloads?

Captain Ron

  • Guest
Khalibans stuff is only for SFC 2 EAW/OP

The pics are in the links the down load is on the bottom ofthe page. If you browser is set at 1024x768 you will see it right away bottom left. if not you will have to scroll the screen.