Topic: Crazy Time rift tripe again? (enterprise)  (Read 3221 times)

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Crazy Time rift tripe again? (enterprise)
« on: November 17, 2003, 06:06:35 pm »

 Berman Talks of William Shatner on Enterprise

In an interview in the latest issue of Star Trek Monthly,  Rick Berman acknowledged recent rumors of William Shatner having a possible guest appearance on Enterprise:

"It's something that I would love to see happen," he said. "Obviously, it has to be the right role and the right situation. I would never think of just asking Bill to play a role that exists in some episode. It would have to be something very special and something that was created specifically for him. It's something that we are definitely in the process of talking about."

Well, Rick... if you want William Shatner to appear in a role that's created specifically for him, and is very special... I think we all know what role THAT is, don't we?  It's Kirk!  

Come on, Rick.  Do the right thing, and bring Kirk back!

....please dont tell me this will involve Kirk slipping through the timeline because of a borg created anomaly or something "berman" like that....*sigh*  


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Re: Crazy Time rift tripe again? (enterprise)
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2003, 08:14:21 am »
Id love too see him, even though it would be kinda wierd, he was in TOS, and TNG movie, DS9, I dont think VOY that was Sulu, and now ENT, lol wierd

adam out


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Re: Crazy Time rift tripe again? (enterprise)
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2003, 08:57:19 am »
Dont get me wrong, I'd love to see him..just cant really see it being practical unless they £^<& the story up even more.


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Re: Crazy Time rift tripe again? (enterprise)
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2003, 09:12:08 am »
Same feeling, but hey I like he show, but I dont consider it being part of the Star Trek Saga, its just always making little booboos here and there, I just enjoy it for what it is , Enterprise, not Star Trek Enterprise lol Im bugging

adam out


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Re: Crazy Time rift tripe again? (enterprise)
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2003, 09:26:48 am »
I like the show also. We aint got series three here yet. But I do like enterpise, I like the characters. Just dont like where the stories going.


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Re: Crazy Time rift tripe again? (enterprise)
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2003, 09:47:03 am »
Personaly I think It would be interesting having him play his grandfather or something. maybe have a story evolve around his then young son George.



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Re: Crazy Time rift tripe again? (enterprise)
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2003, 10:32:02 am »
I'm sure they can come up with a time anomaly without the Borg.  TOS used time travel quite a bit.

All Our Yesterdays  - A planet about to be destroyed by a nova has sent the people back in time.  Kirk runs through a portal when he hears screams and Spock and Bone follow.  They end up in different times and have to find a way back.

Assignment: Earth  - The Enterprise has used the light speed breakaway factor to propel itself backward in time. It monitors Earth communications while on a historical fact-finding mission to study how Earth survived the turbulent year 1968. They almost mess up agent Gary Seven's mission to save Earth from destroying itself before it can become peaceful.  This was a fun episode with Terri Garr as a secretary caught up in it all.

Tomorrow is Yesterday - Enterprise is accidentally warped back in time to the late 1960s by a black star, Kirk is forced to beam the jet-interceptor pilot John Christopher (serial number 4857932) aboard when he spots a UFO (The Enterprise in low orbit).  They can't send him back because of what he knows but then they find out that his son will head the Earth-Saturn probe mission.  Christoper is beamed back into his Jet at the exact time he saw the UFO only this time he won't see anything.  

The City on the Edge of Forever - As the Enterprise investigates ripples in time which are resulting in spatial disturbances, Bones accidentally gets injected with cordrazine and goes mad.  He beams down and goes through a portal and changes history.

Star Trek the Voyage home.   A probe trying to communicate with Whales that are extinct is destroying Earth. The Enterprise Crew in a Bird of Prey use the light speed breakaway factor to go back in time and get some  Whales.

So time travel is a frequently used theme in Star Trek and is not limited to the Borg.  I would love to see Kirk on Enterprise but I do hope they come up with an interesting method and story.

 If all you have ever seen is Next Gen and Enterprise then you are missing out on some Trek history.  The original show has some good stories and tie ins to TNG and Enterprise.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by TalonClaw »


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Re: Crazy Time rift tripe again? (enterprise)
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2003, 10:38:28 am »

 I'm sure they can come up with a time anomaly without the Borg. TOS used time travel quite a bit.

Ya, but what I meant was Berman is always using the Borg someway or another (too much IMO) so he probably would come up with something like that. Hence I sad "or something 'berman' like that"


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Re: Crazy Time rift tripe again? (enterprise)
« Reply #8 on: November 18, 2003, 10:43:14 am »
I hope he doesn't use Borg because they really don't belong in the Time Line of Enterprise.  Well except if they found some frozen in the ice or something from when the Borg went back in time.  But they are really too dangerous to be let loose in that time line.  The Borg don't come into the picture until Q introduces the TNG Enterprise to them.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by TalonClaw »


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Re: Crazy Time rift tripe again? (enterprise)
« Reply #9 on: November 18, 2003, 02:17:55 pm »

I hope he doesn't use Borg because they really don't belong in the Time Line of Enterprise.  Well except if they found some frozen in the ice or something from when the Borg went back in time.  But they are really too dangerous to be let loose in that time line.  The Borg don't come into the picture until Q introduces the TNG Enterprise to them.  

um just in case that wasnt sarcasm, those frozen borgcicles were thawed and let loose in the enterprise time line... they were destroyed but after they transmited a signal to the borg collective.  So basicly they just made it so the borg were already on there way to earth BEFORE  Q interfered and flung the enterprise D to meet the cube.  but since it would take the message so long to reach the borg it seemed like Q sped things up.    


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Re: Crazy Time rift tripe again? (enterprise)
« Reply #10 on: November 18, 2003, 02:51:29 pm »
The theme song sucks

adam out


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Re: Crazy Time rift tripe again? (enterprise)
« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2003, 05:21:14 pm »

The theme song sucks

adam out  

Too damn right. Thats one thing that rattles me real bad..It shouldn't be a "song" for starters...


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Crazy Time rift tripe again? (enterprise)
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2003, 06:06:35 pm »

 Berman Talks of William Shatner on Enterprise

In an interview in the latest issue of Star Trek Monthly,  Rick Berman acknowledged recent rumors of William Shatner having a possible guest appearance on Enterprise:

"It's something that I would love to see happen," he said. "Obviously, it has to be the right role and the right situation. I would never think of just asking Bill to play a role that exists in some episode. It would have to be something very special and something that was created specifically for him. It's something that we are definitely in the process of talking about."

Well, Rick... if you want William Shatner to appear in a role that's created specifically for him, and is very special... I think we all know what role THAT is, don't we?  It's Kirk!  

Come on, Rick.  Do the right thing, and bring Kirk back!

....please dont tell me this will involve Kirk slipping through the timeline because of a borg created anomaly or something "berman" like that....*sigh*  


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Re: Crazy Time rift tripe again? (enterprise)
« Reply #13 on: November 18, 2003, 08:14:21 am »
Id love too see him, even though it would be kinda wierd, he was in TOS, and TNG movie, DS9, I dont think VOY that was Sulu, and now ENT, lol wierd

adam out


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Re: Crazy Time rift tripe again? (enterprise)
« Reply #14 on: November 18, 2003, 08:57:19 am »
Dont get me wrong, I'd love to see him..just cant really see it being practical unless they £^<& the story up even more.


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Re: Crazy Time rift tripe again? (enterprise)
« Reply #15 on: November 18, 2003, 09:12:08 am »
Same feeling, but hey I like he show, but I dont consider it being part of the Star Trek Saga, its just always making little booboos here and there, I just enjoy it for what it is , Enterprise, not Star Trek Enterprise lol Im bugging

adam out


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Re: Crazy Time rift tripe again? (enterprise)
« Reply #16 on: November 18, 2003, 09:26:48 am »
I like the show also. We aint got series three here yet. But I do like enterpise, I like the characters. Just dont like where the stories going.


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Re: Crazy Time rift tripe again? (enterprise)
« Reply #17 on: November 18, 2003, 09:47:03 am »
Personaly I think It would be interesting having him play his grandfather or something. maybe have a story evolve around his then young son George.



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Re: Crazy Time rift tripe again? (enterprise)
« Reply #18 on: November 18, 2003, 10:32:02 am »
I'm sure they can come up with a time anomaly without the Borg.  TOS used time travel quite a bit.

All Our Yesterdays  - A planet about to be destroyed by a nova has sent the people back in time.  Kirk runs through a portal when he hears screams and Spock and Bone follow.  They end up in different times and have to find a way back.

Assignment: Earth  - The Enterprise has used the light speed breakaway factor to propel itself backward in time. It monitors Earth communications while on a historical fact-finding mission to study how Earth survived the turbulent year 1968. They almost mess up agent Gary Seven's mission to save Earth from destroying itself before it can become peaceful.  This was a fun episode with Terri Garr as a secretary caught up in it all.

Tomorrow is Yesterday - Enterprise is accidentally warped back in time to the late 1960s by a black star, Kirk is forced to beam the jet-interceptor pilot John Christopher (serial number 4857932) aboard when he spots a UFO (The Enterprise in low orbit).  They can't send him back because of what he knows but then they find out that his son will head the Earth-Saturn probe mission.  Christoper is beamed back into his Jet at the exact time he saw the UFO only this time he won't see anything.  

The City on the Edge of Forever - As the Enterprise investigates ripples in time which are resulting in spatial disturbances, Bones accidentally gets injected with cordrazine and goes mad.  He beams down and goes through a portal and changes history.

Star Trek the Voyage home.   A probe trying to communicate with Whales that are extinct is destroying Earth. The Enterprise Crew in a Bird of Prey use the light speed breakaway factor to go back in time and get some  Whales.

So time travel is a frequently used theme in Star Trek and is not limited to the Borg.  I would love to see Kirk on Enterprise but I do hope they come up with an interesting method and story.

 If all you have ever seen is Next Gen and Enterprise then you are missing out on some Trek history.  The original show has some good stories and tie ins to TNG and Enterprise.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by TalonClaw »


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Re: Crazy Time rift tripe again? (enterprise)
« Reply #19 on: November 18, 2003, 10:38:28 am »

 I'm sure they can come up with a time anomaly without the Borg. TOS used time travel quite a bit.

Ya, but what I meant was Berman is always using the Borg someway or another (too much IMO) so he probably would come up with something like that. Hence I sad "or something 'berman' like that"


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Re: Crazy Time rift tripe again? (enterprise)
« Reply #20 on: November 18, 2003, 10:43:14 am »
I hope he doesn't use Borg because they really don't belong in the Time Line of Enterprise.  Well except if they found some frozen in the ice or something from when the Borg went back in time.  But they are really too dangerous to be let loose in that time line.  The Borg don't come into the picture until Q introduces the TNG Enterprise to them.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by TalonClaw »


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Re: Crazy Time rift tripe again? (enterprise)
« Reply #21 on: November 18, 2003, 02:17:55 pm »

I hope he doesn't use Borg because they really don't belong in the Time Line of Enterprise.  Well except if they found some frozen in the ice or something from when the Borg went back in time.  But they are really too dangerous to be let loose in that time line.  The Borg don't come into the picture until Q introduces the TNG Enterprise to them.  

um just in case that wasnt sarcasm, those frozen borgcicles were thawed and let loose in the enterprise time line... they were destroyed but after they transmited a signal to the borg collective.  So basicly they just made it so the borg were already on there way to earth BEFORE  Q interfered and flung the enterprise D to meet the cube.  but since it would take the message so long to reach the borg it seemed like Q sped things up.    


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Re: Crazy Time rift tripe again? (enterprise)
« Reply #22 on: November 18, 2003, 02:51:29 pm »
The theme song sucks

adam out


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Re: Crazy Time rift tripe again? (enterprise)
« Reply #23 on: November 18, 2003, 05:21:14 pm »

The theme song sucks

adam out  

Too damn right. Thats one thing that rattles me real bad..It shouldn't be a "song" for starters...