Any of you who may own a business or have other reason to purchase magnetic signs for the sides of your vehicles may have been aghast at the price of these things. Well, being unemployed, more or less, has made me creative.
I used The Print Shop to make a sign. I then found the magnetic decals at CompUSA for around $9. They are made by Avery and are 3270 Magnetic Sheets.
They look great until it rains, then being printed on an ink jet causes them to bleed. But Wait.. I found Clear Window Decals (Also by Avery) for another $8.50. I printed my sign, then coated it with a clear window decal, protecting the ink from the water (rather than printing on it) and viola.. car signs for $less than $20, when the sign guy in my business club wanted $185 per sign.

Hope this helps someone.