Topic: Dan, Harry--why is Activision sitting on the patch?  (Read 23697 times)

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Re: Dan, Harry--why is Activision sitting on the patch?
« Reply #140 on: February 13, 2003, 04:07:26 pm »
Doesn't it go back and forth? I think I read somewhere that activision Q&A's it and if they find something wrong they send it to Taldren to fix it, than they fix it and send it to activision again and if activision finds a new bug then it goes back again and .... you get the picture, not a very efficient way to work but thorough

Bob Graham

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Re: Dan, Harry--why is Activision sitting on the patch?
« Reply #141 on: February 14, 2003, 12:04:35 am »

Contrary to what you may believe, I do have patience also.  I just happen to think that in this case it is legitimate to feel that this process is taking WAY too long.

It just seems to me that patches for Taldren's games take MUCH longer than patches for games produced by some other *COUGH**BLIZZARD**COUGH** companies' games.  

If your using Windows XP, open up your Add/Remove Programs, then compare the MB that SFC3 uses compared to your other games.  That could be part of the reason it takes longer.  

If thats not enough for you, I dont remember the exact quote or who at Taldren said it, but it was something to the effect that SFCs source code was HUGE.  One of them commented that when iD released the Quake II code, he looked at it and said "Thats all?"


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Re: Dan, Harry--why is Activision sitting on the patch?
« Reply #142 on: February 15, 2003, 09:14:13 pm »

Contrary to what you may believe, I do have patience also.  I just happen to think that in this case it is legitimate to feel that this process is taking WAY too long.

It just seems to me that patches for Taldren's games take MUCH longer than patches for games produced by some other *COUGH**BLIZZARD**COUGH** companies' games. long has  Blizzard been working on the 1.10 patch for Diablo II ?.....*cough* A YEAR  *cough*

« Last Edit: February 15, 2003, 09:16:01 pm by Mavolic »


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Re: Dan, Harry--why is Activision sitting on the patch?
« Reply #143 on: February 15, 2003, 11:50:08 pm »
ya.. and how many people do they have on the 1.10 patch team?
2 lol
only 2...
you should be thankfull that taldren has devoted a great deal of its resources on the patch, and not on black 9.

I question though... whould it really be that impossible for Taldren to develop/release its own game without activisions help?  


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Re: Dan, Harry--why is Activision sitting on the patch?
« Reply #144 on: February 16, 2003, 04:18:32 am »

ya.. and how many people do they have on the 1.10 patch team?
2 lol
only 2...
you should be thankfull that taldren has devoted a great deal of its resources on the patch, and not on black 9.    

They have two? I thought they were down to one person working on the 1.10 patch..hehe

Don't mind me, just getting my 200 post in...

Lemme see...

25 months as a registered member...

200 posts...

That adds up to nice even 8 posts a month...

Woo Hoo!...  I'm so uber...



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Re: Dan, Harry--why is Activision sitting on the patch?
« Reply #145 on: February 16, 2003, 07:40:03 am »
That is a bit  unfair... Diablo is a "old " game..  they made a patch two days after LOD was out,  one month and a half later they made a second patch for lod.. and 3 months after that another one. in six months they patched it out at least 3 times -and one of those patches added considerable content (1.09), not counting several server fixes.
Altough they haven't spit the now mythical 1.10 ( and I believe they never will), blizzard still  beat activision by far when it comes to patching speed and number.

And, IMHO,  blizzard products still set the standard in terms of game stopping bugs . They can be hacked and unbalanced, but still I think i never had more than 25 crashes in 2.5 years playing online diablo. (and maybe only 2 or 3 while playing offline) and I never ever found a real  game stoping bug on that tittle.