Hmmm... Borg-Andro...
The Borg (at least in SFC3) have rudimentary T-R beams (note the weapons mode of their tractor...)
The Andro's have their PAs, Displacement device, and sattelite ships.
The biggest problem is getting a boarding party onto the Andro ship. Annoyingly enough, the power absorbers need to be completely down (shut off or blown up) to let people aboard, and usually blowing up the panels also leads to the ship blowing up (cascade effect mentioned above. For the records, Andro panels are grouped in banks of panels, some of the bigger ships have 6 panels to a bank. Each panel holds up to 6 power (regularly) or 10 (reinforced), but lose some capacity with every hit (about 25% of the damage, more if the attacker uses disruptors)...
And we don't even know that, once a Borg gets aboard, that there's anything organic for them to assimilate. All we know is that their ships are protected by robots that do the boarding party duties...