Topic: SFC3 and now B9, but no OP patch YET?  (Read 5510 times)

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SFC3 and now B9, but no OP patch YET?
« on: February 14, 2003, 01:18:51 pm »
Okay, Ive got an Xbox, and this looks interesting, so I might give it a shot, BUT....

Ive been waiting on the OP patch for over 1 year. Ive been waiting on an SFC3 patch for 1/4 of a year...

Anyone else see a problem with this pattern?

We were supposed to "Buy SFC3 if you ever want a sniff of GaW" and I did that.

But it sure does seem odd that you are putting out titles without making the fixes you have promised for the other titles, Erik.

I know, "We have to work to keep the lights on... yadayadayada...." but even I will eventually get tired of having cd's that are primarily good for seperating your drink from your table due to lack of patches.

And yes, I saw the pictures in the SETI thread LO those many months ago, so I know this has been in the works, but I cast rather a sour eye upon being asked to buy yet ANOTHER new product when the last 2 I have bought have yet to be addressed.

And while I am a diehard Trek/SFB geek and that has kept my in Taldrens pocket, this AINT Trek, so I will actually judge it on its MERITS, REVIEWS and player commentary before I plunk down $50 this time.

Have a nice day!  


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Re: SFC3 and now B9, but no OP patch YET?
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2003, 02:24:02 pm »
hate to ask this ajtk.. but remember taldren is a business.. whether op or eaw.. who is paying taldren to produce these patches? it takes man hours to produce them.

that said, i hope there will be a patch out soon.


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Re: SFC3 and now B9, but no OP patch YET?
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2003, 02:59:54 pm »
Whos paying for these patches? Well, I figure the $$$ I put down for OP oughta cover the expense of any patches required to make it a viable product. And without over 1 year of excuses and blame tossing.

But, I will go you one better, I put down FURTHER $$$ for SFC3 while still WAITING on the patch for OP. And now they are announcing yet ANOTHER game, and still no patch for OP OR SFC3.

Perhaps Taldren DOES need to move to the console realm, its obviously alot SIMPLER to put out a finished product and they dont do patches for "cartridge" games, do they?

I know you arent crying in your oatmeal over the lack of a patch for OP, but surely you are eagerly awaiting the SFC3 patch that is SUPPOSED to come out at the end of this month? (Which I will believe when I see it, we are in the same exact boat we were with the OP patch and Taldren saying Interplay was holding up the patch, and Interplay saying Taldren was holding up the patch, etc)

Anyways Nanner, is it really that much to ask that when you put down your money you actually get what your promised? Granted, the software industry overall is crap, I admit that, but as Taldren is a small, start-up company you would think they would prefer "quality over quantity" as a way to attract customers.

With their moving away from Trek, they loose the hard-lock and fire Trek crowd that are sure to pony up the cashe for their titles site unseen and have to actualy sell product based on out of the box PERFORMANCE....

In this regard, their history may not be the best sales promotion...

Have a nice day!  

Erik Bethke

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Re: SFC3 and now B9, but no OP patch YET?
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2003, 09:39:13 pm »
The patch for SFC3 has been with Activision for a couple of weeks now.  They are just being careful in their testing.



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Re: SFC3 and now B9, but no OP patch YET?
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2003, 10:02:17 pm »
Erik, small thing, but you need to get the Taldren name under your own name, rather than a "ranking" of commander.(assuming you still work there of course.)    


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Re: SFC3 and now B9, but no OP patch YET?
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2003, 07:06:33 am »

The patch for SFC3 has been with Activision for a couple of weeks now.  They are just being careful in their testing.


And what of Orion Pirates?  Especially its dynaverse?  


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Re: SFC3 and now B9, but no OP patch YET?
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2003, 12:26:23 pm »
Erik, what ABOUT the OP patch?  While we are waiting on a patch for the barely functional D THREE (3), some of us are still waiting and wanting to play on a functional D TWO (2). The "Hand of Bethke" is still just as much a problem as it was when released, as are the bugs that eat your missiles in spacedock, etc.

Your putting out a new game, and expecting us to be supportive and buy it, but WHAT, exactly have you done to bolster our confidince in you???  And a console title is a one shot deal, if it is buggy, thats IT, no patches possible, your just OUT your cash.

Back with EAW, you used to keep the patches coming out, we have gotten ZILCH in a LONG, LONG time. It is getting harder and harder to rationalize buying Taldren products. At least when you were putting out SFB or at least Trek based SFC I had a reason to buy it, as I am a HUGE Trek fan.

SFC3 is a good game, as I have been forced to admit, but as others are saying besides myself, when going back to EAW/OP, its amazing how much SFC3 is lacking in gameplay.

Are you giving up on the SFC franchise and all support for it? If so, I for one would respect you alot more if you would simply SAY it. While I keep asking for the OP patch, I have pretty much given up on ever seeing it.

However you proceed, I hope B9 does well and Taldren likewise does well, never doubt that.

Have a nice day!  


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Re: SFC3 and now B9, but no OP patch YET?
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2003, 08:08:21 pm »

hate to ask this ajtk.. but remember taldren is a business.. whether op or eaw.. who is paying taldren to produce these patches? it takes man hours to produce them.

that said, i hope there will be a patch out soon.  

Who is paying KhoroMag, Artic Fires, Nuclear Wessels and FireSoul to do work on these games? What's that? No one?

Don't KhoroMag, Artic Fires, Nuclear Wessels and FireSoul have real jobs and lives too? What's that? Yes?

Who is it that is willing to spend there own time and resources fixing and improving others work that has been, for all intents and purposes, abandoned? Who's that? KhoroMag, Artic Fires, Nuclear Wessels and FireSoul?

I'm sorry, but this tired excuse of "We just don't have the time or resources available" is just that - tired. Others who aren't responsible for the condition of these products seem to be willing to invest PERSONAL time and resources to repair and improve them while Taldren says they can't do it. I politely asked about the broken script Battle at the Grave of Thoughts twice and Postman asked as well. We were completely ignored by Taldren. All I asked for was an earlier version's source code to be released, not for them to do any real work on it. FireSoul not only fixed it, he improved it in about 24 hours, without anything from Taldren comming down the pike. Are you saying Taldren couldn't have done that? People bought OP to help out Taldren fix EAW and now those same people feel like they are being shafted for it. Taldren took the money and dumped the fixes on KhoroMag, claiming they were to busy to invest in their own time and effort. Seems to me someone got swindled a little and it wasn't Taldren. Yes I know that the OP patch will someday arrive and I'm sure the five people who still play it will be overjoyed when it does, but the rest feel a bit cheated. I wonder at the commitment level of a company that is willing to let fans work on things for free in their own spare time when they are unwilling to spare any time for their own creation. You might want to also before getting your pompoms and cheerleading outfit on. I don't bash Taldren on a regular basis like some people do. In fact, I hardly ever post on subjects like this, but I am one of many customers who are getting disgruntled and turned off on these excuses.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Corbomite »


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SFC3 and now B9, but no OP patch YET?
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2003, 01:18:51 pm »
Okay, Ive got an Xbox, and this looks interesting, so I might give it a shot, BUT....

Ive been waiting on the OP patch for over 1 year. Ive been waiting on an SFC3 patch for 1/4 of a year...

Anyone else see a problem with this pattern?

We were supposed to "Buy SFC3 if you ever want a sniff of GaW" and I did that.

But it sure does seem odd that you are putting out titles without making the fixes you have promised for the other titles, Erik.

I know, "We have to work to keep the lights on... yadayadayada...." but even I will eventually get tired of having cd's that are primarily good for seperating your drink from your table due to lack of patches.

And yes, I saw the pictures in the SETI thread LO those many months ago, so I know this has been in the works, but I cast rather a sour eye upon being asked to buy yet ANOTHER new product when the last 2 I have bought have yet to be addressed.

And while I am a diehard Trek/SFB geek and that has kept my in Taldrens pocket, this AINT Trek, so I will actually judge it on its MERITS, REVIEWS and player commentary before I plunk down $50 this time.

Have a nice day!  


  • Guest
Re: SFC3 and now B9, but no OP patch YET?
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2003, 02:24:02 pm »
hate to ask this ajtk.. but remember taldren is a business.. whether op or eaw.. who is paying taldren to produce these patches? it takes man hours to produce them.

that said, i hope there will be a patch out soon.


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Re: SFC3 and now B9, but no OP patch YET?
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2003, 02:59:54 pm »
Whos paying for these patches? Well, I figure the $$$ I put down for OP oughta cover the expense of any patches required to make it a viable product. And without over 1 year of excuses and blame tossing.

But, I will go you one better, I put down FURTHER $$$ for SFC3 while still WAITING on the patch for OP. And now they are announcing yet ANOTHER game, and still no patch for OP OR SFC3.

Perhaps Taldren DOES need to move to the console realm, its obviously alot SIMPLER to put out a finished product and they dont do patches for "cartridge" games, do they?

I know you arent crying in your oatmeal over the lack of a patch for OP, but surely you are eagerly awaiting the SFC3 patch that is SUPPOSED to come out at the end of this month? (Which I will believe when I see it, we are in the same exact boat we were with the OP patch and Taldren saying Interplay was holding up the patch, and Interplay saying Taldren was holding up the patch, etc)

Anyways Nanner, is it really that much to ask that when you put down your money you actually get what your promised? Granted, the software industry overall is crap, I admit that, but as Taldren is a small, start-up company you would think they would prefer "quality over quantity" as a way to attract customers.

With their moving away from Trek, they loose the hard-lock and fire Trek crowd that are sure to pony up the cashe for their titles site unseen and have to actualy sell product based on out of the box PERFORMANCE....

In this regard, their history may not be the best sales promotion...

Have a nice day!  

Erik Bethke

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Re: SFC3 and now B9, but no OP patch YET?
« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2003, 09:39:13 pm »
The patch for SFC3 has been with Activision for a couple of weeks now.  They are just being careful in their testing.



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Re: SFC3 and now B9, but no OP patch YET?
« Reply #12 on: February 14, 2003, 10:02:17 pm »
Erik, small thing, but you need to get the Taldren name under your own name, rather than a "ranking" of commander.(assuming you still work there of course.)    


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Re: SFC3 and now B9, but no OP patch YET?
« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2003, 07:06:33 am »

The patch for SFC3 has been with Activision for a couple of weeks now.  They are just being careful in their testing.


And what of Orion Pirates?  Especially its dynaverse?  


  • Guest
Re: SFC3 and now B9, but no OP patch YET?
« Reply #14 on: February 15, 2003, 12:26:23 pm »
Erik, what ABOUT the OP patch?  While we are waiting on a patch for the barely functional D THREE (3), some of us are still waiting and wanting to play on a functional D TWO (2). The "Hand of Bethke" is still just as much a problem as it was when released, as are the bugs that eat your missiles in spacedock, etc.

Your putting out a new game, and expecting us to be supportive and buy it, but WHAT, exactly have you done to bolster our confidince in you???  And a console title is a one shot deal, if it is buggy, thats IT, no patches possible, your just OUT your cash.

Back with EAW, you used to keep the patches coming out, we have gotten ZILCH in a LONG, LONG time. It is getting harder and harder to rationalize buying Taldren products. At least when you were putting out SFB or at least Trek based SFC I had a reason to buy it, as I am a HUGE Trek fan.

SFC3 is a good game, as I have been forced to admit, but as others are saying besides myself, when going back to EAW/OP, its amazing how much SFC3 is lacking in gameplay.

Are you giving up on the SFC franchise and all support for it? If so, I for one would respect you alot more if you would simply SAY it. While I keep asking for the OP patch, I have pretty much given up on ever seeing it.

However you proceed, I hope B9 does well and Taldren likewise does well, never doubt that.

Have a nice day!  


  • Guest
Re: SFC3 and now B9, but no OP patch YET?
« Reply #15 on: February 16, 2003, 08:08:21 pm »

hate to ask this ajtk.. but remember taldren is a business.. whether op or eaw.. who is paying taldren to produce these patches? it takes man hours to produce them.

that said, i hope there will be a patch out soon.  

Who is paying KhoroMag, Artic Fires, Nuclear Wessels and FireSoul to do work on these games? What's that? No one?

Don't KhoroMag, Artic Fires, Nuclear Wessels and FireSoul have real jobs and lives too? What's that? Yes?

Who is it that is willing to spend there own time and resources fixing and improving others work that has been, for all intents and purposes, abandoned? Who's that? KhoroMag, Artic Fires, Nuclear Wessels and FireSoul?

I'm sorry, but this tired excuse of "We just don't have the time or resources available" is just that - tired. Others who aren't responsible for the condition of these products seem to be willing to invest PERSONAL time and resources to repair and improve them while Taldren says they can't do it. I politely asked about the broken script Battle at the Grave of Thoughts twice and Postman asked as well. We were completely ignored by Taldren. All I asked for was an earlier version's source code to be released, not for them to do any real work on it. FireSoul not only fixed it, he improved it in about 24 hours, without anything from Taldren comming down the pike. Are you saying Taldren couldn't have done that? People bought OP to help out Taldren fix EAW and now those same people feel like they are being shafted for it. Taldren took the money and dumped the fixes on KhoroMag, claiming they were to busy to invest in their own time and effort. Seems to me someone got swindled a little and it wasn't Taldren. Yes I know that the OP patch will someday arrive and I'm sure the five people who still play it will be overjoyed when it does, but the rest feel a bit cheated. I wonder at the commitment level of a company that is willing to let fans work on things for free in their own spare time when they are unwilling to spare any time for their own creation. You might want to also before getting your pompoms and cheerleading outfit on. I don't bash Taldren on a regular basis like some people do. In fact, I hardly ever post on subjects like this, but I am one of many customers who are getting disgruntled and turned off on these excuses.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Corbomite »