Topic: Bad drivers should be shot  (Read 12432 times)

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Re: Bad drivers should be shot
« Reply #40 on: November 15, 2003, 08:15:29 pm »
when I first read the title of this thread, I thought it was referring to bad device drivers......heh.

seriously though...very sorry to hear about the accident.

praying for their speedy and complete recovery, and while acknowledging that god has said that vengeance is his, here's wishing a little cosmic payback on the guilty party as well.  


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Re: Bad drivers should be shot
« Reply #41 on: November 15, 2003, 08:39:47 pm »
Was the dude on a cell phone?  Because if he was, its all over (in your favor).  Also, if he had perscription glasses, check that.  Most people take them off to drive (stupid) but it could help you if it goes to court.  


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Re: Bad drivers should be shot
« Reply #42 on: November 16, 2003, 08:55:28 am »
While in traffic on I-287 (NJ) I was waiting in line at an exit since thetraffic was bad. Some idiot in a Cadillac decides he doesn't want to be in this line and pulls out from a dead stop into traffic moving 65 MPH. His car got broadsided by an 18 wheeler...

Stop signs are the site of the worst accidents though. My uncle pulled up to a four way stop in Iowa, goes out into the lne and some AH who didn't want to stop at the sign broadsides him. He paid for that with his life as he found out that NOTHING beats a  John Deere 9420 tractor. Especially not a Honda Civic...

Way too many people take STOP signs as suggestions rather than what they are, the equivalent to a red light and a lot of people in agricultural areas pay for that with their lives when they crash into a vehicle that makes you wish it was an SUV, a tractor.

Capt. Mike

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Re: Bad drivers should be shot
« Reply #43 on: November 16, 2003, 09:19:41 am »

Now if all the bad drivers were shot, by the end of rush hour Monday (LA time)  80,000,000 US drivers would be reduced to 40,000,000.

Tuesday, to 20,000,000.

Wednsday, 10,000,000.

Thursday, 5,000,000.

Friday, 2,500,000.

This assuming the good drivers are eliminating the bad ones...

I think I'll just stay home next week.....

BTW, 3 years ago, with 1 payment left on my car, this ditzy woman, who was lost, T-Boned me and totalled the car.  Thanks again for seat belts.  What topped it off, was her husband, when he showed up, said (and I quote) "I wondered how long it would be until this happened."    

Good luck out there,



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Re: Bad drivers should be shot
« Reply #44 on: November 16, 2003, 05:19:06 pm »
My ex-wife's friend and his 2 step-daughters were killed when a truck driver in an 18-wheeler sailer through the stop sign at 50+ MPH and slammed into thier van. His reason........he was reading a map.


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Re: Bad drivers should be shot
« Reply #45 on: November 16, 2003, 06:22:04 pm »
....He should have got he didnt.  


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Re: Bad drivers should be shot
« Reply #46 on: November 16, 2003, 07:41:28 pm »
It was my wife's 23rd Birthday, we were out to a local restaurant, we were going to get my Baby Daughter some milk, which was only two minutes from where we lived at the time.  There was myself, my wife, and my 2 Daughters in the backseat, my light was green for at least 10 seconds, as I'm about to cross the intersection, this little car with 4 guys on a saturday night, ran the red light, I T-boned him, but it was his fault, no one in either car was hurt, but they wrote my car off.  I was pretty upset about it, but the main thing is that everyone was ok.

I hope that they both have a speedy, good recovery



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Re: Bad drivers should be shot
« Reply #47 on: November 17, 2003, 05:06:14 am »
Thanks, everyone, for your well wishes and prayers. My Aunt had to have surgery to remove her spleen and stop internal bleeding. The surgery went off without a hitch and she should make a full revovery. My nephew, who is 4 years old (as he would proudly tell you by stuffing 4 chubby fingers in your face "I'm this old!"  ), does not even seem phased. After being scared out of his wits for a few hours, he's back to his usual self, acccording to my sister.