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Quote:Nooo anything but putting a dish at the front of the saucer!I like that idea of the standard dish-on-a-stick, but make it more stylin', like giving it a TMP glow in the center.....
Quote:You mean Captain Kirk, of course?
Quote:I'm not really sure what it is supposed to be but I'm considering it an array. Maybe an AWAC's type to allow the CVA to seriously take charge of what is going on. That and the fact they wanted it painted copper suggests a system other than power.
Quote:Whutsa Wade unit?
Quote:Quote:Whutsa Wade unit? Take a look at the leading edge of the saucer on Atra's Siva class model - those are WADE units.
Quote:You do know that the ship has a balcony and trac system correct? So im just kinda wondering if your going to show it. And it looks good so far.