Topic: The User Ratings Thread  (Read 8988 times)

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Re: The User Ratings Thread
« Reply #20 on: February 14, 2003, 12:03:55 pm »
We should be able to rate individual posts, not just the threads they are in. User ratings are pretty much useless, IMO.


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Re: The User Ratings Thread
« Reply #21 on: February 14, 2003, 08:15:33 pm »
I was very proud of my 2 star rating, though I was working very hard to get it down to 1 star.  Alas, I never got the chance.

To anyone who thinks personal (and don't think for a second it isn't personal) ratings are a good idea, just use the following formula to determine a person's rating:

If rank = Extra in Red shirt, -2 stars
If poster = against SFB, -4 stars
If poster = against GaW, - 8 stars
If poster = lots of common sense, -16 stars
If poster = likes SFC3, -32 stars
If poster = tows the SFB Old Guard party line, +64 stars

Yes, that's the formula that was used, 9 times out of 10.  Gee, I wonder why personal ratings were done away with...

The next step is to change the Extra in Red Shirt rank.  There are a lot of people, (particularly members of the SFB Old Guard) who are xenophobic beyond all reason towards people who have the Extra in Red Shirt rank.  People who are supposedly adults, too.  How embarassing for them.  I was once a member of the SFB Old Guard, even have the 1985 edition of SFB to prove it.  Attitudes like these drove me right out of that cynical, misanthropic movement.

BTW, I rate this thread 1 star.  See how it feels?    


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Re: The User Ratings Thread
« Reply #22 on: February 14, 2003, 08:39:38 pm »
Strange I never saw arab man post any thing about sfc or sfb look how many stars he had
Agree about the post count tho
Some people tend to think as you only got a few posts under your belt you got nothing to say or try to jump all over you as your new
I like to term these's people as fourm snobs
Loseing the rateing of some ones post is not too bad a thing
This way is much more open and honest if you dont like some ones post (or some one ) this way you can just tell them


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Re: The User Ratings Thread
« Reply #23 on: February 14, 2003, 08:43:07 pm »
Just one other thing you will find just as many raibed anti SFB'er on theses fourms who are just as bad (in some cases worst that the SFB'ers)


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Re: The User Ratings Thread
« Reply #24 on: February 14, 2003, 09:45:08 pm »
I have seen newcomers to the Forums get blasted, and the 'Extra in Red Shirt' thing brought up in the flaming - however, that almost always occurs when the 'new' person has just made a rude or trollish post containing personal attacks or flames against Taldren or other posters.  At that point, it is generally assumed that they are a Forum regular troll, posting under a different identity.

As to the ratings, at least in the OT forums, they often seemed to be based on one's political views.  The further right or left an individual poster was, the lower the rating.

Kieran Forester

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Re: The User Ratings Thread
« Reply #25 on: February 14, 2003, 09:58:25 pm »
Most of the regulars and longtime members of the community also had at least 3 stars, with the majority having four or five. The exception, of course, was NannerSludge, with his well deserved 1 star.


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Re: The User Ratings Thread
« Reply #26 on: February 14, 2003, 10:40:30 pm »

 The exception, of course, was NannerSludge, with his well deserved 1 star.  

i had two stars before the end, thank you very much..  

Tulmahk  speaks the truth.  anyone not rubber stamping particular proposals and showing spine about certain things to certain people recieve exactly what he is talking about.

i grant you i get too emotionally involved from time to time and not posted "politically correct" on somthings but i always keep things about issues, not people.

in the end, though, those nice little stars represent no more than a popularity contest which can even be waged by creating multiple accounts. so yeah, they are irrelevant.

at best they provide as ego boosters (for all, my self included). at worst, they could be used as a witch hunt to bash people down whos views some do not agree with. then again, that is all provided that people base their self-worth on those little graphics.

in my gaming community travels i think it is interesting socialogical study of the respondants to this forum. i honestly thank my God, wife and family for keeping my head on straight and realizing what really means somthing in life.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by NannerSlug »


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Re: The User Ratings Thread
« Reply #27 on: February 14, 2003, 11:18:06 pm »
come on noone gets blasted on these forums.