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Quote:Seems like B9 could be a great tittle... But I wonder if Taldren could have enough ppl to maintain SFC3 whiledeveloping B9.I'm worried because looking at the 1.01 patch README, I missed an IMPORTANT bug to correct... The RANDOM SHIPEXPLOSION and if Taldren now turns into a COMPLETELY NEW PROJECT (compared to SFC3 that was more like an upgradeproject from SFC2) that they are planning to release in fall 2003... Maybe their manpower will not be enough tokeep SFC3 patches appearing when needed.
Quote:Taldren has not been able to reproduce that bug
Quote:Quote:Taldren has not been able to reproduce that bugi dunno if i buy that. seems like everyone else has it happen with no effort at all, and they can't make it happen? oh well, i certainly can't fix it.