i know, but like i said early, ummmm, I did an entire music mod, everything was changed so that only my music played when I wanted and none of the stock interfered, but what K is asking is just the feds, and I have no clue,, but... i ll tell you what i did anyways
1st I made a blank wave file called '' Blank '' and put it in the music.zip
2nd I changed all the first parts of each music meaning all the yada yada_A1
3rd then All the rest like B2, and E1 etc... I replace the names in the music.txt with my blank, in other words, your song place out then fades away and gets replaced with the blank, you never get interupted, basically you never here the stock, then when the games cont its songs, your other ones you want pop in, and again when its interupts a minute later the blank takes over, so never any corny music again, it took about 1 hour but it finally worked, but like i said I changed all the music, klingons, rommies, myrak/cardassian, etc... all I left was these files ASB, HYP, because they sound nice, I even changed the gorns attacking music file to the theme from TNG The Best of Both Worlds it rocks, once your theme is over you here the The Best of Both Worlds eerie song on and you feel the whole borg effect, if you are interested I can mail you my music.txt, and music.zip, I wish I had a web page, then I can post a link, but i dont im sorwie, but changing just the feds is kinda confusing, it took me a day thinking of what i could do to not here the stock music, and finally it worked, i cant change the words in the music.txt, because you could mess the loop trust me, i did it, the same 10 second kept repeating itself lol lol, drove me nuts, but this way the music loop continues as normal but because of the blank.wav, you dont here it lol, trick the game basically, and get your favorite toons, well i hope this helps, sorwie if it didnt but my way rocks, if you want an entire change, my music includes for FYI The Motion Picture Music, The Wraith Of Khan, The Search for Spock, The Voyage Home, The Final Frontier, The Undiscovered Country-my fav, Generations, Insurrection, TNG Theme, Voyage Theme, DS9 Theme, DS9 Fairwell episode, Klingon battle Theme, Borg First Contact theme, The Best of Both Worlds Theme, and etc.., if you like I have Roadrunner so the speed on MSN Messenger would be kewl to transfer, anyways thats it
adam out
PS The truth is because no one could help me about the music question, i would of never put the old brain to work, and now i got a great music mod, thanks lol