Topic: Money money money  (Read 10682 times)

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Money money money
« on: November 13, 2003, 07:36:15 am »
Is so funny
In a rich man's world..

Aaaaaaah aha aaah !

In other words: To put it diplomatically I've had a cashflow problem for a few months that is now SOLVED.

Got 25000 in the bank. Feels good, oh yes it does.


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Re: Money money money
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2003, 10:04:35 am »
I know the feeling Falaris, I got a back pay govt check for 10k last Mar. I will tell you from experience, don't let it go to your head, and don't party it away or blow it.  


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Re: Money money money
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2003, 10:18:24 am »
Congrats Falaris, Let me know If you want to Invest in the first Bank of steve.  



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Re: Money money money
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2003, 10:23:30 am »
It's halved after handling all short term debts; medium - term debts would clean it out... but at least I'm rid of short term debts and needn't worry too much about going to BK for a dinner today and possibly buying a game or so..

... which begs the question, what game?

I'm thinking Max Payne 2.....

... or star wars: Galaxies.



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Re: Money money money
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2003, 10:28:42 am »
Rumor has it the first bank of Steve is smoking pot in their home furnaces, and you expect me to invest in such a shady establishment????  



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Re: Money money money
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2003, 10:58:56 am »
I'll advise you like I did one lady in E.B. who was going to purchase it for her son, STAY AWAY FROM GALAXIES. It has had nothing but problems and piss poor support.

Spend 20 bucks on the gamers pack that has Silent hunter 2, Sturmovik, and Mig-31. Strurmovik and SH are awesome IMO, but Mig 31 is very lacking, they needed many missions like F-177 had or F-19 had. I miss Micropose...  


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Re: Money money money
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2003, 11:03:20 am »

Rumor has it the first bank of Steve is smoking pot in their home furnaces, and you expect me to invest in such a shady establishment????  


Sure It might be a Shady establishment, But Just remember The First bank of Steve, is just a   budding company.  


congrats all the same Bro.


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Re: Money money money
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2003, 03:08:40 pm »
Well, I did a winnie the pooh.

The Fall of Max Payne is very cool.

Short, I believe, but cool.

I allready have IL-2, which I played some. One game I'm more curious about is 'Enigma: Rising Tide'. Alternate history, all right, but it's about WW2 era naval battles and looks fairly interesting. Heard about it?

And during one time, all my 'best games' list were from Microprose. MOO2, gunship, lots of other stuff...


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Re: Money money money
« Reply #8 on: November 13, 2003, 05:39:24 pm »
Falaris, you need to ask Bearslayer about Enigma, I mailed him my copy. Awesome graphics and ships and stuff, and voice activation commands! Why did I give it away when it was only a day old? One, I owed Bear for a favor he did for me, and I also did not know that you could not rise above destroyer command. I guess I'm an old gamer who was in love with the original Great Naval Battles of the Atlantic 1939-1942, where you had the ability to jump into any ship, even the Bismarck or Prince of Wales! Bear has probably played Enigma far more than I did and can give a better review.

All that aside though, take my advice, put some of that money away like I'm learning to do...  


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Re: Money money money
« Reply #9 on: November 13, 2003, 06:26:35 pm »
Did someone mention  . . . . money?


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Re: Money money money
« Reply #10 on: November 13, 2003, 08:27:51 pm »

Is so funny
In a rich man's world..

Aaaaaaah aha aaah !

In other words: To put it diplomatically I've had a cashflow problem for a few months that is now SOLVED.

Got 25000 in the bank. Feels good, oh yes it does.

Cool... Who'd you roll?

I'm in the middle of a re-finance.... Whoo-HOO!

Tying up all my extraneous into one low monthly payment!    

Dash Jones

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Re: Money money money
« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2003, 09:38:37 pm »

I'll advise you like I did one lady in E.B. who was going to purchase it for her son, STAY AWAY FROM GALAXIES. It has had nothing but problems and piss poor support.

Spend 20 bucks on the gamers pack that has Silent hunter 2, Sturmovik, and Mig-31. Strurmovik and SH are awesome IMO, but Mig 31 is very lacking, they needed many missions like F-177 had or F-19 had. I miss Micropose...  

What's silent hunter like?


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Re: Money money money
« Reply #12 on: November 14, 2003, 10:02:02 am »

All I can say is awesome! I've been having hours and hours of fun although I'm stuck in Shadow Duty scenario right now, the mission itself is easy, it's getting back to Lorient later that is hard, those British patrol planes always seem to find me even when I surface near the evening and try to get back home at night and stay underwater during the day.

The one flaw it has, it's scripted, no random AI generation, is why I thought Taldren should have been partners with them, they could have made a dyna with restrictions on capital ships, and let us cut loose commanding either U-boats or British and allied shipping, hehehehehehe. The way it works now is this, let's say I have my patrol near the western approaches, the only ship AI generation is in those areas, if I get bored and cruise to Scapa Flow, guess what? No BBs or CVs sitting in port (there is one scenario where there are, it is based upon the attack of the Royal Oak).

I bought it in a gamer's pack, but it is by far one of the best games I bought. I'm looking forward to when they do 3 if they do. One word of warning, they have a patch and you will need it, but like Taldren, at least they cared enough to make one, and it does rock! hey even had an independent help out with the game as well...

5 star rating in my book, and you will love the German voices, it is like listening to Ahnold telling you ship status, hehehehe...

Yes, they do have multiplayer in partnership with destroyer command, but it is not like a campaign in SFC...  


  • Guest
Money money money
« Reply #13 on: November 13, 2003, 07:36:15 am »
Is so funny
In a rich man's world..

Aaaaaaah aha aaah !

In other words: To put it diplomatically I've had a cashflow problem for a few months that is now SOLVED.

Got 25000 in the bank. Feels good, oh yes it does.


  • Guest
Re: Money money money
« Reply #14 on: November 13, 2003, 10:04:35 am »
I know the feeling Falaris, I got a back pay govt check for 10k last Mar. I will tell you from experience, don't let it go to your head, and don't party it away or blow it.  


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Re: Money money money
« Reply #15 on: November 13, 2003, 10:18:24 am »
Congrats Falaris, Let me know If you want to Invest in the first Bank of steve.  



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Re: Money money money
« Reply #16 on: November 13, 2003, 10:23:30 am »
It's halved after handling all short term debts; medium - term debts would clean it out... but at least I'm rid of short term debts and needn't worry too much about going to BK for a dinner today and possibly buying a game or so..

... which begs the question, what game?

I'm thinking Max Payne 2.....

... or star wars: Galaxies.



  • Guest
Re: Money money money
« Reply #17 on: November 13, 2003, 10:28:42 am »
Rumor has it the first bank of Steve is smoking pot in their home furnaces, and you expect me to invest in such a shady establishment????  



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Re: Money money money
« Reply #18 on: November 13, 2003, 10:58:56 am »
I'll advise you like I did one lady in E.B. who was going to purchase it for her son, STAY AWAY FROM GALAXIES. It has had nothing but problems and piss poor support.

Spend 20 bucks on the gamers pack that has Silent hunter 2, Sturmovik, and Mig-31. Strurmovik and SH are awesome IMO, but Mig 31 is very lacking, they needed many missions like F-177 had or F-19 had. I miss Micropose...  


  • Guest
Re: Money money money
« Reply #19 on: November 13, 2003, 11:03:20 am »

Rumor has it the first bank of Steve is smoking pot in their home furnaces, and you expect me to invest in such a shady establishment????  


Sure It might be a Shady establishment, But Just remember The First bank of Steve, is just a   budding company.  


congrats all the same Bro.