I was very proud of my 2 star rating, though I was working very hard to get it down to 1 star. Alas, I never got the chance.
To anyone who thinks personal (and don't think for a second it isn't personal) ratings are a good idea, just use the following formula to determine a person's rating:
If rank = Extra in Red shirt, -2 stars
If poster = against SFB, -4 stars
If poster = against GaW, - 8 stars
If poster = lots of common sense, -16 stars
If poster = likes SFC3, -32 stars
If poster = tows the SFB Old Guard party line, +64 stars
Yes, that's the formula that was used, 9 times out of 10. Gee, I wonder why personal ratings were done away with...
The next step is to change the Extra in Red Shirt rank. There are a lot of people, (particularly members of the SFB Old Guard) who are xenophobic beyond all reason towards people who have the Extra in Red Shirt rank. People who are supposedly adults, too. How embarassing for them. I was once a member of the SFB Old Guard, even have the 1985 edition of SFB to prove it. Attitudes like these drove me right out of that cynical, misanthropic movement.
BTW, I rate this thread 1 star. See how it feels?