Hehe, More new home BS to stumble through. i say new home, But It's only new for us of course. anyway, I've been fighting the last month or so to get the GasLines fixed up properly, Get the place Painted, Fix the Plumbing, and Get the electric lines taken care of.
Well tonight we finally had the Gas company come out (after three times) and approve one Floor Furnace for use.
Unfortunately, The other Floor Furnace was unable to be ignited. You see there's a small hole in which You would extend an alligator clip to light the Pilot light on a Gas Floor Furnace.
the Previouse owners had left numerous Leaves and twigs from there marijuanna Plants at the bottem there to Have what I can only believe is a house full of smoke.
as I've not done any drugs like that, alcoholic thank you, the resulting laughter from my Family has been well, angerfying.
Needless to say we called the Prop. Management company , and they fell off there chairs laughing also, I was the only one upset.
But as It is, They told me , they might be sending out a late night Work Order to Get It cleaned up. and I'm deadly serious about that. I guess It being the middle of the month for there workers and all.
Anyway, God Bless,