Topic: C++ standard edition  (Read 5229 times)

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C++ standard edition
« on: November 07, 2003, 02:46:50 pm »
I am sooooo confused........

Do I need another program to go with C++ in order to edit mision scripts?

I am currently reading the tutorial and help guid that came with this program in order to learn how to use it.

If anyone has any advice it will be appreciated.



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Re: C++ standard edition
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2003, 03:25:52 pm »
You need the Microsoft Visual C++ v6.0 (min. Standard Edition) IDE application in order to compile the source mission script *.h, *.cpp files and link their objects into the final executable *.scr files used by the dyna server in the ..\assets\scripts directory.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Karnak »


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Re: C++ standard edition
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2003, 03:41:15 pm »
That's the one I have. MS Visual  C++ 6.0 standard edition. I "aquired" it from a "friend"

As far as the IDE is that included in the program or is that a totally seperate deal?

And from what I can gather, which isn't much, this is the only thing I need.

Should I d/l the SFC III API as well?



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Re: C++ standard edition
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2003, 04:05:14 pm »
Yep, you need to get the SFC3 API listed in the top pinned thread of this forum.


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Re: C++ standard edition
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2003, 06:39:23 pm »
is that the program that will actually allow me to open and edit the script?


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Re: C++ standard edition
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2003, 08:15:52 pm »

is that the program that will actually allow me to open and edit the script?  

Yes and no. API mean Application Programming Interface.

Good luck.



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Re: C++ standard edition
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2003, 08:36:42 pm »
More specifically, an API is a set of classes and functions that "hooks" into a program to allow it to be modified or customized by external programs.

All you actually need to open and edit the script files are Windows Notepad (though it would be difficult to keep track of things there). The MSVC++ 6.0 SP5 program is needed to compile the scripts into missions that can be executed by the game. The MS Visual Studio IDE (Integrated Development Environment) simply provides a convenient place for code editing and project management.

I hope that explains things a little more for you.

To help you with setting up the API, here is a cut and paste of the SFC3 API readme:

A. Requirements
In order to create scripts that will function with the STAR TREK(r): Starfleet Command 3(tm)
(SFC3, for short) engine, you should meet the following requirements:

1. A Windows 32-bit operating system such as Windows 95/98/2000/XP.

2. Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 installed.

3. All system requirements required to run SFC3 as described in the manual.

B. Installing the API
To setup the API, please follow these steps:

1) Copy the SFC3_Scripting_API folder to the harddrive on which you wish to develop.

2) Copy the files from "SFC3_Scripting_API\stl\Inlcude" and "SFC3_Scripting_API\stl\LIB" to their respective
   directories found under the install path of your C++ IDE.  These files are updates to Microsoft's
   Standard Template Library and are necessary in order for the OP scripts to build successfully.

3) You must also have the Microsoft DX8.1 (or greater) SDK installed on your dev system.

4) From within VC++ go to Tools->Options and go to the directories tab.  Select "Include files" from the
"Show directories for:" drop down.  Make sure the DXSDK is listed 1st on this list.  Do the same thing for
the DXSDK\Lib under "Library files" in the "Show directories for:" drop down.

C. Building Scripts
For the SFC3 version of the API you DO NOT build the script interface, you only build the individual

1) Load up a workspace in VC6 by using File->Open Workspace and finding the location to which you installed
   the script api open one of the .dsw files. For example open Scripts_Borg.dsw.

2) Choose the script you wish to work on and make it the Active Project by right-clicking on it and selecting same (Set As Active Project).

3) Build.  The outputed .scr file will be created in the \SFC3_Scripting_API\Projects\Taldren\Projects\SFCTNG\source\assets\scripts directory.

D. Running A Script In Game
Now that a script has been created, it is time to run the script.

1. Go to the directory \SFC3_Scripting_API\Projects\Taldren\Projects\SFCTNG\source\assets\scripts.  Take the newly created .scr file and place it in
   "SFC3\Assets\Scripts" directory (or the \Assets\Scripts under where you have SFC3 installed.

2. For scripts that were created for Dynaverse 3, make your way to "Assets\Scripts\Campaigns" and
   create yourself a new .mct file.  Replace the names of the scripts with the name of your newly
   created .scr file.  Change other variables as you see fit.  Make certain that the trigger prestige
   is set to 0 and that the trigger mission is the title of your new script if you would like to see
   your mission appear early in Dynaverse 3.

3. Now run SFC3.  You should now see your single player campaign scripts show up as missions on the
   mission selector in Dynaverse 3 and you should see your skirmish scripts show up on the list
   under the skirmish setup screen.

E. Changes to the Comm System

The comm system is probably the most changed item from the SFC2 and OP API, so it will be addressed in brief here.

Comm states must be added by to the ship you wish the message to be coming from.  IF you wish to make the message appear
as if it is coming from your bridge, place the code on the players ship.

For each state the comm menu can be in, you place mAddCommState in the proper ship.  For each possible response to a comm message you create
a comm option.  For example, to add a comm state to the players ship in the mission Borg_Life I used the following:

   mAddCommState( kArrivedFirstGeneratorCommState, kB01_0110_msg, kB01_0110_vce );
   mRegisterCommOption( kArrivedFirstGeneratorCommState, kEmptyCommState, kContinueID );

mAddCommState sets up the comm state 'kArrivedFirstGeneratorCommState' and attaches the message 'kB01_0110_msg' and the voice
'kB01_0110_vce' to it.  You can leave off the voice or the voice and the message, if so the comm state will not play a voice or
play the voice or display a message when it is called.

mRegisterCommOption sets up the possible responses to the message for the player to choose from and to which comm state the ship should
go to next, depending on which response is chosen.  In this case, the only reponse is continue and it goes to the empty comm state (no
further comm messages directly link to this).  The first argument 'kArrivedFirstGeneratorCommState' must agree with the comm state you
wish it to attach to or it will show up under the wrong message.  The 2nd argument tells it which comm state to go to next.  The third
corresponds to the message you wish to display as the characters possible text.  A forth argument can be used to specify a voice to
play with this choice.  You may have many commoptions the real limit is higher than the number that will fit on screen.

F. More Information
For more information about this API, please visit the Taldren forums which are linked at:


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Re: C++ standard edition
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2003, 08:57:08 pm »
Let me start by saying FREAKIN WOW!!!

This is some of the best info I have recieved yet.

Thanks for taking the time to explain this. I hope to be writing mission scripts as soon as possible.

You guys are all a great resource for me. Thanks for the time.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by ChefAce »


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Re: C++ standard edition
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2003, 08:58:30 pm »

I almost forgot.

One more thing,

I told you I was a noob....rofl



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Re: C++ standard edition
« Reply #9 on: November 10, 2003, 10:31:00 pm »
Ok it's been a few days and I am starting to get the hang of it.......still a long road ahead though. *sigh*

I just want to start small for now and edit current default scripts till I am used to doing this.

I found the .dws or is it .dsw? Too lazy to look right now. Eyes are bloodshot and dry from staring at this screen for a week.

Can one of you guys or gals tell this poor noob which line I am looking for to edit the PP awards for, oh sayyyyy Base Assaults in Dyna3?

There is so much info it's a little overwhelming.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you,

P.S. This is for SFC III
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by ChefAce »


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Re: C++ standard edition
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2003, 05:41:57 pm »
Day 2. Just checking in.

Ant ideas guys? Please?



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Re: C++ standard edition
« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2003, 12:26:24 pm »

You need to concentrate on taking one of the stock mission script projects in the SFCTNG directory of the API and getting it to compile and link first before you look at modifying any code.

Let me know when you are able to take the source code of a stock mission and successfully re-create its SCR file.  Then we'll look at modifying its code.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Karnak »

Centauri Vaughn

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Re: C++ standard edition
« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2003, 03:30:51 pm »
Here is a link for the API tutorial by Cam78.

Keep in mind that this is referencing the API for SFC2 not SFC3.  Simply use this tool to understand the "how" and "why" aspects of the coding used to create missions.
If you cannot see the tutorial (.pdf) files then you will need to dl and install the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them.

Hope this helps.

Centauri Vaughn



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Re: C++ standard edition
« Reply #13 on: November 12, 2003, 03:57:22 pm »

Here is a link for the API tutorial by Cam78.

Keep in mind that this is referencing the API for SFC2 not SFC3.  Simply use this tool to understand the "how" and "why" aspects of the coding used to create missions.
If you cannot see the tutorial (.pdf) files then you will need to dl and install the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them.

Hope this helps.

Centauri Vaughn


Poor nightsoftware, their site is down again. Can someone email the pdf tutorial to me and I'll host it at

That way we'll have to sites hosting.



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Re: C++ standard edition
« Reply #14 on: November 12, 2003, 05:48:24 pm »
Thanks guys.

I will let you know my progress.

Thanks for the info.