In order to modify the mission scripts you need to procure a copy of MS Visual C++ 6.0 (min. Standard Edition). Once you have opened up the project file for a given mission (ie. the *.dsp file) goto the source file of the Victory Condition class.
For example, the Victory Condition class file can be called "ScanVictoryCondition.cpp". If you open this file you then need to go to the ::mSetupState method of the the tScanVictoryCondition class in order to modify the PP payout for the mission:
void tScanVictoryCondition::mSetupState()
tScanVictoryState* ScanVictoryState = new tScanVictoryState( 5000, 2500, 0, -1000, -2000 );
mRegisterState( ScanVictoryState );
mGotoState( typeid( tScanVictoryState ) );
The values inputted to the new ScanVictoryState pointer variable on the 3rd line of the above example correspond to the following victory states: (kAstoudingVictory, kVictory, kDraw, kDefeat, kDevastatingDefeat).
In other words:
1) Astounding Victory pays 5000 pp.
2) Victory pays 2500 pp.
3) Draw pay 0 pp.
4) Defeat pays a loss of 1000 pp.
5) Devastating Defeat pays a loss of 2000 pp.
The above example is the code used in Pelican's Planetary Defence missions you've played in DomWars. I'm sure the PP payouts appear to be familiar to you.

GL Ace.