hey its not like this is the first time a trek series resorted to some form of sexuality to increase ratings for a show. Like say the adding of seven to voyager. now that is a pure example of the borg doing something right. lol man i would love to have been there when they decided to put a new character on the show to improve ratings.
producer "we need a new character some one that will draw interest back to the show"
writer " hmmmm well how about the borg we have that whole borg story arc coming up, and the fans do love the borg"
trekky adviser " well if it is a borg it will need to be deasimilated or at least an individual.... how about hew, he is a borg and we did want to get some one from a previos series"
producer " hmmm this hew fellow what actor plays him and was he a popular character?"
writer " you cant be serious hews diolage sucked i refuse to do it, and besides who wants to watch a uncourdinated borg"
producer "your right, what we need is sex appeal, we need a female borg..... some one to make all the teen aged boys watch the show"
trekky adviser (thinks to himself) this will make a mockery of the show i will not allow it. to use sex to get ratings on star trek. how wrong.
writer "hmmmmmmm .......... i wouldnt have used the word watched......"
producer " yup that is what we will do, we will hire a drop dead gorgeous woman and put her in a skin tight suit"
trekky adviser (thinks to himself) omg when does the first episode come on i cant wait to watch.............
lol just a fly on the wall, actually the heck when they decided to do it. i wish i was there when they did the auditions
and every episode has its moments where some one was doing something naughty with some one else.
data and yar
riker and alien nurse
spock and romulan commander
kirk and nearly every woman on the show.
jane way and holographic bartender
seven and harry kim (dream)
seven and chakota
seven and the doctor (o come on we all know they did
worf and his first wife
worf and jadsia dax
worf and desri dax
and the list goes on.. heck even picard got it on a few times.. lets face it sex is a part of star trek and just think of all those future trekies that will be watching more often once they chetch a glimps of t'pols goodies