It would be interesting to see a "Port" of True SFB Positron Flywheel in the near mythical GAW.
The warp effect as depicted in SFC3 is OTT, but the underlying mechanics are much the same.
I look at it this way in SFC-OP terms; The player hits the Flywheel button on the Helm panel, the Players Ship is nearly instananeously accelerated to the HIGHEST Speed obtained by that ship in the last 3 turns (its been awhile and my SFB stuff is downstairs and I dont recall EXACTLY what the SFB number of turns value is but you get the idea)
You could even require the ship to have maintained that speed for any percentage of the "Turn" say 1/8--1/4 of turn for it to count as "Highest Speed" that works for me.
Correctly implemented I dont think it would have the disasterous impact that a pure SFC3 style implementation would.
All Races would have it, and you could add a chance of breakdown much like HET if during PvP testing was found to be subject to abuse (same with Shock Effect and I dare say it, Emergancy Deceleration!!)
I am fairly certain many of the SFB vets here will attest to the usefulness of Positron Flywheel on both sides of the Seeking Weapons equation, even before the Advent of Plasma Bolts.
It may be only speculation at this point, but one can get some value in speculation as cerebral exercise.