Topic: Okay, some releases coming out..  (Read 4630 times)

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Okay, some releases coming out..
« on: November 08, 2003, 10:20:54 pm »
Okay, I got some projects completed and they're up in their respective spots.  I should get at least six projects done this weekend, with any luck more..

First one was the South-Savo of Mackie's:

This is up at TCS.. just waiting for Mackie to place it into the database.

Second one up was the TOS Amoeba conversion of Terradyhne's (for SFC).  This now includes all SFC versions.. 1, 2, and 3:

D/l links:
SFC 1 version
SFC 3 version
SFC 3 version

Btw, here's a size shot just to show you how big this puppy is... (whether it'll survive model.siz is another story):

Third one up is the general release of Ol' Buzzard's USS Bass Master, minus the Bass Master name and specific logos and tweaks.  Now renamed to the USS Vancouver, the archive also includes registries for the USS Boston and USS Seattle:

D/l link:
SFC 2 only (at the moment)

General project updates (find your favourite!):
Other projects almost complete is the USS Defiant from "The Tholian Web".  I'm tossing around the idea of including non-interphase textures as well as the standard.. but dunno about that.  SFC 1 and 2 versions are complete, just have to do up damage textures for the SFC 3 version now.. the glowing and .gf'ing are complete. Also, I'm completing a SFC 3 conversion of the wrecked Connie USS Constellation NCC-1017 from "The Doomsday Machine"... and am contemplating (seriously) a SFC 3 conversion of Lord Schtupp's TOS Enterprise seeing the others are almost complete anyways.  All I'd have to do at this rate would be to glow the ship.. everything else is almost ready for SFC 3.

The Freedom is almost complete, need to condense down the materials from over 118 down to under 15 or so.  The New Orleans is waiting for me to rebuild the lower hull.  The chances of doing an interior for my TOS Starbase is getting smaller, simply because of the way the vertices are on the spheres.. I'd be really distorting the texture on that sphere if I add one.  So I probably won't, unless I can figure out how to bevel in an entrance without eating the hull around the door at the same time.

As for the TOS Excelsior texturing, it's still WIP.. getting some serious stretching on the secondary hull I'm trying to iron out to get some proper textures on there.  The Excellentia, Oddessy, Starbug,  and Red Dwarf have had no work done on them for a bit.. the Red Dwarf mesh still needs to get smoothed down in a serious fashion.  Still haven't figured out how to do that with SFC.  Starbug, there's no sense working on it until there's a Red Dwarf to fly it with.  The others are waiting for more time.    Website will finally be updated this weekend to reflect all the changes and new links since last time.  (A lot).

And that pretty well gets things up to date as far as I can remember..  


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Re: Okay, some releases coming out..
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2003, 10:40:23 pm »
thank yous included now here and on the front page of! (as is the ship, in the db)  


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Re: Okay, some releases coming out..
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2003, 10:50:11 pm »
and oh by the way, alec, be sure to recheck the south savos zip because im not entirely sure if its intact... there seem to be some CRC errors but then again... it just may be me..  


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Re: Okay, some releases coming out..
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2003, 10:55:21 pm »
Thank you both for making these available! Especially the South Savo! Unfortunately, the South Savo DL file appears to be corrupt. Just thought you should know.  


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Re: Okay, some releases coming out..
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2003, 11:05:50 pm »
Must've happened during the upload... reuploading now... (this one checked as okay on this end)..

Okay, it's fixed... just checked the re-uploaded file and my archiver reported no errors during unpacking..


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Re: Okay, some releases coming out..
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2003, 11:06:50 pm »

Thank you both for making these available! Especially the South Savo! Unfortunately, the South Savo DL file appears to be corrupt. Just thought you should know.  

Try again... fixed as of 10:05 MST on the 8th..


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Re: Okay, some releases coming out..
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2003, 11:08:08 pm »


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Re: Okay, some releases coming out..
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2003, 11:18:23 pm »

 Okay, it's fixed... just checked the re-uploaded file and my archiver reported no errors during unpacking..  

Got it! Thank you again!!  

Captain Ron

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Re: Okay, some releases coming out..
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2003, 11:52:32 pm »


I noticed the same problem with yours as Darkmatrixs there are some errors on it that need fixing. I hope they can be done as I really like this ship as well as the other one he did, Mendoza, they need fixing.


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Re: Okay, some releases coming out..
« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2003, 11:58:57 pm »
Which errors need fixing?  Can you send me a pic with some circled areas?

(edit: never mind, that's what you'd included.. I got to see it right after the refresh)..

Not too concerned with #1, but will attempt to repair #s 2-4..
« Last Edit: November 09, 2003, 12:02:01 am by atheorhaven »


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Re: Okay, some releases coming out..
« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2003, 12:10:26 am »
absolutely sweet ath!


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Re: Okay, some releases coming out..
« Reply #11 on: November 09, 2003, 12:38:30 am »
Ayuh! Some good chit, Maynard!  

Captain Ron

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Re: Okay, some releases coming out..
« Reply #12 on: November 09, 2003, 01:27:45 am »

Which errors need fixing?  Can you send me a pic with some circled areas?

(edit: never mind, that's what you'd included.. I got to see it right after the refresh)..

Not too concerned with #1, but will attempt to repair #s 2-4..

1 and 2 are from the same thing the bridge is off center slightly. So fixing one will help the other. Problem 2 can be hidden with a slightly different texture (figured out how) it is 3 and 4 are the real issues.

Captain Ron

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Re: Okay, some releases coming out..
« Reply #13 on: November 09, 2003, 02:39:41 am »

Also now available is the Savo retexture called the Strike Carrier above!

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Okay, some releases coming out..
« Reply #14 on: November 09, 2003, 05:43:45 am »
Thank you Atheorhaven.



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Re: Okay, some releases coming out..
« Reply #15 on: November 09, 2003, 07:10:06 am »
You've been a busy!! That's more projects than I can shake a stick at! Nice work, Alec.




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Re: Okay, some releases coming out..
« Reply #16 on: November 09, 2003, 11:38:50 am »
Yeah, it's been that kind of project load for months B.. that's one of the reasons why I'm taking a month off as soon as I finish the 20 on my list.  Otherwise, I'd have thrown in with your guys on the GaW mod because I'd really like to see that done as well... but I'm needing some winding down time for a bit.  

But after my break, I'm going to start back on the Babylon 5 ships and get some more of those across for the B5FC mod.  Been doing almost nothing but Trek for months now, with just a little bit of other stuff thrown in to keep me sane.  
But I will still be doing conversions and such (after the break that is)..


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Re: Okay, some releases coming out..
« Reply #17 on: November 09, 2003, 12:04:20 pm »
For some reason I knew B5 was coming back around  


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Re: Okay, some releases coming out..
« Reply #18 on: November 09, 2003, 08:45:05 pm »
Absolutely there'll be more Babylon 5 stuff coming out, plus more from other shows and races.  Had an idea for almost two years now that I was waiting until I got good enough to do.. and I'll start that one soon.

Have some more stuff done this afternoon.. working on SFC 3 conversions take a lot longer than SFC 2, but I got some done of each.

The TOS Station is now complete for all versions of SFC except 3.. that one is still going as I need to hp/dp it for that and get spces and such done up for it.  But here's the VL shot from the SFC 3 version to show you the completed product:

And here's a couple of shots to show the final scale..

The SFC 1 and SFC 2 versions are up for download now as well.. be a bit careful with the break mod for the SFC 1 version, it's got a lot in it and it may crash some older machines..

d/l links:  (will edit in a second, after I reboot my system and can upload them).
SFC 1 version

SFC 2 version:

Will check it out momentarily, but I think the Tholian Web Defiant is complete as well.  Just have to check the scripts and all that to be sure that I've got it completed.  The fun thing I did with this one.. the damage textures included with the SFC 3 version should make it appear that any area damaged has gone back into interphase (I hope).  The SFC 1 and 2 damage textures will hopefully do the same thing.  

Here's its VL shot:

The Constitution is on it's way into SFC 3 as well (the SFC 1 and 2 versions have been done for ages).  Did the writeup on it earlier on for it's included text files.  The .GF files are complete as well as (I think) the spec files.

And I did decide to SFC 3 Lord Schtupp's Enterprise.. after all, almost everything is there for it now anyways.  Took some Mackie advice and did a beauty shot that looks more like a show shot..

And that's about it for the moment.. more to come..
« Last Edit: November 09, 2003, 09:08:31 pm by atheorhaven »


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Re: Okay, some releases coming out..
« Reply #19 on: November 09, 2003, 08:45:19 pm »
Great work - I can't wait to see the Space Amoeba


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Re: Okay, some releases coming out..
« Reply #20 on: November 10, 2003, 12:05:22 am »

Great work - I can't wait to see the Space Amoeba  

It's up for download for all versions Rhaz.. feel free to grab it and check it out.  I could use some feedback on how the conversion went.  Nannerslug handled the .GF file (a major part of it for making it fly in game), but I'm not sure how the monster script works.. so just included it with the original name.  Hope that works..

Went snooping through the HD to see what else was close to completion for release, and found one already completed that I actually forgot to fire across.

This is a ship that I always considered to be the one that'd kick your nuts around your ears once I first saw it.. so was happy to get the chance to convert 'er over to SFC.

It's up waiting for mackie to add 'er into his DB for download now.  

Also, perfect time to mention this.. am attempting to get this one across in the next hour.. wish me luck on 'er..

Just wanted to see if I could make my goal of six ships this weekend.. which will include a SFC 3 conversion or two in the process.  

But I know that you guys are in no hurry for the last one, so if it takes a week or more, no sweat, right?
« Last Edit: November 10, 2003, 12:07:10 am by atheorhaven »


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Re: Okay, some releases coming out..
« Reply #21 on: November 10, 2003, 12:17:26 am »

The Constitution is on it's way into SFC 3 as well (the SFC 1 and 2 versions have been done for ages).  Did the writeup on it earlier on for it's included text files.  The .GF files are complete as well as (I think) the spec files.


Uhh, it says Constellation. Otherwise, good stuff.  


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Re: Okay, some releases coming out..
« Reply #22 on: November 10, 2003, 12:55:35 am »
Whoops!  I'm going to have to change the SFC 3 text files then..  Ah well.. it's just minor.    Thanks for catching it.  

And, with 20 minutes to spare, I've completed my six ship goal for the weekend.. this is now in .MOD format:

USS Davids-C

Total conversion time from .LWO to SFC (with hp's/dp's): 35 minutes.    Helped to already the the Ironcross there for hp'ing.. I could just convert over the mesh, assign the materials,import the correct hp's, and the generate the break mod (and from that, the final mod itself).  Now, it's just writing up credits and such and it's done..

Captain Ron

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Re: Okay, some releases coming out..
« Reply #23 on: November 10, 2003, 01:18:53 am »
Cool deal been waiting for that one too.

Did you get the errors fixed on that other mesh yet?


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Re: Okay, some releases coming out..
« Reply #24 on: November 10, 2003, 06:03:47 am »
maybe it's just me, but the davids-c appears to have no saucer phasers.


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Re: Okay, some releases coming out..
« Reply #25 on: November 10, 2003, 08:48:45 am »
look close, all the ballpoint phasers have been replaced with arrays  


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Re: Okay, some releases coming out..
« Reply #26 on: November 10, 2003, 08:57:06 am »
Man! It seems like every time I step away from the forums for a couple of days I come back to a horde of new ships (and a monster this time)!

That's cool. I love your stuff, sir!  Thanlks for your efforts.

I especially appreciate the Amoeba and Space Station. I was mentioning not too long ago the lack of new space stations coming out. I was glad to be found inaccurate!


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Re: Okay, some releases coming out..
« Reply #27 on: November 10, 2003, 10:16:01 am »

look close, all the ballpoint phasers have been replaced with arrays    

So while I am asking stupid questions, why is there no Davids-B?

Captain Ron

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Re: Okay, some releases coming out..
« Reply #28 on: November 10, 2003, 10:36:03 am »


look close, all the ballpoint phasers have been replaced with arrays    

So while I am asking stupid questions, why is there no Davids-B?  

There is a Davids
There is a Davids-A
There is a Davids-B (IronCross registry)
and now the C is out


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Re: Okay, some releases coming out..
« Reply #29 on: November 10, 2003, 10:36:09 am »
Davids-B was a shortlived Galahad class vessel that i used in a TAS (tell a story) on before i got banned from there  


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Re: Okay, some releases coming out..
« Reply #30 on: November 10, 2003, 10:38:34 am »
Ahhh, the Galahad Class: Probably the most underrated ship out there...


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Re: Okay, some releases coming out..
« Reply #31 on: November 10, 2003, 01:00:59 pm »
Great work! Thanks for all the new ships/monster!  

Fire Blade

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Re: Okay, some releases coming out..
« Reply #32 on: November 10, 2003, 01:54:48 pm »
Hows The TOS Excelsior Comming along Atheorhaven ?  


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Re: Okay, some releases coming out..
« Reply #33 on: November 11, 2003, 08:14:53 pm »

Did you get the errors fixed on that other mesh yet?  

Nope, didn't have time if I wanted to meet my self-imposed quota of six ships.  Will play with it tonight..


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Re: Okay, some releases coming out..
« Reply #34 on: November 11, 2003, 08:18:50 pm »

I especially appreciate the Amoeba and Space Station. I was mentioning not too long ago the lack of new space stations coming out. I was glad to be found inaccurate!

One of the best ways to show me appreciation would be to post a screenie of it in use.. I've not seen a screenie of anything I've worked on in a long long time.    It shows me that someone took the time to download, install, and try something out (and it doesn't disappear into the Great Modelling Hole of Forgotten Models that way).  


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Re: Okay, some releases coming out..
« Reply #35 on: November 11, 2003, 08:21:50 pm »
The TOS Excelsior will be worked on a bit tonight... just got home a little bit ago from work, and was unwinding a bit.

Oh, and btw everyone.. the Davids-C is up at Mackie's waiting to be added into his db..

Captain Ron

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Re: Okay, some releases coming out..
« Reply #36 on: November 11, 2003, 08:48:32 pm »
the only way i can tell is by the amount of downloads. Under 10 in 5 days means it sucked, around 20 in 5 days it is ok, above 30 it is liked.


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Re: Okay, some releases coming out..
« Reply #37 on: November 12, 2003, 08:26:44 am »


I especially appreciate the Amoeba and Space Station. I was mentioning not too long ago the lack of new space stations coming out. I was glad to be found inaccurate!

One of the best ways to show me appreciation would be to post a screenie of it in use.. I've not seen a screenie of anything I've worked on in a long long time.    It shows me that someone took the time to download, install, and try something out (and it doesn't disappear into the Great Modelling Hole of Forgotten Models that way).    

I'd love to post my in-game pics, but have no clue as to how to do that.

But if it helps, I have replaced the stock Starbase with yours and played a tutotrial (the one where you lern to navigate and shoot, etc.

And she looks sweet!