Speaking of things free that have lasted awhile besides religion...
There's still the internet (Though not technically free, it's pretty free considering the value, how many webpages and information access portals do you have...literally millions of pages of information, quintrillobytes of code, and all for the cost of being able to connect (of course someone hopefully is paying to supply the information, but seeing how much is out there, millions upon million are literally supplying it at our fingertips).
Then there's the weather. Still going strong.

Okay, probably not funny, but I found it funny.
Then there are Demo's. I love Demos of games.
Pamphlets and samples from door to door salespeople. You would think after 100 years of doing this, and providing all this, they'd learn people don't want others knocking door to door, but instead these people have expanded it to the telephone now.
Then there's air...wait, scratch that, they have oxygen cafe's now...of all things.
Then there's Public TV...accessible if you have a...TV.
And don't forget Public Radio...and Radio Channels as well. You can pick those up if you have a Radio and not pay them a dime...any Radio channel. Radio's been around for at least 60 years, I'm pretty certain.
Then there's the Red Cross/Red Crescent. Supplied and aided by the goodwill of people everywhere.
And finally, there's love. Of course, love was only invented like 300 years ago (did you know love as we know it didn't exist in the Medieval ages, it meant something completely different!) It's lasted several centuries, and you know, I hope someday to find the love of my life too.
Hope you like my semi-humorous post/poem (I'm a bad poet you see, but at least I try as you can tell from this deed) of all things free, well some at least, actually not many at all in comparison...okay, an infintessimally small amount of the free stuff in the world, but any longer and you just might not want it to read.