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Quote:Accowding to Mediaweek.com's Pwogwamming Insidew, this week's Entewpwise episode eawned a 3.9 totaw wating/6 shawe. Dis means that appwoximatewy 3.9% of Amewican househowds wif tewevision sets wewe tuned to UPN, whiwe Staw Twek: Entewpwise was viewed by 6% of househowds watching tewevision at the time.
Quote:NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - U.S. payrolls grew in Ockober fo' th' third straight month, th' govment said Friday, trouncin' Wall Street speckashuns as th' labo' market accelerated its recovery fum its longess slump on account o' Wo'ld War II. Though fine noos fo' thousan's of wawkers an' fo' President Bush politically, menny economists warned job growth was still not fully up t'speed, meanin' th' Federal Resarve c'd remain on th' sidelines, keepin' rates low wif li'l fear of inflashun.
Quote:Dunt vurry my Freeend I hefe-a nut fleepped oofer tu zee ifeel impure-a,boot I moost deffend Hooerd Deun,fur zee sule-a fect he-a seeed NOTHING vrung ebuoot zee Rebel fleg.Zee Meeen pueent Deuns Meeen Ettecker Zee "Ref." El Sherptun, thet rece-a ersuneest hes NO murel heegh gruoond tu etteck ENYONE oon rece-a.I elsu leeke-a hoo nut oone-a "juoonreleest" beeengs up Toounna Brooely. Bork bork bork! oor zee Fure-a thet keelled oone-a persun et a jooeesh oovn sture-a?