Topic: Kortez's stupid Pet tricks  (Read 11334 times)

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Kortez's stupid Pet tricks
« on: November 07, 2003, 05:01:35 pm »
Sorry Bro, But this was so funny It needed It's own thread.


 But we aren't running for national office, so we can be obnoxious to our heart's content, without offending large numbers of people

BTW, how are the puppies? Should be getting to the point where they have puppy energy and dog chewing machines


Dean is a fool for his comments, but the ones I have been reading are not much more impressi[v]e, not at all.



Yeah, we are not running for office. It's a good thing!

I have two dogs, one of which is a 7 month old border collie. He has a lot of energy, and spends the entire day trying to get me to throw balls, fabric, rocks, chairs, televisions, notebook computers, anything, in short, which he can run after and retrieve. When he has to wait he talke to me. He's doing it right now. It is hilarious.

He gets along with other dogs, people, but hates diesel engines. Though hyper he is strangely calm, and when he tugs with my other dog it sounds like they are going to kill each other. It's very funny, really.

He has the shiniest coat I have ever seen on a border collie.

He also yodels. That is very cool.

Yodels, after catching a TV, Man what a dog. That is just too funny, I can just see him running all over the yard Bringing back toys, Boulders, trees, the Postman.

glad He's giving you alot of happiness Bro. take care...


PS. what do your pets do that's funny?



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Re: Kortez's stupid Pet tricks
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2003, 05:54:32 pm »
LOL, thats cool he sounds awesome.

..Ok, this is normal for dogs but not cats. I taught My cat to give me five (paw, whatever) It is awesome considering my cat is the only cat I know that can do that on demand....


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Re: Kortez's stupid Pet tricks
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2003, 06:31:10 pm »
Yesterday night we went home to find that our kitten had taken a bite out of the toilet paper roll. Not in an explicable fashion -- the roll was completely intact and completely in place, but with four very precisely placed puncture marks in a vertical rectangular shape. It wasn't unrolled or anything -- just CHOMPED and then left to its business. Given the spacing of the pairs of punctures, she must have opened her mouth as far as she possibly could to bite it.

We're wondering if it somehow insulted her mother or something. Neither of the cats is paying any attention to it now, though.

I love border collies. Wouldn't get any other dog.  


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Re: Kortez's stupid Pet tricks
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2003, 06:39:16 pm »
Me dog barks at cats and wimpers in 'is sleep.


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Re: Kortez's stupid Pet tricks
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2003, 06:42:53 pm »

Me dog barks at cats and wimpers in 'is sleep.  

Just what kind of a dog Does a Rat have? A chiuaua?

J/K Bro.


LOl at Admin  : Please don't eat the Charmin.  


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Re: Kortez's stupid Pet tricks
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2003, 06:45:14 pm »
Loki likes to transfer toilet paper from one roll to another, in a different bathroom.  He starts to pull paper from one bathroom to another, and he's very nonchalant about it, like it's not even happening.  He just drags it in his mouth, leaving a long trail.

When I ask him "what are you doing?" he just gets this look, which clearly says "whaddya mean?" and he either puts it down to pick it up later, or he comes over to lick me until he thinks I've been hoodwinked.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Kortez »


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Re: Kortez's stupid Pet tricks
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2003, 06:55:25 pm »

Loki likes to transfer toilet paper from one roll to another, in a different bathroom.  He starts to pull paper from one bathroom to another, and he's very nonchalant about it, like it's not even happening.  He just drags it in his mouth, leaving a long trail.

When I ask him "what are you doing?" he just gets this look, which clearly says "whaddya mean?" and he either puts it down to pick it up later, or he comes over to lick me until he thinks I've been hoodwinked.

sounds like you nmed Loki Admirably.



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Re: Kortez's stupid Pet tricks
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2003, 07:02:38 pm »
I have a Collie/Aussie mix.. He enjoys giving me a heart attack all day long every day...

I leave him in my house when I leave for work.. I have not found out how he is getting out.. It may be my land lord.. anyhow, I get out of work and at least 2 days a week, I find him under my car..

now the problem is that I live 67 miles from work and i take 4 different roads to get there.. one of which is the interstate....

How he keeps from getting hit is beyond me.. but I have heart attacks everyday waiting to get off work to see if he is there or not.. and on the day's he is not.. I freak until I get home....

His name is Smokey and he can't stand to be away from me at all...

One day, he even came into my work area and laid down at my feet.. i was almost fired until I proved to my boss that the dog followed me to work (and my boss knows where I live)..

anyhow.. Smokey is an interisting canine to say the least....


  • Guest
Re: Kortez's stupid Pet tricks
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2003, 01:01:45 pm »

I have a Collie/Aussie mix.. He enjoys giving me a heart attack all day long every day...

I leave him in my house when I leave for work.. I have not found out how he is getting out.. It may be my land lord.. anyhow, I get out of work and at least 2 days a week, I find him under my car..

now the problem is that I live 67 miles from work and i take 4 different roads to get there.. one of which is the interstate....

How he keeps from getting hit is beyond me.. but I have heart attacks everyday waiting to get off work to see if he is there or not.. and on the day's he is not.. I freak until I get home....

His name is Smokey and he can't stand to be away from me at all...

One day, he even came into my work area and laid down at my feet.. i was almost fired until I proved to my boss that the dog followed me to work (and my boss knows where I live)..

anyhow.. Smokey is an interisting canine to say the least....

I just finished a book a couple of weeks ago that you might be interested in -- The Hidden Life of Dogs by Elizabeth Marshall Thomas. Animal behavior, with the cog sci terminology trimmed out, and a LOT of stories about the many dogs the author has kept over the years. One of them had a range of two hundred square miles, which she charted by the locations of the police stations that phoned her for having a loose dog. She also went out with him a couple of times and found that he had a distinct method for crossing busy streets and even interstates.



  • Guest
Kortez's stupid Pet tricks
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2003, 05:01:35 pm »
Sorry Bro, But this was so funny It needed It's own thread.


 But we aren't running for national office, so we can be obnoxious to our heart's content, without offending large numbers of people

BTW, how are the puppies? Should be getting to the point where they have puppy energy and dog chewing machines


Dean is a fool for his comments, but the ones I have been reading are not much more impressi[v]e, not at all.



Yeah, we are not running for office. It's a good thing!

I have two dogs, one of which is a 7 month old border collie. He has a lot of energy, and spends the entire day trying to get me to throw balls, fabric, rocks, chairs, televisions, notebook computers, anything, in short, which he can run after and retrieve. When he has to wait he talke to me. He's doing it right now. It is hilarious.

He gets along with other dogs, people, but hates diesel engines. Though hyper he is strangely calm, and when he tugs with my other dog it sounds like they are going to kill each other. It's very funny, really.

He has the shiniest coat I have ever seen on a border collie.

He also yodels. That is very cool.

Yodels, after catching a TV, Man what a dog. That is just too funny, I can just see him running all over the yard Bringing back toys, Boulders, trees, the Postman.

glad He's giving you alot of happiness Bro. take care...


PS. what do your pets do that's funny?



  • Guest
Re: Kortez's stupid Pet tricks
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2003, 05:54:32 pm »
LOL, thats cool he sounds awesome.

..Ok, this is normal for dogs but not cats. I taught My cat to give me five (paw, whatever) It is awesome considering my cat is the only cat I know that can do that on demand....


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Re: Kortez's stupid Pet tricks
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2003, 06:31:10 pm »
Yesterday night we went home to find that our kitten had taken a bite out of the toilet paper roll. Not in an explicable fashion -- the roll was completely intact and completely in place, but with four very precisely placed puncture marks in a vertical rectangular shape. It wasn't unrolled or anything -- just CHOMPED and then left to its business. Given the spacing of the pairs of punctures, she must have opened her mouth as far as she possibly could to bite it.

We're wondering if it somehow insulted her mother or something. Neither of the cats is paying any attention to it now, though.

I love border collies. Wouldn't get any other dog.  


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Re: Kortez's stupid Pet tricks
« Reply #12 on: November 07, 2003, 06:39:16 pm »
Me dog barks at cats and wimpers in 'is sleep.


  • Guest
Re: Kortez's stupid Pet tricks
« Reply #13 on: November 07, 2003, 06:42:53 pm »

Me dog barks at cats and wimpers in 'is sleep.  

Just what kind of a dog Does a Rat have? A chiuaua?

J/K Bro.


LOl at Admin  : Please don't eat the Charmin.  


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Re: Kortez's stupid Pet tricks
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2003, 06:45:14 pm »
Loki likes to transfer toilet paper from one roll to another, in a different bathroom.  He starts to pull paper from one bathroom to another, and he's very nonchalant about it, like it's not even happening.  He just drags it in his mouth, leaving a long trail.

When I ask him "what are you doing?" he just gets this look, which clearly says "whaddya mean?" and he either puts it down to pick it up later, or he comes over to lick me until he thinks I've been hoodwinked.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Kortez »


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Re: Kortez's stupid Pet tricks
« Reply #15 on: November 07, 2003, 06:55:25 pm »

Loki likes to transfer toilet paper from one roll to another, in a different bathroom.  He starts to pull paper from one bathroom to another, and he's very nonchalant about it, like it's not even happening.  He just drags it in his mouth, leaving a long trail.

When I ask him "what are you doing?" he just gets this look, which clearly says "whaddya mean?" and he either puts it down to pick it up later, or he comes over to lick me until he thinks I've been hoodwinked.

sounds like you nmed Loki Admirably.



  • Guest
Re: Kortez's stupid Pet tricks
« Reply #16 on: November 07, 2003, 07:02:38 pm »
I have a Collie/Aussie mix.. He enjoys giving me a heart attack all day long every day...

I leave him in my house when I leave for work.. I have not found out how he is getting out.. It may be my land lord.. anyhow, I get out of work and at least 2 days a week, I find him under my car..

now the problem is that I live 67 miles from work and i take 4 different roads to get there.. one of which is the interstate....

How he keeps from getting hit is beyond me.. but I have heart attacks everyday waiting to get off work to see if he is there or not.. and on the day's he is not.. I freak until I get home....

His name is Smokey and he can't stand to be away from me at all...

One day, he even came into my work area and laid down at my feet.. i was almost fired until I proved to my boss that the dog followed me to work (and my boss knows where I live)..

anyhow.. Smokey is an interisting canine to say the least....


  • Guest
Re: Kortez's stupid Pet tricks
« Reply #17 on: November 08, 2003, 01:01:45 pm »

I have a Collie/Aussie mix.. He enjoys giving me a heart attack all day long every day...

I leave him in my house when I leave for work.. I have not found out how he is getting out.. It may be my land lord.. anyhow, I get out of work and at least 2 days a week, I find him under my car..

now the problem is that I live 67 miles from work and i take 4 different roads to get there.. one of which is the interstate....

How he keeps from getting hit is beyond me.. but I have heart attacks everyday waiting to get off work to see if he is there or not.. and on the day's he is not.. I freak until I get home....

His name is Smokey and he can't stand to be away from me at all...

One day, he even came into my work area and laid down at my feet.. i was almost fired until I proved to my boss that the dog followed me to work (and my boss knows where I live)..

anyhow.. Smokey is an interisting canine to say the least....

I just finished a book a couple of weeks ago that you might be interested in -- The Hidden Life of Dogs by Elizabeth Marshall Thomas. Animal behavior, with the cog sci terminology trimmed out, and a LOT of stories about the many dogs the author has kept over the years. One of them had a range of two hundred square miles, which she charted by the locations of the police stations that phoned her for having a loose dog. She also went out with him a couple of times and found that he had a distinct method for crossing busy streets and even interstates.



  • Guest
Kortez's stupid Pet tricks
« Reply #18 on: November 07, 2003, 05:01:35 pm »
Sorry Bro, But this was so funny It needed It's own thread.


 But we aren't running for national office, so we can be obnoxious to our heart's content, without offending large numbers of people

BTW, how are the puppies? Should be getting to the point where they have puppy energy and dog chewing machines


Dean is a fool for his comments, but the ones I have been reading are not much more impressi[v]e, not at all.



Yeah, we are not running for office. It's a good thing!

I have two dogs, one of which is a 7 month old border collie. He has a lot of energy, and spends the entire day trying to get me to throw balls, fabric, rocks, chairs, televisions, notebook computers, anything, in short, which he can run after and retrieve. When he has to wait he talke to me. He's doing it right now. It is hilarious.

He gets along with other dogs, people, but hates diesel engines. Though hyper he is strangely calm, and when he tugs with my other dog it sounds like they are going to kill each other. It's very funny, really.

He has the shiniest coat I have ever seen on a border collie.

He also yodels. That is very cool.

Yodels, after catching a TV, Man what a dog. That is just too funny, I can just see him running all over the yard Bringing back toys, Boulders, trees, the Postman.

glad He's giving you alot of happiness Bro. take care...


PS. what do your pets do that's funny?



  • Guest
Re: Kortez's stupid Pet tricks
« Reply #19 on: November 07, 2003, 05:54:32 pm »
LOL, thats cool he sounds awesome.

..Ok, this is normal for dogs but not cats. I taught My cat to give me five (paw, whatever) It is awesome considering my cat is the only cat I know that can do that on demand....


  • Guest
Re: Kortez's stupid Pet tricks
« Reply #20 on: November 07, 2003, 06:31:10 pm »
Yesterday night we went home to find that our kitten had taken a bite out of the toilet paper roll. Not in an explicable fashion -- the roll was completely intact and completely in place, but with four very precisely placed puncture marks in a vertical rectangular shape. It wasn't unrolled or anything -- just CHOMPED and then left to its business. Given the spacing of the pairs of punctures, she must have opened her mouth as far as she possibly could to bite it.

We're wondering if it somehow insulted her mother or something. Neither of the cats is paying any attention to it now, though.

I love border collies. Wouldn't get any other dog.  


  • Guest
Re: Kortez's stupid Pet tricks
« Reply #21 on: November 07, 2003, 06:39:16 pm »
Me dog barks at cats and wimpers in 'is sleep.


  • Guest
Re: Kortez's stupid Pet tricks
« Reply #22 on: November 07, 2003, 06:42:53 pm »

Me dog barks at cats and wimpers in 'is sleep.  

Just what kind of a dog Does a Rat have? A chiuaua?

J/K Bro.


LOl at Admin  : Please don't eat the Charmin.  


  • Guest
Re: Kortez's stupid Pet tricks
« Reply #23 on: November 07, 2003, 06:45:14 pm »
Loki likes to transfer toilet paper from one roll to another, in a different bathroom.  He starts to pull paper from one bathroom to another, and he's very nonchalant about it, like it's not even happening.  He just drags it in his mouth, leaving a long trail.

When I ask him "what are you doing?" he just gets this look, which clearly says "whaddya mean?" and he either puts it down to pick it up later, or he comes over to lick me until he thinks I've been hoodwinked.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Kortez »


  • Guest
Re: Kortez's stupid Pet tricks
« Reply #24 on: November 07, 2003, 06:55:25 pm »

Loki likes to transfer toilet paper from one roll to another, in a different bathroom.  He starts to pull paper from one bathroom to another, and he's very nonchalant about it, like it's not even happening.  He just drags it in his mouth, leaving a long trail.

When I ask him "what are you doing?" he just gets this look, which clearly says "whaddya mean?" and he either puts it down to pick it up later, or he comes over to lick me until he thinks I've been hoodwinked.

sounds like you nmed Loki Admirably.



  • Guest
Re: Kortez's stupid Pet tricks
« Reply #25 on: November 07, 2003, 07:02:38 pm »
I have a Collie/Aussie mix.. He enjoys giving me a heart attack all day long every day...

I leave him in my house when I leave for work.. I have not found out how he is getting out.. It may be my land lord.. anyhow, I get out of work and at least 2 days a week, I find him under my car..

now the problem is that I live 67 miles from work and i take 4 different roads to get there.. one of which is the interstate....

How he keeps from getting hit is beyond me.. but I have heart attacks everyday waiting to get off work to see if he is there or not.. and on the day's he is not.. I freak until I get home....

His name is Smokey and he can't stand to be away from me at all...

One day, he even came into my work area and laid down at my feet.. i was almost fired until I proved to my boss that the dog followed me to work (and my boss knows where I live)..

anyhow.. Smokey is an interisting canine to say the least....


  • Guest
Re: Kortez's stupid Pet tricks
« Reply #26 on: November 08, 2003, 01:01:45 pm »

I have a Collie/Aussie mix.. He enjoys giving me a heart attack all day long every day...

I leave him in my house when I leave for work.. I have not found out how he is getting out.. It may be my land lord.. anyhow, I get out of work and at least 2 days a week, I find him under my car..

now the problem is that I live 67 miles from work and i take 4 different roads to get there.. one of which is the interstate....

How he keeps from getting hit is beyond me.. but I have heart attacks everyday waiting to get off work to see if he is there or not.. and on the day's he is not.. I freak until I get home....

His name is Smokey and he can't stand to be away from me at all...

One day, he even came into my work area and laid down at my feet.. i was almost fired until I proved to my boss that the dog followed me to work (and my boss knows where I live)..

anyhow.. Smokey is an interisting canine to say the least....

I just finished a book a couple of weeks ago that you might be interested in -- The Hidden Life of Dogs by Elizabeth Marshall Thomas. Animal behavior, with the cog sci terminology trimmed out, and a LOT of stories about the many dogs the author has kept over the years. One of them had a range of two hundred square miles, which she charted by the locations of the police stations that phoned her for having a loose dog. She also went out with him a couple of times and found that he had a distinct method for crossing busy streets and even interstates.