Topic: So who here plays "Magic Online".  (Read 13342 times)

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Re: So who here plays "Magic Online".
« Reply #20 on: November 07, 2003, 11:58:47 pm »
i played the game until it became a total 'metagame' i.e. getting a generaic uberdeck to beat another generic uberdeck found over the internet. The game is still fun when I play with friends but the tournaments which used to be fun and have unique decks (at least in my area) gave way to cliques which shared all the best cards and generally came in with an uppity attitude. It becvame either little kids that I felt ashamed to play like tormenting a puppy or something or some snot nosed 13-15 yr old who gets out his powergamer deck and beats you in 2 turns. Alkthough it was fun beating those guys with a fun deck that had no rights winning  

My favorite deck was always a mega life mega mana green and white deck that even if I was gonna lose I (if it was an aforementioned snot nosed uppity brat) I could FORCE a tie by running the clock. That would knock the guy out of the championship round. I called it my 'misery loves company' deck because I'd be at 2 life and get out that life spring which with the 30 man and mana creatures I'd have out on the field mean I'd suddenly have 32 life  

My other favorite was a red and green land destruction deck.... again not too effective at actually winning a game but oh so sweet when the guy I'm playing can't pull off his stupid uber combo because he didn't have any land out.

College and 'madness' (the powergamers delight) put a serious crimper on my playing habits though
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by lloyd007 »


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Re: So who here plays "Magic Online".
« Reply #21 on: November 08, 2003, 05:28:55 am »
I actually never played in tournaments as such, we were a group of 4-5 friends who all had some magic cards around and played one night a week or so for a while.

Your decks sounds neat; I tried a few land destruction decks but my friends complained it wasn't very fun (And besides in multiplayer you have too many targets anyway).

How'd you stay alive with the mana/life deck? Meekstones and such or monsters of your own?

Fun anecdote: I had a rock hydra with double spirit link on; I kept attacking and the opponent kept blocking with a drudge skeleton. For once he didn't have terror; and I didn't have anything to get rid of a regenerating monster with.

And the hydra grew, and grew, and grew - at most I think I got 40 life per round from it. (Not sure if that's possible with the rules anymore but it was back then). I don't remember exactly how it ended, might have been a stalemate.


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Re: So who here plays "Magic Online".
« Reply #22 on: November 08, 2003, 09:22:31 am »
One of my favorite silly decks was a lifegain deck based off Serra Avatar.  The one game that made the deck memorable is when my opponent had a creature that could block and regenerate from SA's attack.

Serra Avatar had 3 spirit links on it.... tripling my life total every turn.

Having 10^15th life is fun


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Re: So who here plays "Magic Online".
« Reply #23 on: November 08, 2003, 10:50:36 pm »
i started with the beta, then stoped cause i didn't have a job to pay for it.  plus i have way to much fun when i could play my friends at school .   of course now i'm just waiting for wizards to slow down again, they is moving way to fast for me to keep up.  i miss the old days.

oh well



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So who here plays "Magic Online".
« Reply #24 on: November 07, 2003, 08:34:10 am »
I like the "regular" card game as well.  However the online one is GREAT.  Anybody else that plays out there?



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Re: So who here plays "Magic Online".
« Reply #25 on: November 07, 2003, 12:06:15 pm »
Ive considered it but currently am dumping lots of money into heroclix and decide one wasteful collectable game is enough for me.  Plus i can't have my physical deck to use on magic online :-(.  


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Re: So who here plays "Magic Online".
« Reply #26 on: November 07, 2003, 12:21:21 pm »
Should I be frightened by this?...Ge-Raven we have this in common

I have been playing the card version for years. I taught my youngest how to play when he was two. Of course he played the cards that were pretty...

Some of my friends(as well as my husband) have done artwork for the cards.

I haven't played the electronic version that much. I cannot seem to get the same joy in a virtual desk as I do with sorting through my old friends in my hands.



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Re: So who here plays "Magic Online".
« Reply #27 on: November 07, 2003, 12:31:38 pm »
I spent too much on the cardboard versions to try to switch over to the electronic.


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Re: So who here plays "Magic Online".
« Reply #28 on: November 07, 2003, 12:37:24 pm »
Why would you be frightened Ann?  Why would you not want to have something in common with me?

I am one heck of a nice guy.  Don't let my arguements with Atra make you think I am contrary...

I really am a fairly nice guy.

Just look in the SETI threads  



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Re: So who here plays "Magic Online".
« Reply #29 on: November 07, 2003, 01:27:01 pm »
Ho ho.. magic the spending. Oh yes. Been there, done that, sold the t-shirt so I could get more cards....

I'm a strictly black and red guy, with a hint of green. (Lure+basilisk is a golden oldie...)

I just played third edition and up until fourth edition came out, then I didn't buy any more cards so I don't know about all this phasing and fading stuff and things like that. I thought mana flares and dwarven mail bombs was a pretty neat idea... with fire+earth elementals, shivan dragons, dwarven miners, brothers of fire, some direct damage, mana flares, forks, lightning bolts.. worked very well actually.

That, and a demonic-themed black deck that wasn't really good but could be extremely deadly if it got going. (Acolytes, lord of the pit, demonic hordes, frozen shades, nether shades, ashen ghouls, breeding pits, hexatomb and some drain life and dark rituals... once it got the altars running with blood things looked bleak for the enemy.

It's all coming back to me now...

Oh yes, and another deck I made for pure amusement that actually was truly, vehemently deadly. Summoned various things that didn't need to tap to attack, along with a few choice tactical instants, DOT's, and the thing that made it work: stasis...
(some instants did the same thing but not permanently)

And I'm the only player in my particular gaming group who made a (pretty effective) pestilence deck WITHOUT mixing in white... who needs healing when you have drain life?

Oh and I hate blue with a passion. "Oh no you don't!"...... ARGH!  

(BTW GE-Raven, mind shrinking that picturet, it's a full page sig - that's a bit much, innit?)


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Re: So who here plays "Magic Online".
« Reply #30 on: November 07, 2003, 05:11:06 pm »
mmmmmmmmmm black and red...good for crushing blue. I really enjoy crushing blue I think because my husband and oldest son play blue so heavily. I play around with them a bit and then just tap their mana till they scream. Ahhhhhhh the joys of getting back at your teenage son for, well, being a teenager.



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Re: So who here plays "Magic Online".
« Reply #31 on: November 07, 2003, 11:56:57 pm »
I made one deck for multiplayer that was prettty unpleasant.. blue/colorless and a little white... I do not remember it too closely but the basic combination it used was control magic, skull of orm, and ...hnn.... lifestone? (can sacrifice creatures for life= their toughness. Artifact, tap ability.). A few cards to make this combination more effective... castle, for instance, swords to plowshares.

So basically if the enemy put out a creature, I could control it, and attack him with it; if it died, or he got something bigger out, I could sacrifice it for life, use the skull to get the control magic spell back (tap effect + some mana) and use it to control the new & improved monster. A few counterspells to stop that naaasty shatterstorm or tranquility.

Didn't do too well against creatureless decks but then, in multiplayer that isn't usually a problem. The only problem was that everyone ganged up on me when I used that deck, to kill me off before I got rolling...



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Re: So who here plays "Magic Online".
« Reply #32 on: November 07, 2003, 11:58:47 pm »
i played the game until it became a total 'metagame' i.e. getting a generaic uberdeck to beat another generic uberdeck found over the internet. The game is still fun when I play with friends but the tournaments which used to be fun and have unique decks (at least in my area) gave way to cliques which shared all the best cards and generally came in with an uppity attitude. It becvame either little kids that I felt ashamed to play like tormenting a puppy or something or some snot nosed 13-15 yr old who gets out his powergamer deck and beats you in 2 turns. Alkthough it was fun beating those guys with a fun deck that had no rights winning  

My favorite deck was always a mega life mega mana green and white deck that even if I was gonna lose I (if it was an aforementioned snot nosed uppity brat) I could FORCE a tie by running the clock. That would knock the guy out of the championship round. I called it my 'misery loves company' deck because I'd be at 2 life and get out that life spring which with the 30 man and mana creatures I'd have out on the field mean I'd suddenly have 32 life  

My other favorite was a red and green land destruction deck.... again not too effective at actually winning a game but oh so sweet when the guy I'm playing can't pull off his stupid uber combo because he didn't have any land out.

College and 'madness' (the powergamers delight) put a serious crimper on my playing habits though
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by lloyd007 »


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Re: So who here plays "Magic Online".
« Reply #33 on: November 08, 2003, 05:28:55 am »
I actually never played in tournaments as such, we were a group of 4-5 friends who all had some magic cards around and played one night a week or so for a while.

Your decks sounds neat; I tried a few land destruction decks but my friends complained it wasn't very fun (And besides in multiplayer you have too many targets anyway).

How'd you stay alive with the mana/life deck? Meekstones and such or monsters of your own?

Fun anecdote: I had a rock hydra with double spirit link on; I kept attacking and the opponent kept blocking with a drudge skeleton. For once he didn't have terror; and I didn't have anything to get rid of a regenerating monster with.

And the hydra grew, and grew, and grew - at most I think I got 40 life per round from it. (Not sure if that's possible with the rules anymore but it was back then). I don't remember exactly how it ended, might have been a stalemate.


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Re: So who here plays "Magic Online".
« Reply #34 on: November 08, 2003, 09:22:31 am »
One of my favorite silly decks was a lifegain deck based off Serra Avatar.  The one game that made the deck memorable is when my opponent had a creature that could block and regenerate from SA's attack.

Serra Avatar had 3 spirit links on it.... tripling my life total every turn.

Having 10^15th life is fun


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Re: So who here plays "Magic Online".
« Reply #35 on: November 08, 2003, 10:50:36 pm »
i started with the beta, then stoped cause i didn't have a job to pay for it.  plus i have way to much fun when i could play my friends at school .   of course now i'm just waiting for wizards to slow down again, they is moving way to fast for me to keep up.  i miss the old days.

oh well
