Topic: Mirak ZCVL Textures WIP: Comments Please  (Read 4249 times)

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Mirak ZCVL Textures WIP: Comments Please
« on: November 07, 2003, 06:43:07 am »
Ok, these are just tests of the basic hull texture and warp glows. Detailing will come later.
Just trying to figure out what coloration to go with for the whole fleet before I get too far in the process.

I've narrowed it down to these  two color schemes.
The first is based on the Taldren stock models and the second is based on a ZCV by Koth that I really liked.

Which do you like? All comments and opinions are welcome.

Edit: I should mention that these are Kreearg's meshes. I'm just doing the texturing.


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pataflafla »


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Re: Mirak CVA Textures WIP: Comments Please
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2003, 06:48:04 am »
as much as I hate mirak ship design, that model looks pretty darn good.


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Re: Mirak CVA Textures WIP: Comments Please
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2003, 07:12:13 am »
Dude! Excellent start! This is definitely a step in the right direction. I'd say go with the second version, the red one(more reminiscent of the Kzinti).

Hope to see more on these real soon. Keep this up, and you'll be a much hailed member of the team.

Oh BTW, you should add the official GaW sig image to your signature. (If you want that is )
« Last Edit: November 07, 2003, 07:14:12 am by Desty_Nova »

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Mirak CVA Textures WIP: Comments Please
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2003, 07:18:03 am »

Dude! Excellent start! This is definitely a step in the right direction. I'd say go with the second version, the red one(more reminiscent of the Kzinti).

Hope to see more on these real soon. Keep this up, and you'll be a much hailed member of the team.

Oh BTW, you should add the official GaW sig image to your signature. (If you want that is )

Yeah! Well said Desty_Nova!

Great job Pataflafla!



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Re: Mirak CVA Textures WIP: Comments Please
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2003, 07:43:17 am »
Thanks guys. Everyone please cast a vote here. While I'm partial to the latter of the two, I want everyone's opinion.
Here's a render I did of Koth's fine ZCVA. Thought I should post a pic of it since I'm sorta stealing his color scheme.

Desty, I'm not sure what the Galaxies at War thing is. I saw a thread on it, but it was so long I didn't read all of it. Sorry, I've
been away from the community since about April. In fact, this is my first project since the Northampton retexture I did last
spring. So, I'm not real up on all the latest goings on.


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pataflafla »


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Re: Mirak CVA Textures WIP: Comments Please
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2003, 07:49:54 am »
Ooh pretty.

Anyway, Galaxies at War is the mod that we were hoping to use these Mirak for. The "Galaxies at War" part refers to the invaders from the Andromeda galaxy, that made a serious attempt to subjugate us all. If you read through the GaW thread, you'll see all my huge diatribes about the Andromedans (lol), and learn why they were such a significant threat. Anyway, the Feds, Klingons, Romulans, Mirak, and everyone else came togther for the first tim ever to defeat them in the end, so we need to get fleets done for every other race. We really appreciate your assistance on these, and I for one hope you want to be a significant part of the team.


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Re: Mirak CVA Textures WIP: Comments Please
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2003, 08:00:31 am »
I'm partial to the lower reddish one myself. Both look good, but the red one has a more "tough" look to me.


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Re: Mirak CVA Textures WIP: Comments Please
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2003, 09:10:26 am »
Like them both!  


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Re: Mirak CVA Textures WIP: Comments Please
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2003, 09:20:04 am »
My opinion... just glad to see you back man.  

Oh, and the lower one looks better.  (grin).


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Re: Mirak CVA Textures WIP: Comments Please
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2003, 11:12:35 am »
I agree with Alec, great to see you back!! I like 'em both, maybe 2 variants?



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Re: Mirak CVA Textures WIP: Comments Please
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2003, 12:39:50 pm »
The Mirak CVA model was not done by me personally.  I simply redid the hull markings, changed the engine color and replaced the Kzin Emblem with or KLAW emblem on the tailfin.  The orginal models were done by John and he had a whole Kzin fleet including a Tug which I use in game.  Note: I think the emblem on the tailfin is the emblem for the Kzin in SFB.  I do prefer the red hull texture over the stock Taldren textures.  I still cant remember where I got these though.






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Re: Mirak CVA Textures WIP: Comments Please
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2003, 01:09:50 pm »
Pataflafla, If you go with the ZCVA textures that would work great with bringing the Kzinti at War Refit Spacedock into the picture. As a suggestion, I think the ZCVA you have shown would be the perfect standard to base the new Kzinti you are doing on. Stick with the way you have the primary hull textures and paste/blend the Taldren textures for the bridge part of the hull. And if I may say so I don't think the blue illumination for the drone racks is working. I would think that if that shows illumination then it should look something like a lit crew deck working behing the drone launch tubes. Just an opinion.

And thanks for the effort in pulling together the Kzinti!  

Fluf, As I mentioned above, the Kzinti you are showing are from War Refit Spacedock.  


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Re: Mirak CVA Textures WIP: Comments Please
« Reply #12 on: November 07, 2003, 01:29:46 pm »

Ok, these are just tests of the basic hull texture and warp glows. Detailing will come later.
Just trying to figure out what coloration to go with for the whole fleet before I get too far in the process.

I've narrowed it down to these  two color schemes.
The first is based on the Taldren stock models and the second is based on a ZCV by Koth that I really liked.

Which do you like? All comments and opinions are welcome.

Edit: I should mention that these are Kreearg's meshes. I'm just doing the texturing.



Looks good either way   I like the red more though.

Rod O'neal

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Re: Mirak CVA Textures WIP: Comments Please
« Reply #13 on: November 07, 2003, 01:37:25 pm »
Well, So far it's unanimous. I like the darker color too.  


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Re: Mirak CVA Textures WIP: Comments Please
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2003, 01:46:29 pm »

Pataflafla, If you go with the ZCVA textures that would work great with bringing the Kzinti at War Refit Spacedock into the picture. As a suggestion, I think the ZCVA you have shown would be the perfect standard to base the new Kzinti you are doing on. Stick with the way you have the primary hull textures and paste/blend the Taldren textures for the bridge part of the hull. And if I may say so I don't think the blue illumination for the drone racks is working. I would think that if that shows illumination then it should look something like a lit crew deck working behing the drone launch tubes. Just an opinion.

And thanks for the effort in pulling together the Kzinti!  

Fluf, As I mentioned above, the Kzinti you are showing are from War Refit Spacedock.    

Thanks Rougue, and yes I finally found my link to the War Refit Spacedock.  I really like John Stones textures on these ships.
I agree the blue drone racks are kinda cheesy, but it does add a splash of color in during battle lol.  I was thinking of changing them anyway.

I also like alot of James Formo's work with some of the Kzin ships.


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Re: Mirak CVA Textures WIP: Comments Please
« Reply #15 on: November 07, 2003, 02:49:29 pm »

Looks good either way   I like the red more though.  

Yep, I think we're gonna go with the brick red hull and the purple nacelle glow. I may reprise the
Taldren color scheme a little on the X Mirak/Kzinti, but that's after I finish the regular fleet.

As for the missiles, I already had something cool in mind for that. Don't worry.........they won't glow blue.

I'm not going for the tie dyed look. A missile rack or a phaser port should look basically the same from race
to race. Mirak don't grow there ships like Vorlons or something like that. So I don't want these ships to look like that.
I'm approaching it like its a metal-hulled ship constructed much the same as a Fed, Rom or Klingon starship. Things like
vents, shield grid lines, impulse exhausts should still be present.........unless they are actually using some radically different
technology. But everything I've read so far suggests they are using run of the mill TMP tech.

The trick is to balance the look of machinery with a distinctive race look. I don't want it to look like a brick red Fed ship. lol
I've already proven I can texture Feds.

I've got gigs tonight and tomorrow. Might not get back to this much until Sunday night.



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Re: Mirak CVA Textures WIP: Comments Please
« Reply #16 on: November 07, 2003, 03:07:00 pm »
oooooo Great Stuff!!!!  


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Re: Mirak CVA Textures WIP: Comments Please
« Reply #17 on: November 07, 2003, 04:39:27 pm »

Yep, I think we're gonna go with the brick red hull and the purple nacelle glow. I may reprise the
Taldren color scheme a little on the X Mirak/Kzinti, but that's after I finish the regular fleet.

As for the missiles, I already had something cool in mind for that. Don't worry.........they won't glow blue.

I'm not going for the tie dyed look. A missile rack or a phaser port should look basically the same from race
to race. Mirak don't grow there ships like Vorlons or something like that. So I don't want these ships to look like that.
I'm approaching it like its a metal-hulled ship constructed much the same as a Fed, Rom or Klingon starship. Things like
vents, shield grid lines, impulse exhausts should still be present.........unless they are actually using some radically different
technology. But everything I've read so far suggests they are using run of the mill TMP tech.

The trick is to balance the look of machinery with a distinctive race look. I don't want it to look like a brick red Fed ship. lol
I've already proven I can texture Feds.

I've got gigs tonight and tomorrow. Might not get back to this much until Sunday night.


I like the plans you have and highly agree with the form follows function design philosophy. I've seen and use your models and have a good idea about just how good these are going to be.

From what I have been able to collect for the Kzinti the hulls that I think are missing is the CVL, HDW, BB and a small freighter. Actualy if you can come up with a proper Kzinti tug, Firesoul's MTT would serve wonderfuly for a small freighter and the MTT. The Tug he made from the Taldren CVA doesn't look very convincing, IMHO. The NCA would be nice but if you are only using the Taldren specs there is only one NCA in it. Of all things I have never seen is a compatable battleship made for the Kzinti. And you know how people like to fly a BB occasionaly.

Sorry to have repeated this about what I think the principal missing designs are but I'm really jonesing for a couple of them...   SFC junkie that I am.  

Again, thanks for tackling these much wanted starships.      
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Rogue »


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Re: Mirak CVA Textures WIP: Comments Please
« Reply #18 on: November 08, 2003, 11:19:23 am »
Oh ya!!! We got impulse drive baby!!

Rogue, as for the rest of the fleet:  In addition to the ZCV I'm texturing right now, Kreearg has already sent me meshes for the ZCL, ZDD, ZFF, ZCA and ZFX.
He also has the ZBB, ZDN, ZFA and another ZCV in the works. His meshes are all variations on this theme and I will texture
them all basically alike. So, I think your request is taken care of............once I finish texturing, that is. I'm rather slow at it.




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Re: Mirak CVA Textures WIP: Comments Please
« Reply #19 on: November 08, 2003, 11:31:48 am »
Yeah, BABY!!! No, no, no,...I'M slow; you're just out of practice. See what happens when ya take a break? Takes forever to get back up to speed. But, you are still one of the masters.  


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Re: Mirak CVA Textures WIP: Comments Please
« Reply #20 on: November 08, 2003, 11:33:41 am »
Dude, you are my official SFC hero for the time being. I just got finished reducing WZ45's FDN Directorate down to a lean 3.86 megabytes of dreadnought fun and am looking over the Kzinti for reassignment. I am so happy that they are getting some more designs to work with. Take your time and have fun with pulling this stuff together.

Even if I do have a copy of 3DsMax, I can't work it anyway. Much less paint textures worth looking at. This means I'm dependant on people like you that can do this stuff well. (ie, thanks   )  

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Mirak CVA Textures WIP: Comments Please
« Reply #21 on: November 08, 2003, 11:39:23 am »
Nice work Pataflafla! BTW that planet render in the background continues to elude my skills at making it into a planet.



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Re: Mirak CVA Textures WIP: Comments Please
« Reply #22 on: November 08, 2003, 01:09:14 pm »
KF, I didn't render that planet. It's a wallpaper from god knows where. I'd guess its a render of that Endor
model you can download all over the net. I think I got my copies of the Star Wars planets at Star Trek Australia.
I've tried a few planet renders, but I have a hell of a time positioning lights (because I never studied it) and I can't map a
starfield on the inside of a huge sphere right (never really worked on it much I guess).

I can definitely plop a nice background in with the environment dialog. lol That's within my skill set.

Rogue, I'm dependant on other people making meshes for me to texture. I can work max a technician, not as an
artist. Finding strange artifacts in a mesh and correcting them at the sub-object level is easy. Cutting a mesh up into elements
for UV mapping is easy. Even precise placement of textures is easy, but everytime I try to mesh something from scratch it
ends up looking like one of Jerry's kids got into to the Legos box!! lol

That's why my site is full of retextures and a few original models that other people meshed. I can think in 3d, but I can't be
creative in 3d. My artistic ability is limited to playing drums (which I do for a living) and drawing textures.

BTW, I've changed the impulse to a purple. I decided that while the red looked good it just clashed with the warps.

I'm detailing the nacelles right now. I'll post some pics of them later. Kreearg designed some excellent warp engines. Lots of
cool texturing stuff to be done with them.




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Re: Mirak CVA Textures WIP: Comments Please
« Reply #23 on: November 08, 2003, 03:19:21 pm »
I'm glad you're enjoying working on those. And I am overjoyed that they're getting done!